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Hot Issues

Explore the effects of global warming on quality of life, international efforts, and sustainable lifestyle changes. Find resources for reflection and action.

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Hot Issues

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  1. Hot Issues Global Warming Browse Content Back to LS Web (http://ls.edb.hkedcity.net)

  2. Introduction In recent years, Hong Kong people should be familiar with the term “global warming”. The continuous exploration and usage of non-renewable resources like petroleum has not only led to the massive emission of exhaust air, and is also regarded as the main cause for global warming. There have been reports of the abnormality of the climate of different regions in the world and the melting of the icebergs in the North Pole and South Pole. Some academics are worried that these changes will not only affect the Earth’s ecosystem but also the lives of human beings and even the life of the Earth. Several countries have begun to discuss how to alleviate global warming and reduce carbon emission in the twentieth century. The United Nations Climate Change Summit held in Copenhagen in December 2009 is an important international conference in which the relevant agreement is discussed.

  3. Questions for Reflections • What are the impacts of global warming on the quality of life of Hong Kong people? • What roles do developed countries and developing countries play in alleviating global warming? • Please click on the dialog boxes below to read the related reference materials Energy Sources International Collaboration Development of China Life Style

  4. References – Energy Sources • Hong Kong Renewable Energy Net http://re.emsd.gov.hk/eindex.html • International Energy Agencyhttp://www.iea.org/ • World Resources Institute http://www.wri.org/ • Worldmapperhttp://www.worldmapper.org/ • 中國新能源網 (Chinese Only)http://www.newenergy.org.cn/ • 中國新能源與可再生能源 (Chinese Only)http://www.crein.org.cn/ EnergySources Developmentof China InternationalCollaboration Life Style Questions forReflection

  5. References – Development of China • 中國評論新聞網(Chinese Only) http://www.chinareviewnews.com/crn-webapp/specKind.jsp?coluid=9&kindid=5550&count=1 • China Climate Change Info-Net http://www.ccchina.gov.cn/en/ • Chinese Climate Change Networkhttp://www.ipcc.cma.gov.cn/english/index.php EnergySources Developmentof China InternationalCollaboration Life Style Questions forReflection

  6. References – International Collaboration • United Nations Climate Change Conference(COP15 Copenhagen)http://en.cop15.dk/ • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changehttp://unfccc.int/2860.php • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizationhttp://portal.unesco.org/en/ • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development http://www.oecd.org/ • World Trade Organizationhttp://www.wto.org/ EnergySources Developmentof China InternationalCollaboration Life Style Questions forReflection

  7. References – Life Style • Environmental Protection Departmenthttp://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/eindex.html • Hong Kong Green Building Technology Net http://gbtech.emsd.gov.hk/eindex.html • Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme http://www.gov.hk/en/residents/environment/energy/mandatorylabel.htm • Voluntary Energy Efficiency Labelling Schemehttp://www.gov.hk/en/residents/environment/energy/efficiencylabel.htm • Hong Kong-Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners Recognition Schemehttp://www.cleanerproduction.hk/en/main.asp More… EnergySources Developmentof China InternationalCollaboration Life Style Questions forReflection

  8. References – Life Style • Climateershttp://www.climateers.org/eng/contents/about_climateers.php • World Wild Fund Hong Konghttp://www.wwf.org.hk/eng/index.php • Friends of the Earth (HK) http://www.foe.org.hk/welcome/geten.asp • Greenpeace Chinahttp://www.greenpeace.org/china/en/ EnergySources Developmentof China InternationalCollaboration Life Style Questions forReflection

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