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VA Department of Social Services Systems Integration

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VA Department of Social Services Systems Integration

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Presentation Transcript

    1. VA Department of Social Services Systems Integration Phase I

    2. Pre-SPIDeR – Little Integration

    3. Make common information available to systems Create web-based interface for multiple system inquiry Improve efficiency, access, and communications Reduce double keying for all localities Allow all localities access to their data Allow all systems to exchange data seamlessly Enable systems to use common customer ids Issue common customer ids Make reconciliation of existing persons more manageable Enable workers to see customers’ composite profile Create flexible foundation for future systems Goals and Objectives


    5. What is the Common Thread?

    6. DSS’ System Integration Today

    7. Process Flow Example

    8. Example of SPIDeR’s Interfaces

    9. SPIDeR (Systems Partnering in a Demographic Repository)

    10. SPIDeR’s Benefits Localities New web based Multiple Systems Inquiry (including customer composite profile) Shared data (State systems, other states, Feds, all localities) Improved efficiency (reduced keying -- on-line, batch) Improved quality of data (cleanup, reconciliation, SSA, common client ids) Free to localities (available to all localities regardless of size and resources) Department New & secure Web infrastructure (JAVA, WebSphere, Web Services, LDAP) Catalyst for change in technology Federal mandates and funding (i.e. SACWIS) Data Integration (hardware and software independent) Fraud reduction Improved customer satisfaction (localities and client)

    11. System Integration Phase II A Potential Solution

    12. System Integration Makes sense to integrate when dealing with common elements/functions Data searches – common demographics Applicant screening Data entry – common demographics Application registration Application intake Reporting Statistics (benefits and services) Data discrepancy (data clean up) Fraud May not make sense to integrate when dealing with unique attributes Modules unique to systems Data and sources of data unique to systems

    13. DSS’ System Integration Pre-SPIDeR

    14. DSS’ System Integration Today

    15. Problems with Stove Pipe Data Entry

    16. Integrated Data Entry Alternative

    17. Goals and Objectives Create a generic data entry module which will Further improve system integration Serve as the front end to any application (state/local) Creation of ubiquitous front end Reduction in training Use of single authentication/authorization mechanism (LDAP – single sign on) Further reduce duplicate data entry Reduction in keying errors Improved data quality across all applications Improved worker efficiency/productivity Reduction in worker frustration

    18. Advantages of This Initiative Fast & Inexpensive One development effort Already on drawing boards of various projects Low risk Incremental approach Steady migration from the legacy technologies Steady inroads into new technologies (code reuse, upgrade of staff skills)

    19. Questions and Comments

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