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Online Payment with Envisionware: It Works for Us

Online Payment with Envisionware: It Works for Us . Karla Smith, ILS Manager Winnefox Library System Oshkosh, Wisconsin smith@winnefox.org. Overview. Overview. Overview. Overview. Overview. Daily process the payments with PC-Charge.

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Online Payment with Envisionware: It Works for Us

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  1. Online Payment with Envisionware: It Works for Us

    Karla Smith, ILS Manager Winnefox Library System Oshkosh, Wisconsin smith@winnefox.org
  2. Overview
  3. Overview
  4. Overview
  5. Overview
  6. Overview Daily process the payments with PC-Charge. Quarterly run API reports to calculate payments to libraries.
  7. What I can talk about Prerequisites: Bank Checking Account Merchant Account SSL Certificate(s) Server(s) Additional SIP2 license
  8. What I can talk about Setting up Envisionware's Web Module and PC-Charge, which are housed on our servers. These are used to implement the payments. Our chosen configuration setting options w/in Envisionware What PC-Charge does Our daily routine for sending transactions to the bank.
  9. What I can talk about Setting up Symphony and SIP2. Creating new Payment Type and re-purposing one of our Library Policies Setting up the SIP2 table for the new payment type Getting Web2/VuFindto pass patron barcode & PIN to Envisionware
  10. What I can talk about How the money gets divided between our 29 libraries. The custom API reports we had to create to divvy up the money. How we pass costs to our libraries. How we deal with refunds if the patron returns a lost item.
  11. What I can’t talk about (at least not very well) How to choose/setup a Merchant Account. We just used the Merchant Processor associated with our local bank. How this will work in eLibrary. We’ve never used eLibrary. In theory, it should work with any OPAC. PCI Compliance
  12. Caveats The only online payments we are doing are within patron accounts in the catalog. We share one merchant account between all 29 of our libraries. None of our libraries or boards are anal about accounting for every penny that comes and goes with fine payments.
  13. This slide is your chance to run away before I get into the gory details if you feel this session is not what you expected.
  14. Prerequisites Bank Checking Account Merchant Account Processor SSL Certificate(s) Server(s) Sip2 license
  15. End user Bank Cloud SSL SSL SIP2 Payment server eCommerce server OPAC server ILS server Our setup
  16. End user Bank Cloud SSL SIP2 eCommerce server & Payment server OPAC server ILS server More typical setup
  17. Setting up Envisionware's Web Module and PC-Charge
  18. Setting options within Envisionware Minimum Payment Amount? Require Patron Name? Require CVV2 number? Address Verification? Allow patrons to pay less than total? Allow patrons to pick which fines to pay?
  19. Setting options within Envisionware (cont’d) Require patron ID# & PIN or just ID#? Allow for centrally printed receipts? Use our logo or Envisionware’s? There are also HTML customizations one can make to tweak wording on the forms if one is so inclined.
  20. Setting up Symphony and SIP2
  21. Creating new Payment Type and dual purposing a Library Policy Need a way to identify online credit card payments from in-house credit card payments We called it ONLINEPAY—not the best. We had a library policy of “Winnefox” that has almost no reason to create any bills. We decided to use it as the online payment library.
  22. Creating new Payment Type and dual-purposing one of our Library Policies We couldhave purchased and set up separate Envisionware instances for each library. However: Would require separate Merchant Accounts which our smaller libraries can’t afford. Envisionwarelicensing costs skyrocket. Since processing the payments is a daily, manual job, having to do it 29 times isn’t efficient. More overhead in time/configuration/reports.
  23. Setting up SIP2 config and tables Sip2.cfg: Add port exclusively for Envisionware. SELFCHECK_SUPPORTED_MESSAGES|YYYYYYYYYYYNNNYY| Sip2.tbl: Add PAYMENT_TYPE|VISA|ONLINEPAY| AddPAYMENT_TYPE|CREDITCARD|ONLINEPAY|
  24. Integrating Envisionware into Web2/VuFind/Website 2 Options: Have Web2/VuFind pass the user ID and PIN to Envisionware <a href="https://webmodule.yourlib.org/eCommerceWebModule/Login?user_id=<!--WEB2_PATRON :user_id-->&user_pin=<!--WEB2_VALUE pin-->">Pay Now</a> Link to Envisionware directly: http://webmodule.yourlib.org/eCommerceWebModule/home
  25. How to disperse the revenues between 29 libraries
  26. Passing Costs to Libraries No overhead, no administrative fees. We do pass along the fees the bank charges us. Check charge $.23 4% settlement fee for Merchant Account Monthly bank service charge $5.25 We don’t send checks to libraries unless the total is over $5. We subtract any patron refunds that we had to send out from the payments.
  27. The spreadsheet looks like this: Online Fine Payment
  28. API Reports Based on listbill report –tweaked the output to only include the info we needed: I run 3 reports: envbillost--for Lost, Damaged, etc where the money needs to go back to the owning library. Outputs Item ID envbillui– where the money goes to the billing library. Outputs User ID. envbillsall– all bills regardless of reason, no item requirements. No ID output at all.
  29. Refunds Online form for library staff to fill out. Form includes patron contact info, item ID, title, owning library, refund amount, staff name. Form eventually gets sent to the Winnefox HQ who cuts & mails the refund check.
  30. Wrap-up, Q & A Our libraries love it. Our patrons seem to like it. Decent percentage paying online. Questions?
  31. Thank You!

    Links to forms and examples: http://web2.winnefox.org/Info Karla Smith, ILS Manager Winnefox Library System Oshkosh, Wisconsin smith@winnefox.org
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