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I am ALIVE! REAL Assignment Directions: Find captured images (photos) from the movie ALIVE . You can Google “ Andes Disaster ” Place the photo on a slide and develop ONE full Spanish sentence to match the scene. Be SHORT, SWEET, and SIMPLE (like my wife) = JK!
I am ALIVE! • REAL Assignment • Directions: • Find captured images (photos) from the movie ALIVE. You can Google “Andes Disaster” • Place the photo on a slide and develop ONE full Spanish sentence to match the scene. Be SHORT, SWEET, and SIMPLE (like my wife) = JK! • Use your old lists, too! Duh!? • Each sentence should contain at least 2 structures from this unit.
Structures Articles Verbs: TO GO Present tense AR Verbs Present tense ER/IR Verbs Class and weekdaywords Ordinal Numbers
Articles • In English, wehave1 definitearticle, THE, whichreferstospecificthings (theboy, theidiots). • Wealsohaveindefinitearticles, A and AN, whichrefertoone of thosethingsin general (aboy, someidiots). • 4 definitearticlesand they match thenoun: • Elavión–THEplaneLamontaña– THEmountain • Losaviones–THEplanesLasmontañas– THE mountains • Indefinitearticlesalsohave4 forms: • Unpiloto– Apilot Una persona – Aperson • Unospilotos–SOMEpilotsUnaspersonas – Somepeople
TheVerb IR (togo) • Use theverbIRtosayGOorGOESorIS GOING • Theforms are: • Voy, vas, va, vamos, van • Use Afor “to” • IfyousayA + ELitbecomesAL • Nandovaal avión con sus amigos. ExamplefromALIVE: • Los amigos van a Chile en un avión. • Thefriendsgoto Chile in a plane.
Presenttense AR/ER/IR verbs • Verbs are theactionorpowerwordsin a sentence; they describe whatsomeoneisdoing. • In Spanish, verbsmustbechanged(conjugated) to match theperson(subject) usingtheverb. • Thereisnice, easypatterntothesechanges (conjugations) of theverb. • Simplymemorizethepattern in ordertoconjugateverbs. • Remember: YOU MUST CHANGE THE VERBS TO MATCH THE SUBJECT!
Patternfor AR Verbs: • ToconjugateARverbs, youmustfirsttaketheSTEM of theverb. • Thestem of any AR verbistheINFINITIVEminus AR (theinfinitiveisthestem + AR). • HABLAR = infinitivemeaning “tospeak” • TheSTEM of HABLAR HABL • Once youhavethestem of theverb, simplyaddtheendingthat match eachsubject. Yo = OI pray= Yo rezo. Tú = AS Youpray = Tú rezas. Él / Ella / Usted = AHe/Shepray s= reza. Nosotros (as)= AMOSWepray = rezamos. Ellos / ellas / Uds. = ANThey/Youallpray= rezan.
PatternforER/IR verbs • ToconjugateER or IRverbs, youmustfirsttaketheSTEM of theverb. • Thestem of anyER or IRverbistheINFINITIVEminusER or IR(theinfinitiveisthestem + ER or IR). • VIVIR = infinitivemeaning “tolive” • TheSTEM of VIVIR VIV • Once youhavethestem of theverb, simplyaddtheendingthat match eachsubject. Yo = O I live = Yo vivo. Tú = ESYoulive = Tú vives. Él / Ella / Usted = E He/Shelives = Vive. Nosotros(as)=EMOS/IMOSWelive= Vivimos. Ellos / ellas / Uds. = ENThey/Youalllive = Viven.
Classand WeekdayWords • Use class (una materia) and weekdayvocabularywordsto describe whenyouhaveclasses. • Use ELorLOS in front of thedays of theweek in orderto mean “On” • Examples: • El viernes ellos van a Chile. • On Friday theygoto Chile. • Los martes y miércoles ellos tienen la clase de historia. • OnTuesdays and WednesdaystheyhaveHistoryclass.
UsingOrdinal Numbers • Ordinal Numbers describe numbersin order(orSequence) • Thewordsprimero + tercerolose the “O” before a masculine, singular noun. • El primercadáver… • All ordinal #s changethe “o” toan “a” to match a singular, femininenounfollowingthe #. • La terceravíctima… • Ordinal Numbers (FirstthroughTenth) 1st = Primero 6th = Sexto 2nd = Segundo 7th = Séptimo 3rd = Tercero 8th = Octavo 4th = Cuarto 9th = Noveno 5th = Quinto 10th = Décimo
Amigos / Viajar / Futbol / Deporte / Jugar a los deportes Los amigos viajan a Chile.
VIVIR / Blanco / Negro / Gris / Triste Unas personas viven en un avión.