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PSY 369: Psycholinguistics. Review for Exam 1. Cohort model. Three stages of word recognition 1) Contact : Activate a set of possible candidates based on initial phonemes 2) Selection : Narrow the search to one candidate using further bottom-up and some top-down information
PSY 369: Psycholinguistics Review for Exam 1
Cohort model • Three stages of word recognition 1) Contact: Activate a set of possible candidates based on initial phonemes 2) Selection: Narrow the search to one candidate using further bottom-up and some top-down information • Recognition point (uniqueness point) - point at which a word is unambiguously different from other words and can be recognized 3) Integration: combine the single candidate into semantic and syntactic context Semantic priming effects happen in this stage
Cohort model • Prior context: “I took the car for a …” Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 /s/ /sp/ /spi/ /spin/ … soap spinach psychologist spin spit sun spank … spinach spin spit spank … spinach spin spit … spin time
Comparing the models • Each model can account for major findings (e.g., frequency, semantic priming, context), but they do so in different ways. • Information flow • Search model is serial and bottom-up • Logogen is parallel and interactive (information flows up and down) • Cohort is bottom-up & parallel initially, then interactive at a later stage • The decision process • Logogen model – activation increases with no effort • In the cohort model, words must be actively rejected from the cohort
Homework 1 • Two banks in neighboring towns were reported robbed by the state police yesterday. • Purpose of question 2: • Gain insight to the complexity of a single sentence • It feels easy to understand it, • But, look how hard it is to consciously analyze the different levels of linguistic information
3 letters, 2 sounds diff letters, same sounds diff letters, same sounds Homework 1 • 2a) Phonology - useful website: http://www.antimoon.com/how/pronunc-soundsipa.htm • Notice, not a one-to-one correspondence between letters and phonemes two /t/ /u:/ banks /b/ /ei/ /N/ /k/ /s/ in /i/ /n/ neighboring /n/ /ei/ /b/ /o:/ /r/ /i/ /N/ towns /t/ /au/ /n/ /z/ were /w/ /e:/ /r/ reported /r/ /i:/ /p/ /o:/ /r/ /t/ /e/ /d/ robbed /r/ /a:/ /b/ /d/ by /b/ /ai/ the /TH/ /^/ state /s/ /t/ /ei/ /t/ police /p/ /Ou/ /l/ /I:/ /s/ yesterday /j/ /e/ /s/ /t/ /e:/ /r/ /d/ /ei/
Homework 1 • 2b) Morphology FreeBound two two banks bank -s inflectional in in neighboring neighbor -ing inflectional towns town -s inflectional were were reported report -ed inflectional robbed rob -ed inflectional by by the the state state police police yesterday day yester- derivational
Homework 1 • 2c) Syntax: Two banks in neighboring towns were reported robbed by the state police yesterday. • 2 different deep structures --transformations--> arrive at same surface structure • It was reported by the state police yesterdaythat two banks in neighboring towns were robbed. • It was reported that two banks in neighboring towns were robbed by the state police yesterday. • So the tree structures end up attaching the prepositional phrase to one verb or the other in the resulting surface structure.
Homework 1 • 2d&e) Lexical Ambiguity: Two banks in neighboring towns were reported robbed by the state police yesterday. • 2 different meanings: RIVER bank, MONEY bank • How do we know which meaning? • Frequency of meaning? • Content of rest of the sentence? “robbed”, do we hold both interpretations until it gets resolved here (6 words later)? • Prior Context? A) May is discussing a local newspaper story with her co-worker, Ash, over lunch. B) May, a bank manager, wonders aloud whether she should upgrade the security system in the bank. Ash, the assistant manager says
Language perception Word/morpheme recognition Syntactic analysis Semantic & pragmatic analysis Input b dog Two banks in neighboring towns were reported robbed by the state police yesterday. a bank n bank S k wolf NP VP s tree PP banks two V NP yarn were /b/ In neighboring towns /ae/ cat /n/ claw /k/ /s/ fur hat Homework 1 • 2f,g,&h) introspect about comprehension processes involved
Exam 1 Review • Chapters 1,2,3,5. • What is language? Psycholinguistics? • Kinds of linguistic information • Basic cognitive structures and processes • Storing and retrieving information about words • Exam format: • Multiple choice (similar to quizzes) • Vocabulary matching • Short answer
What is “psycholinguistics”? Psycho Linguistics
What is “psycholinguistics”? Mental Processes • Short Term Memory • Long Term Memory • Encoding • Retrieval • Mental Representations Psycho Linguistics Linguistic Theory • Phonology • Morphology • Syntax • Semantics • - Rules
Systems of Communication • There are a variety of methods to communicate • E.g., Dogs bark, Birds sing, Bees dance • People talk - we use language (as well as other methods) for communication • How does language differ from other systems of communication? What are the properties of human language?
Features of Language (Hockett, 1960) • Arbitrariness • Displacement • Productivity • Discreteness • Semanticity • Duality of patterning
Phonology • The sounds of a language • Phonemes, allophones & phones • Articulatory features • Rules about how to put the sounds together • Rule: If /p/ is used in word initial position you add aspiration (a puff of air), if word internal don’t aspirate
No internal morphological structure y, e, s have no meaning in isolation “yes” Internal morphological structure unhappiness horses talking happy, horse, talk -s plural -ing duration un- negative -ness state/quality Morphology • Morpheme – smallest unit that conveys meaning
Syntax • More than surface linear position matters, underlying structure is important.
