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Learning Resource Center. Carolyn C. Oakley, Director. Mission. The mission of the LRC is to support the mission of the college and to enhance the teaching/learning process through provision of adequate, up-to-date
Learning Resource Center Carolyn C. Oakley, Director
Mission The mission of the LRC is to support the mission of the college and to enhance the teaching/learning process through provision of adequate, up-to-date resource collections in formats consistent with prevailing technologies; provision of access to the collections of other libraries; to promote user- directed electronic database searching; to provide instruction in the use of resources to enable users to function in an information-driven society; and to promote lifelong learning opportunities.
Planning • Bi-weekly staff meetings within each section • Monthly meetings of Director and section coordinators • Departmental meetings each semester
Evaluation • Comprehensive biannual faculty/staff and student LRC surveys • Graduate survey annually • Faculty/Staff Survey of CFCC Support Services
NCCCS Performance Measures • The NCCCS Performance Measure that deals with LRC services is the percentage of college LRCs meeting the ACRL Standards for Community, Junior, and Technical College Learning Resource Programs.
NCCC LRCs are ranked by FTE and then by rank for each standard: • Excellent Level • Minimum Level • Below Standard
Standards used by NCCCS to rank LRCs: • Number of book titles • Number of serial subscriptions • Expenditures per FTE minus salaries • Number of library staff • Square footage
CFCC RANKINGS IN NCCCS 2002-2003 • 1st in total LRC Budget ($1.66m) • 1st in library book funds ($181,932) • 1st in serial subscriptions (793) • 5th in students per week (6006) • 12th in hours open per week (67) • 14th in audiovisual titles (5517) • 18th in total library books (44,090)
CUSTOMERS • Our customers are the students, faculty, staff and adult community residents of New Hanover and Pender counties.
Learning Resource Center Planning Units • Library • Media Center • Technology Training Center • North Campus LRC
LIBRARY • The purpose of the library is to provide print, audiovisual and electronic resources; provide easy access to these resources and the resources of other libraries; provide instruction in the use of these resources; and promote lifelong learning opportunities.
MEDIA CENTER • The purpose of the Media Center is to provide the media services and equipment necessary to support the teaching/learning mission of the College.
TECHNOLOGY TRAINING CENTER • The purpose of the Technology Training Center is to provide the professional development activities needed by the faculty and staff of the College to meet their personal, professional and technological training needs.
NORTH CAMPUS LRC • The purpose of the North Campus LRC is to provide library, media and the technology services appropriate for the faculty, staff and students of the North Campus.
Bibliographic Instruction classes increased by 44 % and the number of students attending these classes increased by 33 %.
Smart Board technology was added to the BI classroom and the TTC. Reference staff were trained and now incorporate in all BI classes.
LRC web page is undergoing major redesign for more up-to-date look, ADA compliance, curriculum specific research guides and a distance learning portal.
Established partnerships with UNC-W Randall Library, NHCPL and the Coastal AHEC Library that resulted in local literary events, workshops, community programming and cooperative agreements.
Completed inventory of Downtown library collections except for remaining Dewey books resulting in clean up of over 2300 records in online catalog.
Media Center completed the purchase and distribution of Smart Technology to all of the vocational programs.
Media Center began the establishment of guidelines for TV Studio usage and services provided to the college community.
Media Center began providing basic graphics production services.
Technology Training Center offered 94 classes in Microsoft Office, Blackboard, Groupwise, Smart Technology, Dreamweaver and MEDLINEPlus/PubMed with over 500 in attendance.
Downtown and North Campus LRCs added a combination color copier/printer and digital smart card camera to provide color reproduction services for patrons with grants from the CFCC Foundation.
Increased the North Campus LRC collection by 13% and a microforms reader-printer and appropriate microforms were transferred to the collection.
Trained five staff members from North Campus LRC and Media Center in basic operation and utilization of the Video on Demand system.
Began publication of in-house LRC newsletter in spring of 2004.
LIBRARY • Reference • Circulation • Technical Services
REFERENCE • Proceed with LRC web page enhancements to include new up-to-date look, accessibility (ADA compliant), curriculum specific subject guides and portals for distance learning, traditional students and faculty and staff. (Goal 4)
Work with UNC-W and county libraries to explore the possibility of offering the “One Book One Community” program since LSTA grant was not awarded (Goal 6)
Establish an active librarian-faculty liaison program to communicate information regarding library resources and services and to facilitate a more effective response to the research and reading needs of faculty and students. (Goal 1)
If new librarian positions are funded for 2004-2005, the LRC will make a proposal to the college curriculum committee to add a one credit-hour library instruction course to the college transfer curriculum. (Goal 1)
CIRCULATION • Collect, organize, catalog and display CFCC Archival Documents and scrapbooks tracing the history of the college from July 1, 1963. (Goal 12)
TECHNICAL SERVICES • Complete the reclassification of the Dewey collection at the Downtown Campus.(Goal 4) • Begin online check-in of serials for the North Campus. (Goal 4) • Begin an analysis of departmental workflow. (Goal 4)
MEDIA CENTER • Complete the final phase of the satellite downlink system at Downtown Campus. (Goal 1) • Complete installation of Smart technology in all classrooms needed at Downtown Campus.(Goal 4)
Complete training for Media Center staff on Video on Demand system at North Campus. (Goal 4)
Secure funding for “Virtual Stage” computer software for the Television Studio.
Continue working on guidelines for the Television Studio services to be provided.
TECHNOLOGY TRAINING CENTER • Coordinate in-service technical training initiative with other professional development activities for faculty and staff with input from Distance Learning, Computer Services, Personnel, Learning Lab, Continuing Education and the Professional Development Committee. (Goal 3)
Expand the in-service training program by increasing the number and kinds of classes offered based on recommendations from faculty and staff. Include classes on personal and professional development. (Goal 3)
NORTH CAMPUS LRC • Increase the library print collection by 10% to better reflect the curriculum programs of the North Campus and the general education offerings of these programs. (Goal 4)
Request one full-time LRC Technician to the North Campus LRC staff that was not funded in 2003-2004. (Goal 3)