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Proposal for Establishment of a Codex Committee on Spices, Aromatic Herbs and their Formulations

Proposal for Establishment of a Codex Committee on Spices, Aromatic Herbs and their Formulations. INDIA. Need for a Committee. Multiple national standards with wide variation Lack of harmonized international standards Hindrance in fair trade practices

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Proposal for Establishment of a Codex Committee on Spices, Aromatic Herbs and their Formulations

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  1. Proposal for Establishment of a Codex Committee on Spices, Aromatic Herbs andtheir Formulations INDIA

  2. Need for a Committee Multiple national standards with wide variation Lack of harmonized international standards Hindrance in fair trade practices Largely produced in developing countries Committee should cover different forms(whole and processed)

  3. Scope of work • Develop QualityStandardsfor: • Spices (>50) • Formulations of spices (>100) • Aromatic Herbs (>10) • Formulations of aromatic herbs (>20) • Forms to be covered: whole, crushed/ground, flakes, mixes/blends, dehydrated, spice extracts. • Parameters to be covered: volatile oil content, counts, size, colour, moisture, ash content, broken pieces/fragments, defects, extraneous matter • With reference to texts of relevant Subject Committees

  4. Example 1:Different Quality Standards (Rosemary Leaves)

  5. Example 1:Different Quality Standards (Rosemary Leaves) Different Quality Standards (Rosemary Leaves)

  6. Example 2: Different Quality Standards (Black pepper - whole) Different Quality Standards (Black pepper - whole)

  7. Example 2:Different Quality Standards (Black pepper - whole)

  8. DEFINITION OF SPICE DEFINITION OF SPICE • CODE OF HYGIENIC PRACTICE FOR SPICES AND DRIED AROMATIC PLANTS (CAC/RCP 42 – 1995) reads “The term spices, which includes dried aromatic plants, relates to natural dried components or mixtures thereof, used in foods for flavouring, seasoning and imparting aroma. The term applies equally to spices in the whole, broken or ground form.”

  9. Whether work can be done by an Existing Committee or by time limited Task Force..? • CCFFV • Spices/aromatic herbs are not fresh Fruits/Vegetables. • Spices are vital ingredients providing flavour to food. • CCPFV • Spices/aromatic herbs are not processed Fruits/Vegetables. • Processing of raw spices/aromatic herbs is done to develop/fix their flavour and not just to increase the shelf life.

  10. Task Force is for immediate task at hand and normally (shall not be subsequently modified) with limited time span. Committee for spices is required owing to the multiplicity and vastness of the commodities under purview viz; spices, aromatic herbs and formulations. The work requires about 12 sessions based on prioritization done by the proposed Committee. Spices are exclusive dried commodities and each one is a stand alone item. WHY A COMMITTEE AND NOT A TASK FORCE/ HORIZONTAL COMMITTEE ?

  11. Whether work can be done by CCFH or ISO..? Chhindwara • CCFH • Proposal is to cover only Quality standards • CCFH covers hygiene matters • Proposed Committee will make reference to CCFH documents • Proposed Committee will also make reference to CCFL, CCCF, CCFA, CCPR, CCFICS, CCMAS and other texts, where relevant • ISO • ISO has standards only for 43 spices specifications out of >150 varieties/forms • Codex is an inter-governmental body common to all countries • Proposed Committee will benefit from work done by ISO

  12. Benefits of a separate Committee Jodhpur • Promote fair trade practices • Codex standards will address diversity in quality standards of wide variety of spices/aromatic herbs • Improve relevance of global harmonization of standards (easy to harmonize national legislations; particularly helpful to developing countries) • Ensure transparency in spices trade • Promote consumer health through harmonization • Helps to settle differences • Capacity buildingin developing countries • Exchange of information is standardized

  13. Proposed Terms of Reference & Mechanism to undertake work Guntur • Proposed Terms of Reference • To create Codex standards and Codes of Practice for “Spices, Aromatic Herbs and their Formulations”, in consultation with ISO and other relevant organizations in standards development process • Mechanism to undertake work • No scientific advice envisaged at this stage • India is happy to host the Committee and incur relevant expenses • No time frame can be prescribed but propose about 12 sessions; every 18 months for completion of work • If approved in CAC 2013, propose first session in last quarter of 2013


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