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Genetic Programming. Genetic programming (GP) is an automated method for creating a working computer program from a high-level problem statement of a problem.
Genetic Programming Genetic programming (GP) is an automated method for creating a working computer program from a high-level problem statement of a problem. The evolutionary search uses the Darwinian principle of natural selection (survival of the fittest) and analogs of various naturally occurring operations. Pyramid Search Method
Wasted Computation Due To Early Convergence • Early Convergence : The optimal solutions can not be found for some runs even after millions of evaluations, thus enormous amount of computer resources are wasted for runs hunting around the suboptimal. • The graph demonstrates that many runs do not find a solution in a symbolic regression problem. One of big problems in genetic programming is the early convergence, which causes waste. Pyramid Search Method
Avoiding Waste by Pyramid Method The pyramid method proposed in this paper saves. It smartly allows runs breaking through local optima to the solution. It is tested in the following four problems. MAX Prob. 5 Even Parity Symbolic Regression Object Detection Pyramid Search Method
What is the Pyramid Method ? A number of populations are initialised and independently evolved for a number of generations at which point the worst performing populations are discarded. This evolve/discard process is continued until the problem is solved or one population remains. pyramid(np,ps,pr,ng) np Number of populations ps Population Size pr Pruning ratio, Fraction of remaining populations to remove ng Number of Generations between prunings Initialise np populations of size ps popsleft = np Until problem solved or a single population remains do Evolve each population for ng generations Remove the round(pr*popsleft) least fit populations popsleft = popsleft-round(pr/popsleft) end do If problem not solved then continue evolving single population until problem solved or maximum evaluations is reached Pyramid Search Method
Why the Pyramid Method Works ? • Kills bad runs earlier • Auto detects bad ones by comparison • Maintains divergence • Easy for parallel processing A variant of multiple runs It Saves Your Time, Resources, etc. Why not use it ? Pyramid Search Method
Questions Pyramid Search Method
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