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Poster Presentation for the Sciences

Learn the key elements and strategies for creating an impactful scientific poster presentation, attracting audience attention and effectively conveying your research findings. Download slides at christopherteh.com/poster-presentation.ppt

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Poster Presentation for the Sciences

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Poster Presentation for the Sciences by Christopher Teh Boon Sung, Ph.D. Fac. of Agriculture, UPM christopherteh.com christeh@yahoo.com Tel: 03-89474858

  2. You can download these slides from: • www.christopherteh.com/poster-presentation.ppt

  3. What is a scientific poster? • Highlights key results and findings at a scientific conference or seminar • concise and direct presentation of information • Not a reproduction of your research paper or thesis! • Should be understandable just by reading your poster and without needing you or anyone else to explain

  4. http://www.cityu.edu.hk/ap/nru/AndyPoster.JPG http://www.utar.edu.my/images/H&A/BestPost.jpg

  5. http://www.utar.edu.my/images/CorporateNews/NPFASS02_640X480.jpghttp://www.utar.edu.my/images/CorporateNews/NPFASS02_640X480.jpg http://www.manipal.edu/institutions/medicine/mmmcmanipal/publishingimages/gallery/09oct2012gal13.jpg

  6. Benefits of poster presentation: • allow one-to-one interaction with people regarding your work • people can have more time to go through your work than during an oral presentation

  7. http://research.utar.edu.my/CBR/activities/A12.JPG https://fbcdn-photos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/t1.0-0/q71/c0.79.960.562/s480x480/1932229_599526896789896_1749304186_n.jpg

  8. Who are your audience? • Conference venue usually crowded and noisy • People can be distracted • many other posters there too http://www.ithaca.edu/depts/g/NCUR_Poster_Presentations/38801_full.jpg

  9. Your poster should immediately attract your audience to approach closer and read about your work • You have 30 seconds to attract readers! • Strategies: • Use a statement, photograph, or diagram as a focal point • Provide a clear flow of information from introduction to conclusion • Focus on key/selected major findings – not everything you did during your research! • Text should be concise that can be completely read within 10 minutes

  10. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/322/1/1/scientific_poster_by_nabuy-d333ria.jpghttp://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/322/1/1/scientific_poster_by_nabuy-d333ria.jpg

  11. http://www.pices.int/meetings/annual/Pices13/BestPresent_2004/ppt_best_2004/KS_PICES2004.pnghttp://www.pices.int/meetings/annual/Pices13/BestPresent_2004/ppt_best_2004/KS_PICES2004.png

  12. Organize your information • Title of poster • Author(s) and affiliations • especially the contact/corresponding person • email, telephone number • Introduction • Research problem • Justification of work • Research questions • Objectives • Hypothesis (expected results)

  13. Materials and methods • brief description of procedures and analyses • experimental design / field layout • sampling location and frequency • sample size • what was collected/measured/observed • Results and discussion • Analysis • Findings • Explain the results (i.e., give reasons for observed results)

  14. Conclusion • not a summary of work • answering your objectives • References • Acknowledgements • research grant • individuals who helped you

  15. Preparing your poster • Determine the maximum poster size • The conference organizers will inform you and provide basic guidelines for poster presentation • Unfortunately, in conferences/seminars, posters can only be pinned on the board if the posters are in portrait mode • sometimes this information is not told to presenters

  16. http://www.csbio.org/Poster_Photo_2012.jpg

  17. http://vertpaleo.org/PDFS/62/6293ff4b-5671-4993-a5b4-1ec0227d714c.jpghttp://vertpaleo.org/PDFS/62/6293ff4b-5671-4993-a5b4-1ec0227d714c.jpg

  18. Preparing your poster • Use software applications like PowerPoint to prepare poster • Change the page size to the desired size • Use Zoom feature to work on your poster • Where are you going to print the poster? • Find out what is the maximum size the printer can handle http://octet1.csr.oberlin.edu/wp/OCTET/files/2012/07/win_pagesetup.png

  19. Check if the printer in your department can print the desired poster size http://www.nursing.vcu.edu/education/technology/images/posterPrinterPic.jpg

  20. Title • Pick a good title • concise and accurate title • Most prominent feature • titles will often make people decide if to read the poster • Avoid use of ALL CAPS in titles

  21. Layout • Landscape • Divide into 2 or more columns (not necessary to have equal widths) • Portrait • May also be divided into 2 or more columns • Have clear discernable sections or blocks of text • Easy, clear, and smooth flow or orientation of text • Easy to read • Use blank spaces for clear demarcations • Do not crowd/cram the text and pictures

