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Introduction: my slideshow from 1940 to today

What you need to understand : Another French case like the Finaly brothers, the orphans and survivors, held 1948-1953 Kidnapped by the French Government in 1946, I'm still a hostage today!. Introduction: my slideshow from 1940 to today. I only discovered my Jewishness aged 60...

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Introduction: my slideshow from 1940 to today

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  1. What you need to understand: Another French case like the Finaly brothers, the orphans and survivors, held 1948-1953 Kidnapped by the French Government in 1946, I'm still a hostage today! Introduction: my slideshow from 1940 to today

  2. I only discovered my Jewishness aged 60... Orphaned age 5 in 1945, after my mother Perla was deported, I lived in France as a Catholic in a French family. French, as I'd been born on French soil. My Catholic identity was “Guy BOBICHON” of the BOBICHON family where I lived the hell of the Goyim ("gentiles"): violence, sexual abuse, robbery, kidnapping, all with the complicity of the French government, all French governments! From 1945 until today! Wladimir interview - New York was my city since 1945, but kidnapped by France…

  3. I beg forgiveness for my English language skills. I learned English aged 60. A holocaust orphan with no family in France, and no-one to teach me. Only speaking English with my Jewish American family during my stays in the United States, 4 times a year, and by phone and Skype. Found maternal family (blood relations, with my DNA) in April 2002, thanks to the Internet, at last! But I speak German, Italian, Portuguese, andSpanish too. A Holocaust survivor, and a professional speaker for the past 12 years. Passing on our memories to the 5 continents - Holocaust centers, universities, Jewish Associations and journalists. Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize winner, said: “Our duty of memory is an obligation for us survivors!" Sorry for my mistakes

  4. Every 3 months I’m invited to Holocaust Centers, universities and Jewish associations I address groups of 500 guests: Students, teachers, journalists, and politicians. Meeting them all over the world. A professional voluntary speaker invited and hosted on all continents, to give my 3-chapter lecture cycle. Every 3 months, 12 meetings (a cycle of 3 different chapters)in Holocaust Centers, universities and Jewish organizations

  5. A 1 hour 30 minute slideshow to introduce myself and answer your questions received via the Internet prior to my arrival. First chapter

  6. Screening of the film “Swiss Elne Maternity hospital” with my surviving volunteers on film, who saved 600 Mothers and 600 babies in 4 years Maternity hospital where I was born on December 30, 1940. Film subtitled in English and Spanish. A film where I am present as an eye-witness orphan with other mothers and their children, 60 years after their birth, and my surviving volunteers Elisabeth, Celia, Maria Answers to your individual questions. Chapter 2 : two hours.

  7. Screening of the Film “The Rivesaltes internment and deportation French camp” South of France, very close to the Spanish border. The “French camp of Shame” for the Jews! Answers to your individual questions. Chapter 3

  8. Wladimir Zandt, your professionnal speakerHolocaust Survivor.5 continents, 6 languages.Offering my 3-chapter cycle every 3 months. What you need to understand: Canada, States, Latin America, Israël, China, Japan, Europe… My movies on Youtube: Holocaust Survivor Wladimir Zandt

  9. To learn moreon Google:Association of Holocaust Organizations(5 continents), HomeAbout AHOMembers Directoryaffiliated MembersArchivesTraveling ExhibitsGEOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS28 different countrieshttp://www.ahoinfo.org/

  10. The marvelous volunteers who saved my life:

  11. Elisabeth and the others…forgotten! Elisabeth (Austria), Maria (Mexico), Nanny Renée, Nanny Maquet (France) Friedel and August (Swiss), Edith (Swiss), Simone (USA), Celia (Spain).

  12. Marvelous non-Jewish volunteers some who never got their entitlement, the Righteous among the Nations medal. Too shy and … human. Jewish Hidden children, never forget them!

  13. What you need to know: "Whoever saves a single soul is like someone who saved the world” (The Talmud) As said by Elie WIESEL, Auschwitz survivor, Nobel Peace Prize winner and Simone VEIL, French Auschwitz Survivor and academic. For the past, present and the future genocides, all the genocidesof innocent children, all culturesbecause I’m a survivor from the European genocide:

  14. What you have to understand : 1939-1944 - Elisabeth EIDENBENZ, founded the Swiss Maternity hospital where she saved 600 mothers and 600 babies 1939-1944

  15. International journalists: here is the summary of my 50 years of research to find my Jewish family: Poland, Russia, Europe, France, the United States ... And it's not over yet! 1830 to 1940: the Zandt family

  16. Rachel Gosherowsky, my great grandmother, the mother of Sheba, my grandmother, Perla (my mother)'s Mom … 1852

  17. What you need to know: from left to right, Sheba, Moshe, Sarah, Perla, Solomon, before the Ghetto 1929: my family in Warsaw

  18. What you need to know, from left to right: MOSHE, my adoptive father since 1945, Jewish American, stolen by France, SARAH, my aunt, deported from France in 1943 with her husband Robert KAFFENBAUM, PERLA, my mom, deported by France, SNCF convoy 77, 31 July 1944, 3 weeks before the liberation of Paris by the U.S. Army! 1914: Their 3 children

