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Troublesome Words. capi ta l capitol. noun – a city; the location of a government Nashville is the capital of Tennessee. noun – a building; statehouse Our state’s capitol is built out of granite and marble. www.tntrivia.com. photos.igougo.com.
capital capitol • noun – a city; the location of a government • Nashville is the capitalof Tennessee. • noun – a building; statehouse • Our state’s capitolis built out of granite and marble. www.tntrivia.com photos.igougo.com
principal principle • noun – the head of a school; • Mrs. Smith is the principal of GMS. • adjective - chief, main • The committee’s principal task is preserving the park. • noun – a rule of conduct; a basic truth Freedom of speech is one of the principles of democracy. www.carthage-il.comhttp://www.gcschools.net/gms/principals_message.htmwww.kancrn.kckps.k12.ks.us
Among Between Comparing or in the middle of two objects Example: She stood between the dog and the cat. In a crowd Example: We were among the rockers at the concert.
May and Can Shows the ability to be able to do something Used to express the possibility or to make a request Oh, Oh, Oh!! MAY I go to the board and write the answer? She CAN do the work of two men!
Terms of use Leave and Let To allow something to remain in place or to go away from To allow or permit something Let the cat sit there and wear your glasses if it wants to. He said he was going to pack up and leave.
Its and It’s Contraction of it is or it has. Possessive form of it. It’s a beautiful day outside!! The cat has lost its hair!! Ewwww……..
Affect and Effect To Change or Act Upon Something that is caused or produced Your ugly cat affected his eyesight. The effect this cat has on you is probably not a good one.
Teach and Learn To give instruction, skill, or knowledge To gain skills or knowledge I am going to learn to add one plus one. I am going to teach you to add one plus one.
Sit and Set to put something in its place To be seated; to rest I told him to sit down and be quiet. She set the floral arrangement on the table.
Lie and Lay To place or to put something down To recline or be in place or to REMAIN lying down Just lay the paper down on my desk. (I will get to it later!) Most people like to lie down and rest when they get home from work.
Leave and Let To go away from; to let remain to allow or permit Will you please let me walk to school with my friends? I think I will leave my cell phone on the charger.
Accept and Except To take what is offered To leave out It typically makes people sad when they are the exception. She accepted the gift and was very surprised!!
Toward; a direction A number In addition; also 2 I am going to the mall this week. There were two deer in my backyard this morning. I think I will have a peanut and jelly sandwich, too.
Belonging to a person At or in that place Contraction for “They Are” Their dog was wearing a purse. He was standing there when I last saw him! They’re playing football at Burley Stadium.