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This report evaluates the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on pupils' learning at key stage 3 in secondary schools. It assesses standards, the development of ICT skills, and the effect on literacy and numeracy. The report also focuses on the quality of teaching ICT as a subject and suggests areas for improvement.
Effaith TGCh ar ddysgu disgyblion yng nghyfnod allweddol 3 mewn ysgolion uwchraddThe impact of ICT on pupils’ learning at key stage 3 in secondary schools
Cefndir Background • Hwn yw’r ail adroddiad i’w gynhyrchu mewn ymateb i gais am gyngor gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn llythyr cylch gwaith blynyddol y Gweinidog i Estyn ar gyfer 2012-2013. • Mae’n canolbwyntio ar effaith technoleg gwybodaeth a chyfathrebu (TGCh) ar ddysgu disgyblion yng nghyfnod allweddol 3 mewn ysgolion uwchradd. Canolbwyntiodd yr adroddiad cyntaf, a gyhoeddwyd yng Ngorffennaf 2013, ar effaith TGCh ar ddysgu disgyblion mewn ysgolion cynradd. • This is the second report to be produced in response to a request for advice from the Welsh Government in the Minister’s annual remit letter to Estyn for 2012-2013. • It focuses on the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on pupils’ learning in key stage 3 in secondary schools. The first report, published in July 2013, focused on the impact of ICT on pupils’ learning in primary schools.
Cefndir Background • Mae’radroddiadynarfarnusafonauymmhwnctechnoleggwybodaeth a chyfathrebu (TGCh) y CwricwlwmCenedlaethol, ac mae’nystyriedeffaithTGChfelmedrallweddolarddysgudisgyblionar draws y cwricwlwmyngnghyfnodallweddol 3 mewnysgolionuwchraddyngNghymru. • Mae’radroddiadhefydynystyriedeffaithTGCharddatblygumedraullythrennedd a rhifedddisgyblion. • The report evaluates standards in the National Curriculum subject of information and communication technology (ICT) and considers the impact of ICT as a key skill on pupils’ learning across the curriculum at key stage 3 in secondary schools in Wales. • The report also considers the impact of ICT on developing pupils’ literacy and numeracy skills
TGChfelpwnc Safonau Mae safonaumewnTGChfelpwncynddaneu’n well mewntuahanneryrysgolionyrymwelwyd â nhwargyferyrarolwghwn. Ynasesiadau’rathrawonyngnghyfnodallweddol 3, TGChfu’rpwnc di-graiddsy’nperfformiooraudros y pummlynedddiwethaf. Foddbynnag, nidyw’rlefelperfformiadhonyncaeleihadlewyrchuyngnghanfyddiadauarolygwyr pan ymwelontâ’rysgolionynyrarolwg. Nidyw’rperfformiadychwaithyncaeleiadlewyrchumewncanlyniadau TGAU a SafonUwch. ICT as a subject Standards • Standards in ICT as a subject are good or better in around half of the schools visited for this survey. In key stage 3 teacher assessments, ICT has been the best performing non-core subject for the last five years. However, this level of performance is not reflected in the findings of inspectors when they visited the survey schools. Neither is it reflected in GCSE and A level results. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
TGChfelpwnc Safonau Mae medraudisgyblionyndefnyddioTGChargyferymchwilioi, a chyflwyno, gwybodaethynddayn y rhanfwyaf o ysgolion. Llemaesafonau’nddigonolneu’nwaeth, nidywdisgyblionyndatblygu’rystod lawn o fedrauTGCh y dylentisafonddigonuchel, ynenwedigwrthgreucronfeydd data a modelu. Hefyd, maentyndibynnugormodaryrathro am gymorth. ICT as a subject Standards • Pupils’ skills in using ICT for researching and presenting information are good in most schools. Where standards are adequate or worse pupils do not develop the full range of ICT skills that they should to a high enough standard, especially in creating databases and modelling. They also rely too much on the teacher for help. PrifganfyddiadauMain findings