  19. What you need to know: From left to right, Perla 1924 (Warsaw), 1929 (Warsaw), 1940 (pregnant in the French internment camp Argelès then in the Elne Swiss maternity hospital). My mom Perla, 1913 (Warsaw) to 1940 (France)

  20. What you need to know: The French camp for 500,000 spaniards and jews, guarded by the French police, not the Nazis. France was Hitler's greatest accomplice among all European countries (Robert O. Paxton). France deported 11,000 Jewish children on Hitler's wishes! (cf Robert Paxton) 11 000 names in my book ! 76 000 Jews: children, adults and the elderly. July 1940, France, Perla pregnant in the French Argelès camp

  21. What you need to know: My birth in the Elne Swiss maternity hospital for Spanish and Jewish Mothers Volunteers Elisabeth, Edith (my midwife, found in 1968), Maria (found in Mexico in 2003). All alive in 2010. Filmed on my camera! 600 Mothers and 600 babies saved in 4 years… First row Elisabeth Eidenbenz, 25 years old (1940)... then 90. Second row (from the left): Edith my midwife and my Spanish nurse Maria. From the first day. Today in Mexico on their PC. December 30 1940, my birth with Edith, my Midwidfe

  22. What you need to know: From left to right: I was born in Elne then interned by the French police (not the Nazis) from May 1941 to January 1942. We escaped thanks to Friedel Bohny Reiter and Simone Veil-Lipman, who lives in the States today. Perla and Wladimir 1941 :interned in the French Rivesaltes internement camp

  23. What you need to know: Celia (Spanish) still alive in 2010, saved me, taking me to the nursery in Banyuls-Rivesaltes (July 1941). Then she return to the Rivesaltes camp (August 1941), where she was interned for 7 months! Archives of the Swiss Red Cross. On the right: Frau Kohne coming from Germany, then months after her internment in France. Archives of the Perpignan Prefecture. The French Presidents were aware of these archives! They stole them from me then tried to ignore it, for 61 years, from 1946 to 2007. The French Rivesaltes internement and deportation camp, July 1941

  24. What you need to know: Friedel BOHNY-REITER – a Swiss Protestant volunteer, who I filmed in Bâle in 2001, describing our escape: Book and film in English, German and French: “Le Journal de Rivesaltes” http://www.artfilm.ch/journalderivesaltes.php?lang=frsubtitles in English and German Pictures: left 1941. Right (with me): 2001. January 9, 1942: Perla escapes with me, Wladimir, in her arms

  25. What you need to know: Hidden as a child in Aix-les-Bains, thanks to my mother, Perla, with Nanny RENEE. Nanny was a gendarme's wife and a member of the Resistance. I was 2-3 years old and I remember them. The garden. The motor bike… the granddaughter! Thanks to the RENEE family, I avoided the deportation suffered by 11,000 Jewish kids in France. 1942 : Aix les Bains, France

  26. What you need to know: Perla arrested by Paul TOUVIER, TILSITT Synagogue, Lyon, June 13 1944 (witness Rosa VOGEL, 13 year old survivor). Also a witness at the trial of TOUVIER, a criminalpardoned by George POMPIDOU, French President! The best movie: “Nazis hunters” by Cineflix Production, Toronto. On Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIm8hV8Msss June 13 1944:

  27. What you need to know: Convoy 77 SNCF July 31: Lyon – Paris - Drancy - Auschwitz… The President of the French Republic, Marechal Philippe Petain came to visit the Jews interned in the Drancy camp (close to Paris) before being deported. July 1944:

  28. What you need to know: SNCF filled its wagons full of Jews - the elderly, adults and children. A hundred people in every horse-wagon. A "journey" of 4 days and 4 nights, with no food nor water. Thank you France, from Perla, my Mom! The French government charged for this “transport” at the 3rd class rate: the same price French people had paid for their holidays since 1936. July 31 1944 - Convoy 77 from Paris-Drancy to Auschwitz:

  29. What you need to know: Perla, the “ramp” (Auschwitz), August 4, 1944, the “shower”, the “oven” and the ashes of my mother in the Polish sky! German and Red Cross archives. Paris-Drancy 1941, July 31, 1944 to Auschwitz, August 4 :

  30. What you need to know: My uncle Morris, Perla’s Brother, wanted to adopt me, legally. Complicity, coverup and forgery by the French public service! 1600 archives from 1945-2000... 150 interviews filmed on my camera with my 7 volunteers, who saved my life, between 1940-1944. Proof of my American nationality. 7 witnesses (for the prosecution) still alive, on film. 7 volunteers to whom I owe my life. Above: French archives, Jospin (2000) government of Jacques Chirac and François Fillon and Rachida DATI (Justice) Nicolas SARKOZY archives (2009). 1945: my Jewish American family. New York 1945, 35 Arden Str. :

  31. What you need to know: My French guardianship judgment was illegal: I have a maternal American Jewish family. They're my biological family – blood relations, sharing my DNA ! But since 1945, French governments refused my return to my Jewish American family - to my Uncle, Perla’s brother, who wanted to adopt me. So I became French, Guy BOBICHON, a Catholic. I had the same international rights to be adopted as many hidden Jewish orphans. Theft of identity, culture, roots... my hell, living in this anti-Semitic country France with its so-called "Human Rights“! France: 1946 :

