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Social Policy. 2. Course goals: . Know theoretical concept of welfare state (its history, functions, threats).Know how welfare states in Europe cope with the most recent challenges of the dynamics of (post)industrial society.Understand what are the most important social problems and the policy imp
1. Social Policy (JSM519)Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in PragueMgr. Miriam Kotrusov, PhD., course leader kotrusov@fsv.cuni.cz; office hours available at http://cinefogo.cuni.cz/terms/Webpage of the course:http://samba.fsv.cuni.cz/~kotrusov/
2. Social Policy 2 Course goals: Know theoretical concept of welfare state (its history, functions, threats).
Know how welfare states in Europe cope with the most recent challenges of the dynamics of (post)industrial society.
Understand what are the most important social problems and the policy implications in the present European states.
Understand the alternative options in social policy, analyze the links between the social, economic and political context, policy solutions, and impacts of the policies accepted.
Understand the impact of European integration on modern social policy.
Know pros and cons social policy reform in the Czech Republic in the process of social policy transformation in the region of central and Eastern Europe.
The course is compulsory for students of Masters degree programs of Public and Social Policy
3. Social Policy 3 Study obligations Lectures: Students are required to study the core literature in advance, submit a paper (either in English or in Czech/Slovak), and pass the written examination (either in English or in Czech/Slovak). The topic of a paper will be selected by each student during the course following structure of the paper (deadline is November 7) and approved by the course leader.
The course leader would like to have the course as interactive and creative as possible.
Seminars: The attendance of the seminars is compulsory (one absence is acceptable). Seminars will be hold in Czech language.
4. Core reference resources: G. Esping-Andersen: Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies. Oxford University Press 1999, pp. 147-169
G. Esping-Andersen (eds.): Welfare States in Transition. National Adaptations in Global Economies. Sage 1997, pp. 32-65, 66-87
Keller, J: Soumrak socilnho sttu. Slon, 2005, 151 str.
S. Leibfried, S. Mau. Welfare States: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction. Analytical Approach. Edward Elgar Publishing 2008, recommended chapters
S. Leibfried, S. Mau. Welfare States: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction II. Varieties and Transformations. Edward Elgar Publishing 2008, recommended chapters
European Social Policy 4
5. Suggested structure of the paper Title
Students name and study program
Name of the course and academic year
Summary (up to 2 pages)
1. Research question(s) to be answered (cognitive question, social problem and/or policy to be analyzed; comparison: reasons for the choice of compared objects, criteria of comparison)
2. Theoretical considerations
3. Choice of method(s) and data (knowledge) resources
4. Main part extended body of evidence and reasoning (may be structured further)
5. Conclusions
Appendices (if applicable)
Recommended length: 4000 - 6000 words
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6. Social Policy 6 Evaluation of students performance
7. Social Policy 7 Main themes of lectures Social policy and welfare state: concept, history, functions, threats, the impact of European integration and globalisation. Reactions of the welfare states to different new social risks.
Employment policy. Welfare States as employment and unemployment regimes, European Employment Strategy, leading policies, different approaches; activation policies in different countries.
Family policy. Genderizing Welfare States. Debates on typologies in the connection with family policies. Flexicurity.
Social assistance, poverty alleviation, social inclusion. The models of the welfare state and the models of social assistance.
Social policy in the European Union. Is one European social policy model possible?
Czech social policy as an example of transformation of social policy in the Central and Eastern Europe.
8. Seminars will be hold in Czech language. Overarching aim of the seminar series is to complement lectures giving a more in depth knowledge on emergence and latest development of social policy.
More specifically the objectives are:
Enable students understand approaches towards social policy in the EU member states;
Provide a snapshot on some sectoral social policy issues (employment, family policy, poverty, etc.);
Give an overview of the future challenges to welfare states in Europe;
Learn how to give critical presentation of a text;
Learn to a team-work.
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9. Seminars: The students will be divided into four working groups; in these groups they will work for the whole seminar series. For each seminar (apart from the first seminar), two groups will prepare a powerpoint presentation (max. 20 minutes), another two group will prepare at least 5 provocative questions for the discussion on the subject. Students preparing the questions will be in charge of the discussions.
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10. Seminars: Seminar 1 4.10. Introduction to seminar, distribution to groups, description of groups tasks, game with social policy terminology
Seminar 2 11.10. Different typologies of the welfare state, their similarities and differences, main critics.
Seminar 3 25.10. Welfare states in transition. Reaction of the different WS to a new social and economic situation.
Seminar 4 15.11. Labour market situation in the EU. Main problems and issues of employment policy. Unemployment of young people.
Seminar 5 29.11. Family and employment policy working mothers, flexicurity.
Seminar 6 13.12. Poverty and social inclusion
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11. Social Policy 11 Core literature Core reference resource:
G. Esping-Andersen: Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies. Oxford Univ.Press 1999,
G. Esping-Andersen: Welfare States in Transition. Sage 1997
Keller, J: Soumrak socilnho sttu. Slon, 2005
S. Leibfried, S. Mau. Welfare States: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction. Analytical Approach. Edward Elgar Publishing 2008, recommended chapters
Reference literature:
Golinowska, St., Hengstenberg, P., Zukowski, M.,eds. (2009) Diversity and Commonality in European Social Policies. The Forging of a European Social Model. Warsaw: Wydawnicztwo Naukowe Scholar and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Available at http://www.martinpotucek.cz/ebooks/Ebert.pdf
Other resources will be recommended within particular lectures and seminar sessions.