TGChfelpwnc Addysgu Mae ansawddaddysguTGChfelpwncynddaneu’n well ynhanner y gwersi a arsylwyd. Llemae’raddysguyngadarn, mae’rathrawonyndefnyddio’ugwybodaethbynciolynddaiddatblygugwybodaeth a chymhwysiaddisgyblion o TGChymmhobagweddar y pwnc. Maentynennynbrwdfrydedd ac yncymelldisgyblionyneffeithiol, ac yncadweuffocwsar y dasg. O ganlyniad, daw’rdisgyblionynddysgwyrhyderus, annibynnol. ICT as a subject Teaching • The quality of teaching ICT as a subject is good or better in half the lessons observed. Where teaching is strong, teachers use their subject knowledge well to develop pupils’ knowledge and application of ICT in all aspects of the subject. They enthuse and motivate pupils effectively and keep them focused and on-task. As a result pupils become confident, independent learners. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
TGChfelpwnc Addysgu Ynhanner y gwersi a arsylwydllenadyw’raddysguddimgwellnadigonol, nidyw’rathrawonynystyriedgwybodaethflaenorol y disgyblionynddigonda ac nidydyntynheriodisgyblionynddigonol. Yn y gwersihyn, mae’rdisgyblionyndibynnugormodarathrawon am gymorth ac nidyw’rathrawonyngwneudynsiŵrboddisgyblionyngwneudcynnydddrwyadeiladuarwybodaeth a medraublaenorol. ICT as a subject Teaching • In a half of lessons observed where teaching is no better than adequate, teachers do not consider pupils’ prior knowledge well enough and do not challenge pupils sufficiently. In these lessons, pupils rely too much on teachers for support and teachers do not make sure that pupils make progress by building on prior knowledge and skills. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
TGChfelpwnc Cynllunio, darparu ac asesu Mae ansawdd y cynllunio, darparu ac asesuargyferTGChfelpwncynddaneu’n well ynhanneryrysgolionyrymwelwyd â nhw. Llemae’rcynllunioyndda, maecynlluniaugwaithynsicrhauyrymdrinnirynllawnâ’rgofynionstatudolargyfer y pwncar y lefelbriodol, a gweithredirhynynllawn. Mewnysgolioneraill, nidymdrinnirynaddasâ’rgofynionstatudolhyn. Ychydigiawn o ysgolionuwchraddsy’ncysylltu’neffeithiolâ’uhysgolionbwydocynraddisicrhauparhad a dilyniantmewnTGCh o gyfnodallweddol 2 igyfnodallweddol 3. ICT as a subject Planning, provision and assessment • The quality of planning, provision and assessment for ICT as a subject is good or better in half the schools visited. Where planning is good, schemes of work ensure full coverage of the statutory requirements for the subject at the appropriate level and this is fully implemented. In other schools these statutory requirements are not covered suitably. Very few secondary schools liaise effectively with their feeder primary schools to ensure continuity and progression in ICT from key stage 2 to key stage 3. PrifganfyddiadauMain findings
TGChfelpwnc Cynllunio, darparu ac asesu Llemae’rasesuyndda, maeysgolionyndefnyddio’rwybodaethynddaigynlluniocamaunesafyn y dysgu, ac maeathrawonhefydyncynnwysdisgyblionynllwyddiannuswrthhunanasesueugwaith. Caiffhyneffaithddaarsafonau. Er bod bron pobysgolynsafoniasesiadau o fewnyrysgol, dim ondychydigiawnsydd â threfniadauigymedroliasesiadauynallanol. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings ICT as a subject Planning, provision and assessment • Where assessment is good, schools use the information well to plan next steps in learning and teachers also involve pupils successfully in self- assessing their work. This has a good impact on standards. Although nearly all schools standardise assessments within the school, only a very few have the arrangements to moderate assessment externally.
