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Object Modeling. Overview. Introduction Object transformations Lines Planes Spheres Polygonal objects Hierarchical modeling OpenGL details. Introduction. One step in the creation of a computer graphic image is the definition of the objects in the scene
Overview • Introduction • Object transformations • Lines • Planes • Spheres • Polygonal objects • Hierarchical modeling • OpenGL details
Introduction • One step in the creation of a computer graphic image is the definition of the objects in the scene • The shape of simple objects such as planes and spheres will be discussed in this chapter • More complex curved surfaces will be discussed in the next chapter
Transformations • Transformations are needed to: • Position objects defined relative to the origin • Build scenes based on hierarchies • Project objects from three to two dimensions • Transformations include: • Translation • Scaling • Rotation • Projections • Transformations can be represented by matrices and matrix multiplication
Homogeneous Coordinates • The three dimensional point (x, y, z) is represented by the homogeneous coordinate (x, y, z, 1) • Some transformations will alter this fourth component so it is no longer 1 • In general, the homogeneous coordinate (x, y, z, w) represents the three dimensional point (x/w, y/w, z/w)
Translations • The amount of the translation is added to or subtracted from the x, y, and z coordinates • In general, this is done with the equations: xn = x + tx yn = y + ty zn = z + tz • This can also be done with the matrix multiplication:
Scaling • Scaling increases or decreases the size of the object • Scaling occurs with respect to the origin • If the object is not centered at the origin, it will move in addition to changing size • In general, this is done with the equations: xn = sx * x yn = sy * y zn = sz * z • This can also be done with the matrix multiplication:
Scaling • Scaling can be done relative to the object center with a composite transformation • Scaling an object centered at (cx, cy, cz) is done with the matrix multiplication:
Rotation • Rotation can be done around any line or vector • Rotations are commonly specified around the x, y, or z axis • A positive angle of rotation results in a counterclockwise movement when looked at from the positive axis direction • When rotating around an axis, the coordinate from that axis will not change
Rotation • The matrix form for rotation around the x, y, and z axis are: • x axis • y axis • z axis
Order of Transformations • Matrix multiplication is not commutative so changing the order of transformation can change the result • For example, changing the order of a translation and a rotation produces a different result:
Projection • A projection transformation moves from three dimensions to two dimensions • Projections occur based on the viewpoint and the viewing direction • Projections move objects onto a projection plane • Projections are classified based on the direction of projection, the projection plane normal, the view direction, and the viewpoint • Two primary classifications are parallel and perspective
Parallel Projection • All projectors run parallel and in the viewing direction • Projecting onto the z = 0 plane along the z axis results in all z coordinates being set to zero
Parallel Projection • Parallel projection can be done with the matrix multiplication: • Parallel projections do not give visual clues as to distance (foreshortening)
Perspective Projection • The viewpoint is the center of projection for a perspective projection • With the viewpoint at the origin and the projection plane at z = d, a projector from (xO, yO, zO) intersects the plane d / zO along that line • The intersection point is (xO * d / zO, yO * d / zO, zO * d / zO)
Perspective Projection • In general, the intersection point is calculated by: xn = x * d / z yn = y * d / z zn = z * d / z = d • Homogeneous coordinates are needed to put this into matrix form:
Combining Transformations • Matrices can be multiplied together to accomplish multiple transformations with one matrix • A matrix is built with successive transformations occurring from right to left • A combination matrix is typically built from the identity matrix with each new transformation added by multiplying it on the left of the current combination
Lines • Not a significant component of scenes, but the basis for many parts of graphics • The parametric equation for a line from P0 to P1 is: L(t) = (1 – t) * P0 + t * P1 • As t takes on values from the range [0, 1], L(t) traces out the line between the two points • An alternative form for this equation is: L(t) = P0 + t * (P1 – P0) = P0 + t * v • Where v is the vector P1 – P0
Planes • A plane is defined by three points that are not co-linear • Graphics is concerned with finite patches of these infinite planes • Because the vertices of a triangular patch define the plane containing it, triangular patches are always planar • The parametric form for a triangular patch is: P(s, t) = (1 – s) * ((1 – t) * P0 + t * P1) + s * P2
Scan Converting a Triangular Patch • The parametric equation for the sides can be used to identify where each row of pixels crosses the patch • The orientation of the patch determines which edges get used for each part of the patch
Patch Rendering Problems • Patches with more than three vertices may not be planar making interpolation inaccurate • A better alternative is to break a larger patch into triangular pieces • Interpolation of a non-triangular patch can also depend on orientation
Patch Rendering Problems • A polygon is convex if a line connecting any two points inside the polygon is entirely in the polygon • Scan conversion algorithms assume convex polygons • Concave polygons can be broken down into convex pieces • Triangular patches are always convex
Spheres • Can be specified by giving the radius and the center location • Locations on the surface of the sphere are given by the equation: (x – xc)2 + (y – yc)2 + (z – zc)2 = r2 • Points on the silhouette of the sphere satisfy the equation: (x – xc)2 + (y – yc)2 = r2 • Locations within this circle can be plugged back into the sphere equation to find the z coordinate for the location • This process is very computationally expensive
