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Stuttgart Region in Europe. Verband Region Stuttgart:. an association of 179 municipalities 2,67 million inhabitants (from 170 countries) 3.654 square kilometers. Hamburg. Munich. Verba nd Region Stuttgart: A public authority for regioanl t asks. Regional land use planning .
Verband Region Stuttgart: • an association of 179 municipalities • 2,67 million inhabitants (from 170 countries) • 3.654 square kilometers Hamburg Munich
Verband Region Stuttgart: A public authority for regioanl tasks Regional land use planning Infrastructure Transportation Regional transportation Suburban railways and busses Promotion of economic development Tourism marketing Economy Environment Landscape planning / climate protectionGarbage disposal (partial) Promotion of culture, sports, congresses Optional tasks
The Regional Landscape Park Concept Since 1999 the VRS isauthorisedbylawtodevelopconceptsfortheLandscape Park. Concepts Masterplans Content: Analysis anddiscriptionofthelandscape-relatedsituation Main goalstobeachieved Proposalsforactionsandprojects Since2004 weare also authorizedtorealizeprojects Implementation Co-Financingof Projects
Basic conditionforfundinggreenprojects: Based on legal provisionsthe VRS is not allowedto implementinvestments in greeninfrastructure on hisown. Project realizationisonlypossible in cooperation withcommunities. Solution: the Co-financing Programme
Co-financing Projects - how does it work? Competition VRS announcesco-financingmoneyfor landscapeparkprojectsonce a year. Municipalities– referingtothemasterplans - makeproposalsforprojects (about 30 to 40 eachyear). A jury picks out the best projects (about15 to20 eachyear). Funding VRS fundsupto 50 % oftheelectedmunicipalitanprojects. Only municipalities can take part in this competition, neither private persons nor other public organisations.
Criteria and Requests for the selection of projects • Contribution to the concept of regional landscape parks • Realisation in the following year • A wide range of possible kinds of projects; Typical projects are dealing with
Criteria and Requests • Contribution to the concept of regional landscape parks • Realisation in the following year • A wide range of possible kinds of projects; Typical projects are dealing with • - hiking trails or bicycle paths of regional importance
Criteria and Requests • Contribution to the concept of regional landscape parks • Realisation in the following year • A wide range of possible kinds of projects; Typical projects are dealing with • - hiking trails or bicycle paths of regional importance - integrated systems ofbiotopes
Criteria and Requests • Contribution to the concept of regional landscape parks • Realisation in the following year • A wide range of possible kinds of projects; Typical projects are dealing with • - hiking trails or bicycle paths of regional importance - integrated systems of biotopes, - landmarks, locations or buildings of special interest
Criteria and Requests • Contribution to the concept of regional landscape parks • Realisation in the following year • A wide range of possible kinds of projects; Typical projects are dealing with • - hiking trails or bicycle paths of regional importance - integrated systems of biotopes, - landmarks, locations or buildings of special interest, - or projects to get people in touch with nature.
VRS-budget other expenses Million Euro Trade fair 2004 – 2007 Landscape park
Annual VRS-budget for green projects 2005: 250.000 € 2006: 250.000 € 2007: 500.000 € 2008: 1.500.000 € 2009: 1.500.000 € 2010: 1.500.000 € 2011: 1.500.000 € 2012: 1.500.000 €
Funded Projects 2005 - 2012 Backnang
Conclusions (1): The numberofprojectsfundedbythe VRS shows: improvementofgreeninfrastructureispossible • whentheresponsiblegovernmentisconvincedoftheimportanceas a locationalfactorandforthequalityoflifeforthepeopleliving in theregion • andwhenthegovernmentisfirmlydeterminedtoinvest in greenprojects. • In the end it‘s a questionofpoliticalpriorities. • The stategovernmenthaslaunched a specialprogramtofinanceprojectsregardingtheriver Neckar.
morepartners allow: -biggerprojects -higherinvest -betterresults Example: Renaturationof Banks ofthe Neckar in Ludwigsburg before…
after renaturation • Planingandfunding in cooprationbetween • municipality • waterwaysadministra-tion • and VRS
near-natural bypass waterways and an ascending aids for fish 5 partners involved: two cities power plant waterways authority VRS
VALUE-pilot Cycle-path Esslingen • co-fundedby: • cityof Esslingen • waterwaysauthority • EU • VRS
Inter-municipal State Garden Exhibition - Remstal 2 regions 3 counties 16 municipalities Aim: develop the green, blue and grey infrastructure of a river valley from source to mouth
Inter-municipal State Garden Exhibition - Remstal • A wide range of different projects depending on the following aims: • Enhancement ecological passageways, creation of retention basins and enriched recreational use of the river Rems • Urban development in combination with green spaces • Closinggaps in the Rems cycling route • Improvementofrailline • strengthening regional identity, preserving and developing the cultural landscape and safeguarding a multifunctional living and recreation area • … • Combination of different sources of finance (national, federal, region, communal): • Regional Co-Financing program for GI projects • State Garden Exhibition program for GI projects • Urban development promotion program • Financial support for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive • FundingaccordingtotheFinancing Act for Communal Traffic • … State garden exhibitions allow to bundle and prioritize funding from different public financial sources of the Federal State for a certain timeframe
Conclusions: • In ourexperience private enterpriseareshowingonly limited willingnesstoprticipate in co-financinggreenprojects. • unless a certainprojectisofmajorinterestto a companyitselfbecauseofexpectedownbenefits • To find partnersthemainquestionis: Who couldbeinterested in a certainproject?Respectively: In wich kindofprojectcould a certainorganisation / institutionbeinterested? • Finallycomprehensiveinformationand a bitofcreativityisrequiredtofigure out all possiblesourcesoffinance: publicfundingprograms, EU-funding, specialchanceslikethegardenfestivalexampleasmentioned.
Conclusions: • Tohave a clearstrategieand a widerangeofprojectideasmightbehelpfultocomeupwiththerightprojectattherightmoment. • The europeanwaterframeworkdirective e.g. is a greatchancetoconnectrecreationalprojectswithrenaturationofrivers. • An adequate development of this “green infrastructure” can only be achieved • in a coordinated approach • using mandatory instruments, • economical incentives • and a close co-operation of all relevant stakeholders.
Final Conclusions: Though an attractivelandscapeandleasurefacilities aresaidtobeimportantlocotionfactors greenprojectsnormalydon‘thave top priority. In manycasestheyaresomething „nicetohave“. Fundingthefutureorfightingwithfinance?
Final Conclusion: Though an attractivelandscapeandleasurefacilities aresaidtobeimportantlocationfactors greenprojectsnormalydon‘thave top priority. In manycasestheyaresomething „nicetohave“. Fundingthefutureorfightingwithfinance? Nofundingthefuturewithoutfightingforfinance!