TGChfelpwnc Cynllunio, darparu ac asesu Mae amheuaethynghylchdibynadwyedd a dilysrwyddasesiadauathrawonmewnTGCharddiweddcyfnodallweddol 3. Ynamlmaehynoherwyddbodasesiadau’n or-hael, ac ychwanegir at hynganddiffygdilysuallanol. ICT as a subject Planning, provision and assessment • The reliability and validity of teacher assessment in ICT at the end of key stage 3 are doubtful. This is often due to assessments being overgenerous, compounded by a lack of external verification. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
TGCh fel pwnc Arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth Mae tua hanner yr arweinwyr canol yn llwyddo i wella safonau mewn TGCh fel pwnc drwy bennu disgwyliadau uchel ar gyfer addysgu. Maent yn sicrhau bod athrawon yn cydweithredu i gynhyrchu cynlluniau gwaith effeithiol ac adnoddau ysgogol. Maent yn monitro gwaith cydweithwyr yn drwyadl i sicrhau bod yr holl staff yn cadw at y cynllun gwaith. Gweithredant weithdrefnau asesu ac olrhain effeithiol. ICT as a subject Leadership and management Around half of middle leaders succeed in raising standards in ICT as a subject by setting high expectations for teaching. They ensure teachers co-operate to produce effective schemes of work and stimulating resources. They monitor colleagues’ work rigorously to ensure all staff adhere to the scheme of work. They implement effective assessment and tracking procedures Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
TGChfelpwnc Arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth Nidoesganbronidraean o ysgoliongynllungwellaTGChaddassy’namlinellu’nglirsutbyddyrysgolyngwellasafonau, darpariaeth ac ynrhoiblaenoriaethistrategaethauTGChar draws yrysgol. Mewntuahanneryrysgolion, maearweinwyryncyfoethogi’rcwricwlwmTGChgydaphrofiadaumewnrhaglennu a chodiocyfrifiadur, sy’nmynd y tuhwntiofynion y cwricwlwmcenedlaetholpresennol. Nidyw’rCwricwlwmCenedlaetholargyferTGChyngwblberthnasoliangheniontechnolegolcymdeithasheddiwnacynddigonapelgariddisgyblion. ICT as a subject Leadership and management • Nearly a third of schools do not have a suitable ICT improvement plan that sets out clearly how the school will improve standards, provision and prioritise ICT strategies throughout the school. • In around half of schools, leaders enrich the ICT curriculum with experiences in computer programming and coding, which go beyond the requirements of the present national curriculum. The National Curriculum for ICT is not fully relevant to the technological needs of today’s society or engaging enough for pupils. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
TGChfelpwnc Arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth Mae amsercwricwlwmTGChynamrywio’nsylweddol o ysgoliysgol. Nidywlleiafrif o ysgolionyncynnigcyfwerth â gwersyrwythnosyngnghyfnodallweddol 3, ac ynamlnidywhynynddigon o amseriddisgyblionymdrin â phobagweddar y cwricwlwmTGChyneffeithiol. Yngyffredinol, maeadrannauTGChynwael o ran cysylltu ag adrannaueraill, ac nidydynt bob amseryndarparucyd-destunauperthnasoliddisgyblionar draws y cwricwlwmigymhwyso’rmedrau y maentwedi’udatblygumewngwersiTGCharwahân. ICT as a subject Leadership and management • ICT curriculum time varies significantly from school to school. A minority of schools do not offer the equivalent of a lesson a week in key stage 3 and often this is not enough time for pupils to cover all aspects of the ICT curriculum effectively. • ICT departments are generally poor in liaising with other departments and do not provide pupils with relevant contexts across the curriculum to apply the skills they developed in discrete ICT lessons. PrifganfyddiadauMain findings
TGChfelpwnc Arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth Dywed y staff mewntuahanneryrysgolionynyrarolwgfodansawddgwael y cysylltiadâ’rrhyngrwydynrhwystro’ugwaithTGCh. Hefyd, maelefelhidlo a blociosafleoeddrhyngrwydganawdurdodaulleolynrhwystromynediadynddiangenyny mwyafrif o ysgolion. Mae’rrhanfwyaf o ysgolionynansicrynglŷn â lefel y trefniadau cymorth TGCh y gellir ei darparu gan y consortia rhanbarthol newydd. Ar hyn o bryd, nid oes gan arweinwyr canol ac athrawon ddigon o fynediad at ddatblygiad proffesiynol priodol, adolygiadau allanol a chyfleoedd rhwydweithio rheolaidd. ICT as a subject Leadership and management • Staff in around half of the schools surveyed say that the poor quality of the internet connection hinders their ICT work. The level of filtering and blocking of internet sites by local authorities also hinders access unnecessarily in the majority of schools. • Most schools are unsure about the level of ICT support arrangements that can be provided by the new regional consortia. Currently, middle leaders and teachers do not have enough access to appropriate professional development, external reviews and regular networking opportunities. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