Spheres • One improvement on this process uses the eight-way symmetry of a circle • Once one point on the circle has been found negating and swapping the values produces seven other values on the circle • Though this is faster, the overall process is still slow because of squaring and squareroots
Spheres • Bresenham produced an algorithm to determine locations on the perimeter of a circle with just increments and addition • This algorithm can also be used to identify the locations on the front surface of a sphere
Polygonal Objects • Objects with curved surfaces can be approximated with a collection of planar patches • These patch collections can come from: • A mathematical description of the surface • A digitized version of the real object
Polygon Meshes • Can be stored as an array of polygonal patches, but • There will be a lot of duplicated data • It is difficult to determine how patches are spatially related • Changed object properties must be propagated to all of the patches
Triangular Meshes • Data duplication can be reduced through the use of two lists, but patches still function independently • A vertex list will store each vertex and its properties once • A triangle list will give the index of the vertices for each patch
Winged-Edge Data Structure • Data structure is built on the concept of an edge • For each edge, the vertices, adjacent faces, and adjacent edges are stored
Level of Detail • How detailed should an object model be? • Level of Detail research uses human perception to answer this question • Objects that will be small in the scene or may be moving fast in an animation may need less detail (i.e., fewer larger patches)
Hierarchical Modeling • Objects are described in terms of their parts • The parts may be further defined in terms of subparts • Transformations can be applied to get subparts in the correct place and size within the part and the part in the correct place and size within the object
Hierarchical Modeling • Low-level objects can be reused in the definition of a hierarchical model
Scene Graphs • A scene graph is a type of hierarchical model • Scene graphs are used in Java 3D
Hierarchical Modeling • A stack of transformation matrices helps with hierarchical models • As the program moves down the hierarchy, the current transformation is pushed before the new transformation is added • As the program moves up the hierarchy, the top of the stack is used, which removes the transformations added lower in the hierarchy
OpenGL Coordinate Systems • OpenGL uses a right-handed coordinate system • The meaning of the coordinate values can vary by application • The range of visible coordinates is determined by calls to glOrtho and glFrustum
The Grand, Fixed Coordinate System • When transformations are given, they are applied to the local coordinate system of the object • If a sequence of transformations are envisioned to get an object into the correct position within a grand and fixed coordinate system, those transformations are specified in the reverse order in OpenGL
Transformation Matrices • OpenGL has two transformation matrices called the projection and model view matrices • Only one of those is manipulated at a time • glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) • glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) • The glLoadIdentity() routine initializes the current matrix to the identity
Transformations • The glRotatef and glRotated routines take four parameters: • The angle • The (x, y, z) values of the vector to rotate around • The glTranslatef and glTranslated routines take three parameters representing the x, y, and z translation amount • The glScalef and glScaled routines take three parameters representing the x, y, and z scale amount
Matrix Stacks • OpenGL has a stack for the projection and model view matrices • The projection matrix stack can hold at least two matrices • The model view matrix stack can hold at least 32 matrices • The glPushMatrix makes a copy of the the current matrix and pushed it onto the correct stack • The glPopMatrix removes the top matrix from the stack and makes that the current matrix
Simple Objects • Object vertices and their properties are specified between calls to glBegin and glEnd • The parameter to glBegin indicates what is being specified • GL_POINTS • GL_LINES, GL_LINE_STRIP, GL_LINE_LOOP • GL_POLYGON • GL_TRIANGLE, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, GL_TRIANGLE_FAN • GL_QUAD, GL_QUAD_STRIP
Points • The vertices specified between the begin and end are drawn as individual points
Lines • Pairs of vertices are used to draw separate lines for GL_LINES • Lines are drawn between every pair of vertices for GL_LINE_STRIP • A line is also drawn between the first and last vertex for a GL_LINE_LOOP • Any extra vertices are ignored
Polygons • The area surrounded by the lines defined by the vertices is drawn filled in based on other OpenGL parameters
Triangles • Each set of three vertices is drawn as a triangular polygon for GL_TRIANGLES • Each extra vertex adds a new triangular patch using the previous two vertices for GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP • The first vertex is used with each other pair of vertices for GL_TRIANGLE_FAN • Any extra vertices are ignored
Quads • Each set of four vertices is drawn as a four-sided patch for GL_QUADS • Each extra pair of vertices adds a new four-sided patch using the previous two vertices for GL_QUAD_STRIP • Any extra vertices are ignored
GLUT Objects • The GLUT provides routines to draw a set of objects • glutWireSphere and glutSolidSphere • Radius, slices, stacks • glutWireCube and glutSolidCube • Size • glutWireTorus and glutSolidTorus • Inner radius, outer radius, sides, rings • glutWireCone and glutSolidCone • Base radius, height, slices, stacks
GLUT Objects • glutWireIcosahedron and glutSolidIcosahedron • glutWireDodecahedron and glutSolidDodecahedron • glutWireOctahedron and glutSolidOctahedron • glutWireTetrahedron and glutSolidTetrahedron • glutWireTeapot and glutSolidTeapot • Size