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Rochelle Togo-Figa The Breakthrough Strategist Sales Business Coach, Speaker and Trainer

A Bit About Me?. Specialize in sales coaching and trainingCreator of The Inner Game of SalesTM and Sales Breakthrough SystemTMAuthor of Sell Without the Slick, sales self-study manual 23 years in sales, 14 years as a sales trainer

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Rochelle Togo-Figa The Breakthrough Strategist Sales Business Coach, Speaker and Trainer

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    2. A Bit About Me… Specialize in sales coaching and training Creator of The Inner Game of SalesTM and Sales Breakthrough SystemTM Author of Sell Without the Slick, sales self-study manual 23 years in sales, 14 years as a sales trainer & sales coach My story….

    3. How are you reacting to the economic climate? Pulling back on marketing your business Not marketing your business Not selling your services Afraid to spend any money Hoping things will change quickly Spending cautiously Pulling the sheets over your head!

    4. What successful business owners are doing… Never stop marketing and selling Market and sell even more Learn new ways to market and sell Think outside the box Stay visible Remain positive no matter what!

    5. Your Sales Marketing Pie

    6. Networking Networking is one of the fastest ways to get a lot of people to know you, like you and trust you. Go where your ideal client goes Networking groups they attend Associations they belong to Non-professional groups they belong to Newsletters and magazines they read

    7. Networking Groups Weekly networking groups Business Network International (www.bni.com) “Le Tip” (www.letip.com) Professional Associations Chambers of Commerce Toastmasters (www.toastmasters.org) Board of Directors Rotary Club, Lions Club, Elks Club Social Clubs: Investment, Country, Tennis

    8. Speaking Speaking to groups is one of the best ways to become known. Specialist in your field Instant credibility Vast exposure More efficient

    9. Speaking Venues In-person For yourself or pre-formed groups Fee or no fee On the phone Teleseminars Interviews with strategic partners Online Webinars

    10. Workshops/Teleclasses Access to reaching groups who see you as the expert. Interested in learning more about your service or product. Live workshops & Teleseminars On your own (www.teleclass.com) Collaborate with a strategic partner

    11. Irresistible Offers Offer “free” rich & valuable content Know-Like-Trust Factor Seen as the expert Establish credibility Irresistible Offers… Free Online Newsletter Special Reports Tips Checklist Audio CD or downloadable audio Talks and Teleclasses

    12. Programs & Products Create your own step-by-step system Recycle existing material Record and transcribe your group events into products Package into programs and products Massive passive online revenue stream

    13. The Follow-Up 80% of sales opportunities are lost due to lack of follow-up Prospects who say “no” now will make a buying decision within 12 months Selling is establishing a long-term business relationship

    14. Benefits of Follow Up One of the most effective and inexpensive ways to increase your business dramatically. Prospects who do not buy short-term usually make a purchase within 12 months. When they’re ready, it’s with the person who stays in touch. You’re creating a relationship over time.

    15. Here’s The BIG One…. It may take at least 7-10 follow-ups to close the sale!

    16. Follow Up Tips F/U within 24 hours Hand-written notes Send Out Cards (www.sendoutcards.com/27721) Send “Soft Touch Base” emails Send Testimonials Keep in touch during and after Write ezine (www.constantcontact.com) Thank them after Customer Appreciation Lunch Remember special days Special Themes Habit of persistence Don’t get stopped by “No”

    17. Closing the Sale

    18. Steps leading to the Close Develop Rapport Invite Prospect to speak first Ask qualifying questions (How, Why, When, and What) Listen and Play back Handle Objections Summarize the Prospect’s Needs

    19. Steps leading to the Close 7. Present your Background 8. Make the Recommendation 9. Tie Back to the Benefits 10. Ask for Agreement (How does that sound?) 11. Closing Questions and Next Steps

    20. Listen and Play Back Prospect: Gives you information – the Facts You: “Plays back” the facts to Prospect “Playing back” means rephrasing what Prospect has said

    21. 20/80 Rule The Business Owner speaks 20% of the time The Prospect speaks 80% of the time That means your job is to listen more and talk less

    22. Why Play Back? Stay on track Clarify and summarize Generate more information by showing you’re listening Prospect feels heard Use a lead-in phrase

    23. Lead-In Phrases “So, what you’re saying is…” “If I understand you correctly…” “Let me see if I have this…” “In other words…” “What I’m hearing is….” “Sounds like you want…” “I sense this is important to you”

    24. Advantages of Play Back Confirms you are clear on what the prospect’s challenges & issues are. Triggers more information to use. Shows you are genuinely listening to them. Builds trust and rapport.

    25. Let’s see if you really listen!

    26. The Close 50% of all sales calls end without asking for some sort of commitment to the next step!

    27. Making the recommendation… Summarize the prospect’s needs “Based on what you said, it sounds like you’re interested in…” Make your recommendation “Here’s what I recommend….” (Optional) Present options “You can select …., or you can go with …” Tie back the benefits to the prospect’s needs “This will help you …………. that you said earlier is important to you.” Get agreement “How does that sound?”

    28. Closing Questions Examples of closing questions “Shall I draw up a contract?” “Is there anyone else involved in the decision-making process?” “Would you like to sign up?” “Is my recommendation acceptable?” “Shall I finalize the details?” “How soon do you want to get started?” “What will it take for you to do business with us?”

    29. Ask & then Shut Up! Ask “closing questions”, and then be quiet Don’t speak until your prospect answers you The first person to speak, LOSES!

    30. Next Steps Ask “Closing” questions Confirm next steps that you and prospect will take Connect next steps to the calendar

    31. The Inner Game of Sales

    32. Your thoughts create your reality You can be in action until you’re blue in the face If you don’t believe, nothing will change What you think and speak creates your reality

    33. Self-Sabotaging Beliefs They won’t pay for this I don’t know enough I’m not enough They’ll find out I’m a fraud I don’t have the right personality to succeed I’m a failure I can’t do this I’m not worth this I can’t have it all Who would want what I offer? I have nothing to offer I can’t compete I’m not good at sales I’m not good at marketing I’ll never succeed I’m not good at what I do I’m not ready yet I’ll get overwhelmed if I have too many clients They’re better than me I don’t have what it takes I’m not motivated enough I must discount to have clients I have to work hard to succeed I can’t afford to get help

    34. Barriers to Your Success Inner Voice Fears Past-based experiences Limiting thoughts

    35. Your thoughts create your reality

    36. Reframing Limiting Thoughts Limiting thought “I’m not good at this.” Reframe the limiting thought “I have an excellent product, provide extraordinary service, and my prospects like me.” Ask yourself if that new statement is truer than the original thought

    37. Your thoughts create your reality “Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a clear and vividly imagined experience and a real experience.” David Cameron Gikandi Happy Pocketful of Money

    38. YOU are the author of YOUR LIFE! Make the commitment and eliminate the excuses. No one stops you…only you stop you. What have you been unwilling to do because of a “fear”? Ask yourself “Is this a real fear or a self-imposed fear?” Reframe the limiting thought. Then TAKE ACTION!

    39. What action steps are you going to take away today?

    40. FREE Preview Teleseminar Series starts on April 7th highlighting LIVE June Event “The Inner Game of Sales” Workshop (June 25-27). Sign up at http://tinyurl.com/igspreview FREE Audio CD “The 9-Best Kept Secrets to Exploding Your Sales” at www.SalesBreakthroughs.com The Inner Game of Sales FREE online newsletter, sign up at www.SalesBreakthroughs.com

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