TGChar draws y cwricwlwm Mae safonaumedrauTGChar draws y cwricwlwmynanfoddhaolmewndroshanner yr ysgolion yr ymwelwydânhw ac nidydyntddimgwellnadigonolyn y gweddill. Nidywdisgyblionyncaelcynnigdigon o gyfleoeddigymhwyso’rmedrau a ddysgwydmewngwersiTGCharwahânmewnpynciaueraill. O ganlyniad, maentyndatblygu’rmeddylfryd o ddewispeidioâchymhwyso’rmedrauhyndrwyddewisychwaith. ICT across the curriculum • Standards of ICT skills across the curriculum are unsatisfactory in over a half of schools visited and no better than adequate in the remainder. Pupils are not offered enough opportunities to apply the skills learned in discreet ICT lessons in other subjects. Consequently they develop a mindset of choosing not to apply these skills by choice either. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
TGChar draws y cwricwlwm Mae ansawdd y cynllunioa’rddarpariaethargyferdefnyddioTGChar draws y cwricwlwmyngnghyfnodallweddol 3 ynanfoddhaolmewnllawer o ysgolion ac nidywddimgwellnadigonolyn yr ysgolioneraill. Nidywathrawonyncynnigdigon o gyfleoeddwedi’ucynllunio’nddaiddisgyblionymarfereumedraumewncyd-destunauystyrlonar draws y cwricwlwm. ICT across the curriculum • The quality of planning and provision for the use of ICT across the curriculum in key stage 3 is unsatisfactory in many schools and no better than adequate in the others. Teachers do not offer pupils enough well-planned opportunities to practise their skills in meaningful contexts across the curriculum. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
TGChar draws y cwricwlwm Mae mwyafrifyrysgolionyndefnyddioTGChynddafelcyfrwngihelpucodisafonaumewnllythrennedd. Mae disgyblionyndatblygumedraubrasddarlleneffeithiolwrthiddyntsganio am wybodaethberthnasol, ac maellawerohonyntyndethol, dehongli a chyflwynogwybodaethynbriodol. Foddbynnag, ynaml, maedisgyblionyncopïogwybodaeth o wefannauhebeichrynhoiyneugeiriaueuhunainneuei had-drefnuiymdrinâ’rtestundansylw. Ynyrenghreifftiaugwaethaf, maedisgyblionyncanolbwyntiomwyarosodiad, dyluniad a throsglwyddiadsleidiaueucyflwyniad nag ansawdd a chywirdeb y cynnwys. ICT across the curriculum • The majority of schools use ICT well as a tool to help raise standards in literacy. Pupils develop effective skim-reading skills as they scan for relevant information and many extract, interpret and present information appropriately. However, pupils often copy information from websites without summarising it in their own words or reorganising it to cover the topic in question. In the worst examples, pupils concentrate more on the layout, design and transition of their presentation slides than the quality and accuracy of the content. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
ICT across the curriculum ICT has less impact on helping to raise standards in numeracy than in literacy. Few teachers use ICT regularly to support the development of pupils’ numeracy skills across the curriculum. Where pupils use ICT well, they produce a variety of graphs, create tables and use databases and spreadsheets effectively in real-life problem-solving. • TGChar draws y cwricwlwm • Mae TGChyncaelllai o effaitharhelpucodisafonaumewnrhifedd nag mewnllythrennedd. Ychydig o athrawonsy’ndefnyddioTGChynrheolaiddigefnogidatblygumedraurhifedddisgyblionar draws y cwricwlwm. LlemaedisgyblionyndefnyddioTGChyndda, maentyncynhyrchuamrywiaeth o graffiau, yncreutablau ac yndefnyddiocronfeydd data a thaenlenniyneffeithioliddatrysproblemau go iawn. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
TGChar draws y cwricwlwm Dim ondychydig o ysgolionsy’narfarnueffaithTGChargodisafonaumewnllythrenneddneurifedd, neufelcyfrwngiliniarueffeithiauanfantais. Yngyffredinol, maeysgolionyndibynnugormodardystiolaethanecdotaiddynhytrachnadeilliannaumesuradwyermwynarfarnueffaith. ICT across the curriculum • Only a few schools evaluate the impact of ICT on raising standards in literacy or numeracy or as mitigating the effects of disadvantage. Generally schools depend too much on anecdotal evidence rather than measureable outcomes to evaluate impact. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
