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De Bohun Update

De Bohun Update. October 2013. ‘Pupils should work to the best of their abilities, achieving the highest standards possible, having a love of learning and be prepared for the future’. H Pearson. Raising the quality of teaching. LA review saw an improvement in teaching

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De Bohun Update

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  1. De Bohun Update October 2013 • ‘Pupils should work to the best of their abilities, achieving the highest standards possible, having a love of learning and be prepared for the future’. • H Pearson

  2. Raising the quality of teaching • LA review saw an improvement in teaching • LA and SLT are working with teachers to plan and team teach. • Teachers are able to observe outstanding practice • We are appointing another outstanding teacher • There are opportunities for peers to work together and observe to improve. • There is rigorous monitoring of planning so that lessons are well thought out and demonstrate modelling. • Teaching assistants are used effectively • Good quality training for all staff is continuing to take place.

  3. Pupil Progress • The system for tracking pupils’ progress has developed well, and concerns over the accuracy of assessment have been reduced, with significant support and training for staff. This puts the school’s leaders in a stronger position to measure the progress pupils are making from Years 1 to 6. • (HMI June 2013) • Pupils levels are checked half termly. • LA review said the marking and feedback was good • Developed homework so that it supports children’s learning • The rigorous monitoring of planning and pupils’ work ensures they are making good progress. • Intervention groups are on going to help children who need to catch up.

  4. Improving Leadership and Management • We now have a permanent headteacher who gives clear direction (HMI 2013) • The leadership have high expectations, determination and drive to improve • De Bohun has a supportive but challenging strengthened Governing Body, ensuring that the leaders are accountable. • The LA acknowledged how senior leaders worked together. • We now need to: • Link with the community to sell the school more • Develop middle leaders to ensure they are having an impact on standards.

  5. Improving Attendance Last week’s attendance was 96.06%

  6. ‘A Good School’Ofsted September 2013 • Pupils benefit from teaching that is at least good and some that is outstanding. This leads to growth in students’ knowledge, promotes very positive attitudes to learning and ensures that pupils’ achievement is at least good. • Pupils and particular groups of pupils have highly positive educational experiences at school that ensure that they are well prepared for the next stage in their education, training or employment. • Pupils’ progress is not held back by an inability to read accurately and fluently. Those pupils who have fallen behind are being helped to make rapid progress in their reading. • The school takes effective action to enable most pupils, including disabled pupils and those with special educational needs, to reach their potential. • Other principal aspects of the school’s work are likely to be at least good. • Deliberate and effective action is taken to create a cohesive learning community through the promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, and their physical wellbeing. There is a positive climate for learning.

  7. From Ofsted ‘Getting to Good’ • Rigorous monitoring and evaluation procedures were needed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of teaching, learning and leadership. In the earliest stages headteachers often had to carry this out with the help of a few senior leaders. • Headteachers led senior leaders and governing bodies in drawing up school improvement plans that had systematic procedures for monitoring and evaluation embedded in them.

  8. Believe and we will succeed High achievement always takes place in a framework of high expectation." Jack Kinder Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." Henry Ford Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together." Vincent Van Gogh We keep going until we reach the summit. When we get there we concentrate to stay there. Helen Pearson

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