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Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya

Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya. Chairman, WMG, University of Warwick How UK HE institutions can make a greater mark in global research and innovation. Looking Backwards. History of research is history of collaboration Pasteur “Knowledge belongs to no country” Crucible steel, gunpowder, smallpox. .

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Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya

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  1. Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya Chairman, WMG, University of Warwick How UK HE institutions can make a greater mark in global research and innovation

  2. Looking Backwards • History of research is history of collaboration • Pasteur “Knowledge belongs to no country” • Crucible steel, gunpowder, smallpox.

  3. UK Success

  4. UK Success Graham, M., Hale, S. A., and Stephens, M. (2011) Geographies of the World’s Knowledge, London, Convoco! Edition.

  5. Success, but world changing • UK research world class • Top universities, broad research strengths • World changing around us • BRICs and more (Turkey, Africa, Latin America) • A chance to stay ahead, or fall behind.

  6. 1. UK research specialty vs BRICS International Comparative Performance of the UK Research Base, BIS 2011, P40

  7. 2. Need faster growth in Partnerships • Collaboration growing • But not fast enough • China publications growth now greater than entire UK output -130K increase. • India growing at over 12% a year • UK collaboration rates with key countries (China, India, Brazil etc) underperformed their overall research growth.

  8. 3. Our R&D spend too low • UK GERD $32 billion in 2010 • 0.7% fall in share of global GERD • Strong value for money, but spend still low. • Not an issue of cuts • Lower BERD than ALL comparator countries. • Low Patent rates

  9. 4. We don’t partner enough with Business • UK has poor Business-Academia collaboration • Just 1.3% of total papers • 9k Fall in Business researchers • Those we need to collaborate with Fund most research through Business • Over two thirds in Japan, Germany, US, China. • Expanding economies will see BERD increase. • If we do not partner business here.. • Why will global business funders partner us? • Global competition strong –MIT, Fraunhofer

  10. UK Strengths “Bottom up” strengths Research Quality Research breadth Openness & accessibility Academic Freedom Attractive for researchers. Impact gap reducing Attitude of Govt TSB, Impact, role of TICs New R&D investors UK successes Rolls, Dyson Global innovators Pharma, Chemicals Inward investors Tata, Auto.

  11. Strategies to address • Maintain World Class reputation • Govt Research funding protected • Attract new Business Research funding • Emphasise emerging market priorities • Engineering, Biology, Physical and Health sciences • Identify regional and National challenges in emerging research nations. • Alongside global challenges, think of local ones. • China in Africa. • Connect with the least connected.

  12. Strategies to address • Make global collaboration career-enhancing • Lower citation rate for Chinese, Brazilian etc partnerships. • Need to give non bibliometric impact weight. • Create incentives for researchers/institutions to seek partnerships in high growth areas • Partner with emerging Business titans. • Emerging market business will want to build research expertise at home. • Set up three cornered partnerships. • Think for long term -WMG in Hong Kong for 20 years

  13. Britain is World Class To stay that way: We must learn, We must change, we must adapt.

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