Syntax • Generative Grammar • The pieces: • Grammatical features of words • Dog: Noun • Bite: Verb • Phrase structure rules- these tell us how to build legal structures • S --> NP VP • VP --> V (NP) • NP --> (A) (ADJ) N
Syntax • Generative Grammar • Recursion: you can embed structures within structures • NP --> (A) (ADJ) N (PP) • PP --> Prep NP • So we NP’s can be embedded within PP’s which in turn may be embedded within NP’s. • The dog with the bone of the dinosaur from the cave with the paintings of the animals with fur bit the man. • Productivity: The result is an infinite number of syntactic structures from a finite set of pieces
S --> NP VP VP --> V (NP) NP --> (A) (ADJ) N Syntax • Transformational grammar Chomsky (1957, 1965) • Two stages phrase structures for a sentence • Build DeepStructure • Build from phrase structure rules • One constituent at a time • Convert to SurfaceStructure • Built from transformations that operate on the deep structure • Adding, deleting, moving • Operate on entire strings of constituents
In the 90’s Semantics • Philosophy of meaning • Sense and reference • “The world’s most famous athlete.” • “The athlete making the most endorsement income.” • 2 distinct senses, 1 reference Now • Over time the senses typically stay the same, while the references may change
Semantics • Two levels of analysis (and two traditions of psycholinguistic research) • Word level (lexical semantics) • How do we store words? • How are they organized? • How do words relate to meaning? • Sentence level (compositional semantics) • How do word meanings and syntax interact?
Pragmatics • Sentences do more than just state facts, instead they are uttered to perform actions • How to do things with words (J. L. Austin, 1955 lectures) • Using registers • Conversational implicatures • Speech acts
Cognitive Psychology Information ‘flows’ from one memory buffer to the next
Properties • sensory specific • high capacity • extremely fast decay Cognitive Psychology Information ‘flows’ from one memory buffer to the next
Properties • rapid access • limited capacity • fast decay (rehearsal) Cognitive Psychology Information ‘flows’ from one memory buffer to the next
Cognitive Psychology Working Memory Information ‘flows’ from one memory buffer to the next
Working Memory • Working memory instead of STM
Cognitive Psychology Properties • Capacity: Unlimited? • Duration: Decay/ interference • Organized Information ‘flows’ from one memory buffer to the next
Long term memory: Organization The Multiple Memory Stores Theory • Different memory components, each storing different kinds of information. • Declarative • episodic - memories about events • semantic - knowledge of facts • Procedural - memories about how to do things (e.g., the thing that makes you improve at riding a bike with practice. Declarative • episodic • semantic Procedural
Conceptualizer Thought Semantic Analysis Formulator Grammatical Encoding Syntactic Analysis Lexicon Phonological Encoding Word Recognition Letter/phoneme Recognition Articulator Storing linguistic information • How are words stored? What are they made up of? How are word related to each other? How do we use them? • Mental lexicon The representation of words in long term memory • Lexical Access: How do we activate (retrieve) the meanings (and other properties) of words?
horse horses barn barns horse -s barn Lexical primitives • Word primitives • Need a lot of representations • Fast retrieval • Morpheme primitives • Economical - fewer representations • Slow retrieval - some assembly required • Decomposition during comprehension • Composition during production
Lexical organization • How are the lexical representations organized? • Alphabetically? • Initial phoneme? • Semantic categories? • Grammatical class? • Something more flexible, depending on your needs?
Lexical organization • Factors that affect organization • Phonology • Frequency • Imageability, concreteness, abstractness • Grammatical class • Semantics
Lexical organization • Factors that affect organization • Phonology • Frequency • Imageability, concreteness, abstractness • Grammatical class • Semantics
Meaning based representations Grammatical based representations Sound based representations Lexical organization • Another possibility is that there are multiple levels of representation, with different organizations at each level
Semantic Networks • Semantic Networks • Words can be represented as an interconnected network of sense relations • Each word is a particular node • Connections among nodes represent semantic relationships
has long legs Robin eats worms Ostrich is fast can’t fly has a red breast Semantic Networks • Hierarchical Models Collins and Quillian (1969) has skin Animal can move around breathes has fins has feathers can swim Fish can fly Bird has gills has wings
Semantic Networks • Prototypes Rosch, (1973) • Some members of a category are better instances of the category than others • Fruit: apple vs. pomegranate • What makes a prototype? • More central semantic features • What type of dog is a prototypical dog • What are the features of it? • We are faster at retrieving prototypes of a category than other members of the category
street vehicle car bus truck house orange Fire engine fire red blue apple pear tulips roses fruit flowers Semantic Networks • Spreading activation Collins & Loftus (1975) • Words represented in lexicon as a network of relationships • Organization is a web of interconnected nodes in which connections can represent: • categorical relations • degree of association • typicality
Lexical access • How do we retrieve the linguistic information from Long-term memory? • What factors are involved in retrieving information from the lexicon? • Models of lexical retrieval
Select word Retrieve lexical information Input Cat noun Animal, pet, Meows, furry, Purrs, etc. cat cat Recognizing a word Search for a match dog cap wolf tree yarn cat cat claw fur hat
Lexical access • Factors affecting lexical access • Frequency • Semantic priming • Role of prior context • Phonological structure • Morphological structure • Lexical ambiguity
Models of lexical access • Serial comparison models • Search model (Forster, 1976, 1979, 1987, 1989) • Parallel comparison models • Logogen model (Morton, 1969) • Cohort model (Marslen-Wilson, 1987, 1990)
‘cat’ ‘cot’ Logogen model (Morton 1969) Auditory stimuli Visual stimuli Auditory analysis Visual analysis Context system Semantic Attributes Logogen system Available Responses Output buffer Responses
Visual input Auditory input Pointers Access codes /kat/ cat Decreasing frequency Entries in order of mat cat mouse Mental lexicon Search model
Cohort model • Prior context: “I took the car for a …” /s/ /sp/ /spi/ /spin/ … soap spinach psychologist spin spit sun spank … spinach spin spit spank … spinach spin spit … spin time