Dylaiysgolion: wellacyflwyno a monitroTGChar draws y cwricwlwmermwynsicrhauparhad a dilyniantymmedrauTGChdisgyblion; sicrhaubodpobelfeno’rrhaglenastudioTGChyncaeleihaddysgu’nddaar draws y cyfnodallweddol; gwellaansawdd yr addysgufelboddisgyblionyndatblygu’ugalluiweithio’nannibynnol a gwneudcynnydd o ran datblygu’umedrauTGChynystodgwersiTGCh ac mewnpynciaueraillar draws y cwricwlwm; Schools should: • improve the delivery and monitoring of ICT across the curriculum to ensure continuity and progression in pupils’ ICT skills; • ensure that each element of the ICT programme of study is taught well across the key stage; • improve the quality of teaching so that pupils develop their ability to work independently and make progress in developing their ICT skills during ICT lessons and in other subjects across the curriculum; Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
Dylaiysgolion: ddarparucyfleoedddatblygiadproffesiynolperthnasol a digonolargyferpobathro; gwellacywirdebasesiadauathrawon; cysylltu’neffeithiolgyda’uhysgolioncynraddbwydoisicrhauparhadmewncynlluniauigyflwynoTGChar draws cyfnodallweddol 2 a chyfnodallweddol 3 felnadywdisgyblionynailedrycharfedrau’nddiangen ac yncollididdordebmewngwersi; a gwella’rcysylltiadrhwngyradranTGCh ac adrannaupwnceraillfel bod mwy o gyd-destunauganddisgyblionargyfercymhwyso a datblygu’umedrau. Schools should: • provide relevant and sufficient professional development opportunities for all teachers; • improve the accuracy of teacher assessment; • liaise effectively with their feeder primary schools to ensure continuity in planning the delivery of ICT across key stage 2 and key stage 3 so that pupils do not unnecessarily revisit skills and become disengaged in lessons; and • improve the liaison between the ICT department and other subject departments so that pupils have more contexts in which to apply and develop their skills. Prif ganfyddiadauMain findings
Local authorities and regional consortia should: ensure that ICT curriculum support is available to all secondary schools; monitor the standards and provision of ICT as a subject and the effectiveness of its use across the curriculum; and support schools to improve the accuracy and reliability of teacher assessment. • Dylaiawdurdodaulleol a chonsortiarhanbarthol: • sicrhaubod cymorthcwricwlwmTGChargaeli bob ysgoluwchradd; • monitrosafonaua’rddarpariaethTGChfelpwnc ac effeithiolrwydddefnyddioTGChar draws y cwricwlwm; a • chynorthwyoysgolioniwellacywirdeb a dibynadwyeddasesiadauathrawon. ArgymhellionRecommendations
The Welsh Government should: implement a relevant statutory framework for ICT from Foundation Phase to post-16 and review the National Curriculum subject orders to reflect current developments in technology; and assist local authorities and regional consortia to address the technical issues that constrain access to ICT resources in secondary schools. • DylaiLlywodraethCymru: • weithredufframwaithstatudolperthnasolargyferTGCho’rCyfnodSylfaeni ôl-16 ac adolygugorchmynionpwnc y CwricwlwmCenedlaetholermwynadlewyrchudatblygiadaucyfredolmewntechnoleg; a • chynorthwyoawdurdodaulleol a chonsortiarhanbartholifyndi’rafaelâ’rmateriontechnegolsy’ncyfynguarfynediadiadnoddauTGChmewnysgolionuwchradd. ArgymhellionRecommendations
Arfer orauBest practice Arfer dda Ymchwiliodd arweinwyr yn Ysgol Gyfun Aberpennar i ffyrdd amrywiol o godi safonau mewn TGCh mewn ardal o amddifadedd uchel. Gan weithio gyda Chymunedau yn Gyntaf, prynont stiwdio arloesi roboteg a fyddai’n ymestyn pob disgybl. Integreiddiwyd yr offer i gynlluniau gwaith yng nghyfnod allweddol 3 ar draws yr ysgol fel rhan o’r fenter gwyddoniaeth, technoleg, peirianneg a mathemateg. Mae’r ysgol hefyd wedi sefydlu clybiau yng nghyfnod allweddol 3 y mae niferoedd da yn eu mynychu. Mae safonau mewn TGCh ar ddiwedd cyfnod allweddol 3 yn ystod y cyfnod hwn wedi gwella o 54.7% o ddisgyblion yn cyflawni lefel 5+ yn 2009 i 80.9% yn 2013. Yn yr un modd, cyflawnodd 16.4% o ddisgyblion lefel 6+ yn 2009, a chyflawnodd 24.1% hynny yn 2013. O’i chymharu ag ysgolion tebyg, mae’r ysgol bellach yn perfformio yn y 25% uchaf o ran y ganran sy’n cyflawni lefel 5. Good practice Leaders in Mountain Ash Comprehensive School researched into various ways of raising standards in ICT in an area of high deprivation. Working with Communities First they purchased a robotics innovation studio that would stretch all pupils. The equipment was integrated into schemes of work at key stage 3 throughout the school as part of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics initiative. The school has also established well attended clubs at key stage 3. Standards in ICT at the end of key stage 3 during this time have improved from 54.7% of pupils gaining level 5+ in 2009 to 80.9% in 2013. Similarly, whereas16.4% of pupils gained level 6+ in 2009, 24.1% did so 2013. When compared to similar schools the school now performs in the top 25% with regard the percentage gaining level 5.
