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“Impressive”. Evidence. Presentation developed by T. Trimpe 2007 http://sciencespot.net. What is a Tool?. A tool is… a device that does mechanical work. an object used to gain a mechanical advantage. the harder of two objects when the softer is marked. What is a tool mark?.
“Impressive” Evidence Presentation developed by T. Trimpe 2007 http://sciencespot.net
What is a Tool? • A tool is… a device that does mechanical work. an object used to gain a mechanical advantage. the harder of two objects when the softer is marked.
What is a tool mark? • A tool mark is any impression, cut, gouge or abrasion caused when a tool comes into contact with another object. • Tool mark impressions are often found at burglary scenes that involve forcible entry.
Comparing Indented Impressions • Indented impressions are the result of the prying action of a crowbar or screwdriver. • These impressions have class characteristics, but are rarely individualized. • In order to individualize the evidence, the tool needs to have nicks/cuts in the surface that are visible in the impression.
Tool Striations • Like firearms, metal tools have striations created during the manufacturing process. • These microscopic irregularities are unique to the tool. Therefore, it is unlikely that any two tools are identical. • If the tool impressions contains these striations, the examiner will use a comparison microscope to compare the tool and impression.
What is impression evidence? Impression evidence can be defined as objects or materials that have retained the characteristics of other objects through direct contact. Impressions are created when one object is pressed against another material with enough force to leave an impression of the object. Shoeprints, tool marks,tire tracks, bite marks, and marks on a fired bullet are several examples of impression evidence. Impressions may be found in or on many different types of materials. The quality of the impression depends on the object making the impressionandthesurface conditions, such as how hard or soft it is and what type of material it is (soil, mud, dust, concrete, grass, skin, etc.) CSI & Impressions Images: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/6/61/20070917141644!Shoeprint(forensic).jpg and http://www.topmark.co.nz/images/content/tmpics01/gallery-s/SilipressionTeethMold.jpg
Collection Methods Investigators analyze the impression evidence to find unique characteristics to link shoes, tires, tools, and other objects found in a suspect’s possession to evidence at a crime scene. Collection of impression evidence can be accomplished using several methods: 2-D: This type of impression is documented using photography. Some impressions may be dusted with fingerprint powder to be photographed or lifted with tape. They may also be collected using an electrostatic dust lifting process. 3-D: This type of impression can be documented using photography as well as by casting, which involves using dental stone or a similar substance to preserve the dimensional characteristics of the print. Example of Shoe Print in Bio-Foam Impression Foam Images: http://www.evidentcrimescene.com/cata/cast/dscasting.html
Tire Track Evidence • Tire tracks are important in forensic investigations and are usually found in road accident scenes or in the access and escape routes of other crime scenes. Tracks help investigators identify the type of vehicle that left them. Investigators may make ink prints of a tire or plaster casts of a track. They will also take photographs that can later be used to prove a match. • Features to analyze: • Tread pattern • Width & depth of the tread pattern • Unique characteristics due to the wear pattern or defects Tire databases are available help investigators determine the brand and model of the tire that left the impression , which can be used to determine the type of vehicle that made the tracks. Images: http://www.suite101.com/view_image.cfm/454216, http://www.ronsmithandassociates.com/FWTTS.htm.
Tool Mark Evidence Certain defects or patterns may be left on a tool when it is made or used, which can be used to find matches between evidence at a crime scene and tools or objects found at a suspect’s home. • Tool marks can be classified two ways: • Impressions – As a tool hits a softer surface, the shape of the tool and imperfections in its surface may be left behind as an impression. • Scratches – As a tool moves across a surface, it may leave ridges or striations behind. • NOTE: Some tool marks are a combination of both types. • Features to analyze: • Dimensions of the impression • Ridges or striation patterns • Defects, such as nicks and chips • Paint chips or metal shards left on a tool Images: http://geradts.com/html/Documents/structured_files/image004.jpg and http://www.maine.gov/dps/msp/criminal_investigation/crimelab/images/toolmarks1.jpg
Shoe Print Evidence • Investigators can analyze a shoe print to determine its class, or the type and brand of shoe. They will also look for individual characteristics, such as wear patterns and specific damages or defects. • Databases of shoe prints are available for investigators to help them determine the brand of shoe to provide leads for a case. • Depending on the quality of the impression, investigators may be able to determine a person’s speed (walking vs. running) as well as estimate the size of a person based on the impression’s depth. • Features to analyze: • Tread patterns, size, and depth • Wear patternscaused by the way a person walks • Material defects or damage (nicks, cuts, etc.) • Other trace materials, such as soil, tar, rocks, and paint that would indicate where a person has been STAMP Database Shoe Print in Bio-Foam Impression Foam Images: http://www.stampmatch.com/results.html and http://www.fosterfreeman.com/products/shoeprints/solemate/solemate.html
Comparing the Impressions • A comparison is only possible if the suspected item is recovered. • Individualized characteristics may be found if the shoe/tire tread has imperfections that are captured on the impression. • Databases for both shoe and tire tread are maintained by the FBI.
Bite Mark Evidence • Investigators can analyze bite marks for characteristics to help them identify victims or suspects as well as to exclude others. Marks can be left on a victim’s skin or other objects, such as Styrofoam cups, gum, or foods. Saliva or blood may be left behind that can be tested for DNA. Dental records including x-rays can also provide useful information, especially when attempting to identify a victim. • Features to analyze: • Type of bite mark (human or animal) • Characteristicsof the teeth (position, evidence of dental work, wear patterns, etc.) • Color of area to estimate how long ago the bite occurred (old or recent bite) • Swab for body fluids for DNA tests Bite Mark Evidence Video Did you know? The most famous incident where bite mark evidence led to a conviction, was in the case of the notorious serial killer, Ted Bundy. He was responsible for an undetermined number of murders between 1973 and 1978 and was finally tied to the murder of Lisa Levy through bites that he had inflicted on her body. Images: http://www.forensicdentistryonline.org/Forensic_pages_1/currentopic1.htm, http://www.trestonedental.co.uk/images/0303.jpg
It’s time to investigate some “impressive” evidence! Image: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/442696