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Community ethnography study: Mary Todd elementary 5 th grade class. By: Kenzie Spring. demographics. Mary Todd is filled with a diverse group of children. There are 410 children enrolled for this school year.
Community ethnography study: Mary Todd elementary 5th grade class By: Kenzie Spring
demographics • Mary Todd is filled with a diverse group of children. • There are 410 children enrolled for this school year. • 157 kids are White, 154 are African-American, 82 Hispanic, 2 Asian, and 13 are of other races.
Purpose • I want to look deeper into this community to bring out the good in it. • I’m interested to see if the students are aware of their own community, the community I am looking at them from. • I want to find out if the rumors of this “poor” school are true. • Mainly, I want to branch out and learn something about myself as I am looking to find out more about this community of children and teachers.
Future research • I hope to learn why the teachers chose to teach there. • Do the kids like and appreciate the community? • What is it like to work with these children? • I want to learn more about the academics of this school. • Interested to see the point of view from a teacher perspective, student, and hopefully principal.
Mary Todd Schoolgoogle. Mary todd elementary school. 23 September 2013. https://www.google.com/search?q=lexington+KY+Mary+Todd+elementary+school&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=HU5CUt3QJPiu4APhtYGwBQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366 &bih=659&dpr=1#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=0IJXo3nR804MvM%3A%3BuZxv0nqwIe6MEM%3 Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fbrownkubican.net%252Fyahoo_site_admin%252Fassets%252Fima ges%252Fmary_todd_24x36.56102630_std.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fbrownkubican.ne t%252Feducational_institutional%3B800%3B533
5th grade classroom Spring, Erin. Mary todd elementary school. 17 September 2013. Photo.