  22. http://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/csb_poster_06-14-05.pnghttp://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/csb_poster_06-14-05.png

  23. https://instaar.colorado.edu/uploads/people/471/cole_and_all_hmgwp_2013.jpghttps://instaar.colorado.edu/uploads/people/471/cole_and_all_hmgwp_2013.jpg

  24. http://www.larch.umd.edu/news/Images/Bioscience_SF_2003_poster.gifhttp://www.larch.umd.edu/news/Images/Bioscience_SF_2003_poster.gif

  25. http://www.reiher.ethz.ch/talks_posters/posters/modetrack.jpghttp://www.reiher.ethz.ch/talks_posters/posters/modetrack.jpg

  26. http://www.materials.ox.ac.uk/uploads/images/news/SETposter2.jpghttp://www.materials.ox.ac.uk/uploads/images/news/SETposter2.jpg

  27. http://carlsbad.health.unm.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/GZK_SmartGraph_poster_SRD_CUP_portrait_Small.pnghttp://carlsbad.health.unm.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/GZK_SmartGraph_poster_SRD_CUP_portrait_Small.png

  28. http://www.evidencelive.org/sites/default/files/posters/images/2013-poster-charalampopoulos-d.pnghttp://www.evidencelive.org/sites/default/files/posters/images/2013-poster-charalampopoulos-d.png

  29. http://www.marthabianco.com/Courses/Cities/Present/Preparing%20the%20Presentation.htmhttp://www.marthabianco.com/Courses/Cities/Present/Preparing%20the%20Presentation.htm

  30. https://research.utep.edu/Portals/592/images/posters.jpg

  31. Colour Choose colour combinations that make reading and understanding your work easy Avoid “giddy” colours or combination of colours that make text “disappear” in the background colour http://www.ga.lsu.edu/Effective%20Poster%20Design%20for%20Academic%20Conferences.pdf

  32. http://www.makesigns.com/images/MakeSigns/SciPosters/tutorials/highcontrast-bad.jpghttp://www.makesigns.com/images/MakeSigns/SciPosters/tutorials/highcontrast-bad.jpg

  33. Background • Use cool, muted colours as background • Avoid bright and warm colours • Colours can be • solid • shaded/gradient • You can have pictures as the background • But can be risky as they tend to obscure text

  34. What do you think of this poster? http://www.andrewknight.info/publications/anim_expts_overall/sys_reviews/AK%20Sys%20rev%20ATLA%202007%2035(6)%20641-659%20poster%20A0.jpg

  35. http://d32ogoqmya1dw8.cloudfront.net/images/NAGTWorkshops/assess/wagner_poster.jpghttp://d32ogoqmya1dw8.cloudfront.net/images/NAGTWorkshops/assess/wagner_poster.jpg

  36. http://wipophealthfellows.blogspot.com

  37. http://staff.washington.edu/klaidre/docs/KL_mms99poster.jpg

  38. Figures, diagrams, and photos • All figures must have captions • Figures, in particular photographs, must be 300 DPI (dots-per-inch) • For charts, use Excel and a free add-in called XL toolbox to export hi-res charts • http://xltoolbox.sourceforge.net/

  39. Scale photos to at least 300 DPI

  40. XL Toolbox to create publication-ready charts

  41. Figures, diagrams, and photos Lost weight or grown taller ? Resize pictures using correct proportions (i.e., maintain same aspect ratio)

  42. Lettering • Title - >72 pt, BOLD • Section headings - >48 pt, BOLD • Body text – at least 24 pt • NO CAPS! ARE YOU ANGRY WITH YOUR RESEARCH? • Use conservative fonts • not exotic or cursive fonts which can make reading hard

  43. Looks nice, but no! http://lincnic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/fonts.jpg

  44. Use bulleted lists where possible instead of paragraphs Use italics instead of underlining Use dark or black coloured lettering on light background is easier to read when printed than light or white lettering on dark background http://uxmovement.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/reflectedlightontext.png

  45. Finishing touches • Proofread • check for mistakes in speling, gram;marand ForMatting • Glossy or matte paper? • Glossy • Photos appear clearer • Colours more vibrant • More durable • Expensive, glaring • Matte • No glare, less expensive • Colours less vibrant (more “flat”)

  46. Good sources of information • Effective poster design for academic conferences by Mary Lee Eggart • www.ga.lsu.edu/Effective%20Poster%20Design%20for%20Academic%20Conferences.pdf • Tips on poster presentations at professional conference by Scott W. Plunkett • www.csun.edu/plunk/documents/poster_presentation.pdf • Ten simple rules for a good poster presentation by Thomas C Erren and Philip E Bourne • www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1876493/

  47. Thank you

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