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Ch.2 Overview

Ch.2 Overview. Mrs. Brooke Lubin Economics Bolton High School. Monday, August 19 th , 2013. Friday: completed the Ch.2 overview & Ch.2 “ reading ” quiz Today: Check Ch.2 overview & discussion BELL: Ch.2 QQs Tuesday: Ch.1 & 2 review presentations!!!! Wednesday: Ch.1 & 2 TEST!!!

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Ch.2 Overview

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  1. Ch.2 Overview Mrs. Brooke Lubin Economics Bolton High School

  2. Monday, August 19th, 2013 • Friday: completed the Ch.2 overview & Ch.2 “reading” quiz • Today: Check Ch.2 overview & discussion • BELL: Ch.2 QQs • Tuesday: Ch.1 & 2 review presentations!!!! • Wednesday: Ch.1 & 2 TEST!!! • Are you working on your CFA1??? You SHOULD be able to complete it. It is due Wednesday August 28th, but you can turn it in when completed-separate sheet of paper with your name and period.

  3. Friday, August 16th, 2013 • Finish Chapter 2 overview-to be checked Monday • Exit ticket: Ch.2 “reading” quiz • *Makeup work: on your own. YOU know what YOU are missing. Make it up, please. • Be working on your CFA1, due August 28th. • Group chapter review presentations begin next week…GET EXCITED! • You’re welcome to check out a book, show me the book number and give me your name so I can record it. When you return it, show me.

  4. Monday, January 14th, 2013 • Due today: Ch.2 QQs-to be checked • BELL: WSJ podcast-3 summary statements • discussion about Economic Systems and Decision Making • https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=eIzkUrXWhCo&NR=1 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtOtV-gE3YQ • Rest of the Ch.2 QQs • This week: • Ch.1 and 2 review presentations, • TEST Thursday, • CFAs due Friday!

  5. Friday, January 11th, 2013 • BELL: Ch.2 QQs • Chapter 2 “reading” quiz • Begin discussion about Economic Systems and Decision Making • https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=eIzkUrXWhCo&NR=1 • Reminders about next week: • First TEST Chapters 1 & 2 • First chapter presentations • CFA1 due next Friday

  6. Tuesday, August 20th, 2013 • Due today: Ch.2 QQs. To check or not to check. • Presentations today. If you talk while they are presenting, YOUR grade will suffer (two points at a time). Please make sure to read the rubric on your syllabus to see what exactly is required. Clean up trash (please)! • Chapter 1 & 2 TEST tomorrow! • You are welcome to check out a book-show me the number, then again when you return the book. • All text presentations are on my teacher webpage.

  7. Ch.2 Sec.3 QQ • Name the five characteristics of capitalism. • What is another term for a modified private enterprise economy? • Why are entrepreneurs important in a free enterprise economy? • How do consumers exercise their power in the American economy? • What “roles” does the government play in the US?

  8. Ch.2 Sec.1 QQ • What are three strengths of a market economy? • What are three weaknesses of a command economy? • Name examples of societies with traditional economies. • What type of economy recently collapsed in the communist bloc countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union? • What sort of economy would you most likely find “a teenage girl deciding how to spend the extra money she earned working overtime”?

  9. Ch.2 Sec.2 QQ • Name the eight economic and social goals. • Why are economic goals important? • Give an example of economic growth… • Why is economic growth an important goal of the US? • What is an example of a trade off between economic and social goals?

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