10cwestiwn i ddarparwyr10 questions for providers • Sut byddwch chi’n gwella cyflwyno a monitro TGCh ar draws y cwricwlwm i sicrhau parhad a dilyniant ym medrau TGCh disgyblion? • Sut byddwch chi’n sicrhau bod pob elfen o’r rhaglen astudio TGCh yn cael ei haddysgu’n dda ar draws cyfnod allweddol 3? • Pa gynlluniau sydd gennych i wella ansawdd yr addysgu fel bod disgyblion yn datblygu’u gallu i weithio’n annibynnol a gwneud cynnydd o ran datblygu’u medrau TGCh yn ystod gwersi TGCh ac mewn pynciau eraill ar draws y cwricwlwm? • How will you improve the delivery and monitoring of ICT across the curriculum to ensure continuity and progression in pupils’ ICT skills?? • How will you ensure that each element of the ICT programme of study is taught well across the key stage 3? • What plans do you have to improve the quality of teaching so that pupils develop their ability to work independently and make progress in developing their ICT skills during ICT lessons and in other subjects across the curriculum?
10cwestiwn i ddarparwyr10 questions for providers • Does your whole school development planning provide relevant and sufficient professional development opportunities for all teachers in ICT? • How secure are you with regards the accuracy of teacher assessment in key stage 3? • Do you liaise effectively with their feeder primary schools to ensure continuity in planning the delivery of ICT across key stage 2 and key stage 3 so that pupils do not unnecessarily revisit skills and become disengaged in lessons? • A yw eich cynlluniau datblygu ysgol gyfan yn darparu cyfleoedd datblygiad proffesiynol perthnasol a digonol i bob athro mewn TGCh? • Pa mor sicr ydych chi o ran cywirdeb asesiadau athrawon yng nghyfnod allweddol 3? • A ydych chi’n cysylltu’n effeithiol gyda’ch ysgolion cynradd bwydo i sicrhau parhad o ran cynllunio cyflwyno TGCh ar draws cyfnod allweddol 2 a chyfnod allweddol 3 fel nad yw disgyblion yn ailedrych ar fedrau’n ddiangen ac yn colli diddordeb mewn gwersi?
10cwestiwn i ddarparwyr10 questions for providers • How will you improve the liaison between the ICT department and other subject departments so that pupils have more contexts in which to apply and develop their skills? • How do you measure the impact of ICT in literacy and numeracy and on mitigating the effects of disadvantage? • When you use ICT to support Welsh as a second language or if you are a Welsh medium school, have you changed the interface language of key computer software into Welsh? • Sut byddwch chi’n gwella’r cysylltu rhwng yr adran TGCh ac adrannau pwnc eraill fel bod mwy o gyd-destunau gan ddisgyblion ar gyfer cymhwyso a datblygu’u medrau? • Sut ydych chi’n mesur effaith TGCh mewn llythrennedd a rhifedd ac ar liniaru effeithiau anfantais? • Pan fyddwch chi’n defnyddio TGCh i gefnogi Gymraeg fel ail iaith neu os ysgol cyfrwng Cymraeg ydych chi, a ydych chi wedi newid iaith rhyngwyneb meddalwedd cyfrifiadur allweddol i’r Gymraeg?
10cwestiwn i ddarparwyr10 questions for providers • If you are planning to introduce the use of tablets or other mobile technology in your school have you planned sufficiently for this?? • Os ydych chi’n cynllunio i gyflwyno’r defnydd o lechi neu dechnoleg symudol arall yn eich ysgol, a ydych chi wedi cynllunio’n ddigonol ar gyfer hyn?