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Unit 7: Validity and Reliability Slides

Validity. Refers to the appropriateness and meaningfulness of the inferences we make from assessment results. Categories of Validity. Content-Related - How adequately does the sample of assessment items represent the task domain to be measured?Criterion-Related - How accurately does performance on

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Unit 7: Validity and Reliability Slides

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    1. Unit 7: Validity and Reliability Slides

    2. Validity Refers to the appropriateness and meaningfulness of the inferences we make from assessment results

    3. Categories of Validity Content-Related - How adequately does the sample of assessment items represent the task domain to be measured? Criterion-Related - How accurately does performance on the assessment predict future performance or present performance on an alternative measure

    4. Categories of Validity (continued) Construct-Related - How well can performance on the assessment be explained in terms of a psychological construct? Consequences of Using - How well did use of the assessment serve the intended purpose (e.g., improve performance) and avoid adverse effects (e.g., poor study habits)

    5. Enhancing Content-Related Validity Methods: 1. Identify the general and specific objectives to be assessed 2. Construct an outline of subject matter 3. Construct a table of specifications to ensure adequate sampling of items 4. Provide clear assessment directions and proper administration & scoring procedures

    6. Establishing Criterion-Related Validity Methods: Predictive Study (e.g., predicting college GPA based on ACT) Concurrent Study (e.g., comparing validity of ACT with the SAT)

    7. Correlation (Validity) Coefficient 1.00 = Perfect positive relationship .65 to .99 = Strong positive relationship .30 to .64 = Moderate positive relationship .01 to .29 = Weak positive relationship 0.00 = No relationship -.01 to -.29 = Weak negative relationship -.30 to -.64 = Moderate negative relationship -.65 to -.99 = Strong negative relationship -1.00 = Perfect negative relationship

    8. Construct-Related Validity What is a construct? A construct is an individual characteristic that we assume exists in order to explain some aspect of behavior Therefore, Construct-related validity refers to the extent to which an instrument measures a construct

    9. Establishing Construct-Related Validity Convergent Validity - Calculate a correlation coefficient of relationship between two instruments that measure the same construct (e.g., Stanford-Binet and WAIS) Discriminant Validity - Calculate a correlation coefficient between two instruments that measure opposing constructs (e.g., Nach and Naff)

    10. Consequences of Using Assessment Results Did use of Assessment: Improve motivation? Improve performance? Improve self-assessment skills? Contribute to transfer of learning? Encourage independent learning? Encourage good study habits? Contribute to a positive attitude?

    11. What is Reliability? Refers to the consistency of assessment results. . . Would we obtain similar results if we used a different version of a test? Would we obtain similar results if we used the same assessment at a later time? If a performance assessment is rated by different observers, would they rate performance the same?

    12. Definitions Raw Score - the score a student obtains on a test Systematic Errors - external influences that raise or lower ALL the raw scores of students Random Errors - internal influences that raise or lower the INDIVIDUAL raw scores of students Standard Error of Measurement - a measure of the influence of random errors. Reliability Coefficient - a correlation coefficient that indicates relationship between two sets of measurement obtained from the same procedure

    13. Methods of Calculating Reliability Coefficients Test-Retest Method Equivalent Forms Method Test-Retest with Equivalent Forms Method Internal Consistency Method

    14. Internal Consistency Method Procedure: 1. Correlate the odd item scores on the test with the even item scores on the test 2. Calculate the Spearman-Brown reliability coefficient

    15. Standard Error of Measurement Purpose: Used to calculate an estimated range (confidence band) of a person’s score if he or she were to take the test again and again.

    16. Calculating Standard Error of Measurement 1. Calculate the standard deviation of a set of raw scores 2. Calculate the split-half correlation coefficient 3. Calculate the Spearman-Brown reliability coefficient 4. Calculate the confidence band of a person’s score if taken again

    17. Reliability of Criterion-Reference Tests Question: How consistently does the test classify masters and non-masters? In other words, if we gave an equivalent test to the students again, would the same students be identified as having mastered the material?

    18. Calculating Reliability of Criterion-Reference Tests Steps: 1. Construct a two-by-two table with Form A as the rows and Form B as the columns 2. Place the number of students who mastered both forms in the upper right cell, those who mastered only Form A in upper left cell; etc. 3. Compute the percentage of consistency

    19. Calculating the Reliability of Performance Assessment Procedure: 1. Two or more judges rate the performance of students completing a task 2. Construct a table consisting of the scales and the number of students receiving each rating by each judge 3. Calculate the percentage of inter-rater agreement

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