  32. What you need to know: Catholic baptism against nature under a fake identity! “Guy BOBICHON”. Another FINALY affair! So in 2001 I sent a letter to the Pope in Rome, with acknowledgment of receipt, to nullify my illegal Catholic baptism after my Circumcision. I was 63 years old, without any Jewish association or a trial! France, 1947, long after the departure of the Nazis, so no more danger:My Catholic baptism…ofthe grandson of a family of rabbis in Warsaw

  33. What you need to know: My life with the BOBICHON family: violence, sexual abuse, kidnapping, material and spiritual robbery, with the complicity of the French State! For 16 years: from age 5 to 21, when I reached majority and was legally free to run away to Paris. At last I was far away from the BOBICHON family – just like the Tenardiers in "Les Miserables" by Victor Hugo, who purchase a child to make their slave. 1945 to 1961 :My hell with the French Catholic BOBICHON family

  34. What you need to know: I'd been called Guy BOBICHON since 1945. Then I graduated from school and received my Certificate of Studies. A French civil servant, not prepared to falsify a document, gave me a certificate in a name I didn't recognise - "Wladimir Zandt." I was 13 years old! I discovered that my Mom was not Mrs BOBICHON but Perla ZANDT. I had amnesia for a year, then revolt - rejecting the Catholic religion, fugues, suicide attempts, alcohol, and hate. France, Côte d’Azur, Nice, south of France 1954 :

  35. What you need to know: Full illegal adoption (with the complicity of the President of High Court of Grasse). I was neither informed nor consulted and neither was my American Jewish family! During the trial I was locked away at a technical college, not even a university. And absent from the trial, of course. At 18 years old, I become the BOBICHONS “biological” son, never to be a Jew again! This is French “justice” with their BOBICHON accomplices.I'm stuck with the identity of “Guy BOBICHON” until 2009. French and Catholic! A fine example of French justice for children, with a knife in his hand! 1958: France, Tribunal de Grasse near Nice, Côte d'Azur.The President of the Court - fraud and forgery!

  36. What you need to know: 1968: I’m 28 years old. I have no archives…no Jewish roots … The Swiss Red Cross helped me meet my Midwife, Edith WILD (1940), who kept the pictures of Perla with me in her arms (1941). I FINALLY discover what Perla's face looked like. My trauma begins, with sleeping pills and suicide attempts. 1968: Switzerland, Geneva

  37. What you need to know: France FINALLY gave me back my maternal archives, stolen in 1946. Kept from me for 45 years! 45 years of a French lie. France left me in ignorance of my American Jewish family. My own DNA! 1999: O.S.E. Paris, July 15

  38. What you need to know: After a year on the Web, my bottle on the “Internet sea” allowed me to find my maternal American Jewish family! Resilient (as declared by Boris Cyrulnick), I never gave up my projects and never lost. France laughed at me, "You are looking for a needle in a haystack". But I found my one true family!Blood ties! DNA proof! 2000: a year on the internet, looking for my family,my American Jewish DNA family stolen 45 years ago:

  39. What you need to know: I discover the extent of the French thefts… Identity, culture, family, internee card, my escape from the camp, my German pension… How much compensation does France owe to me today ? Spiritual theft since 1945: Identity, family, culture, roots, religion. What's the value in dollars? Theft of my German pension from 1956 (for orphans and victims). France: stealing my pension as a War Orphan since 1948, 708 monthly payments stolen by the French State, €300,000 of damages ($368,000 stolen). Plus the damages for more than 70 years of trauma. France 2000: DRAI commission of the French Prime Minister.

  40. What you need to know: I met my aunt EMMA 3 times in California, my true adoptive mother, and filmed her 3 times with my camera. Emma, the wife of Morris ZANDT, my maternal uncle, now deceased. Morris, Perla’s Brother, who legally adopted me in 1945, with the assent of the American State. 2001: California, New-York, Nevada, Florida, Chicago :56 years after my adoption by my American Jewish family : Morris, Emma ...56 years stolen by France and all its presidents ... until today!

  41. What you need to know: My individual action for the Universities and Holocaust Centers of 5 continents, in 5 languages, as a Professional Speaker, with my English site on Youtube (Google for “Holocaust Survivor Wladimir Zandt”) and my book in English…600 pages, 400 archives, pictures and 150 movies, filmed with a camera in my hand in the USA, in Latin America and in Europe! 200 hours of video. On 5 continents since 2001:

  42. What you need to know: Our traumas are locked into our genes forever and transmitted to our future generations, like Nathalie ZADJE. Left, Nathalie ZADJE, Jerusalem and France. Right, Boris CYRULNICK. Sylvia Guthmann – bearing the same pain like a sister throughout our lives. Both interned in the French camp of Rivesaltes, both survivors and speakers today. To conclude: We are survivors from the camps, kids hidden and saved by volunteers from all over Europe, their heirs forever…

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