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COMP 116: Introduction to Scientific Programming . Lecture 14 : Logical Expressions Selection Statements. Programming: what we’ve seen so far. Doing things using Matlab plotting, arithmetic etc. Plan a sequence of commands for Matlab to execute
COMP 116: Introduction to Scientific Programming Lecture 14: Logical Expressions Selection Statements
Programming: what we’ve seen so far • Doing things using Matlab • plotting, arithmetic etc. • Plan a sequence of commands for Matlab to execute • Linear programming, regression, systems • Today: What if the plan needs to change on the fly (at runtime) ?
Programming: making choices % Define a secret number, make the user guess it secret = 7; guess = input(“Guess the number: ”); -- if the guess is less than secret-- disp(`Too low.'); -- if the guess is greater than secret-- disp(`Too high.'); -- otherwise -- disp(`You win!');
What we are going to learn • Conditional programming • if else end • switch • Review • Logical operators • Relational operators • Logical Expressions (Conditions, Tests) • Common Pitfalls
Relational OperatorsTests relationship between two objects or arrays • Result is true/false (one or zero) or array of true/false
Logical OperatorsBoolean operators • Performs binary logic on two logical data type operands (or arrays) to return a logical result.
Boolean LogicTruth Tables Logical operators allow us to build up compound tests, piece by piece
Logical OperatorsBoolean operators Short circuiting • &&and || are like & and |, except that they can “short-circuit” the second argument. • a & b always evaluates both a and b • a && b first evaluates a, and if false, ignores b
Logical Expressions • Simple or complex expression whose final result is a single true/false logical result (or array of logicals). • Try: >> x=3, y=4, z=5 >> x == 3 >> (x+y) < z >> z.^2 >= (x.^2 + y.^2) >> (ones(4,5)) <= (rand(4,5).*2) >> ((x+y) < z) && (a.^2 >= (x.^2 + y.^2)))
Other Logical Objects • Functions or objects which return logical data types as their output • Logical Functions: and(), or(), xor(), not() • Predicate Logic: any(), all() • Test functions (is*functions) • isvarname(), iskeyword() • String Comparison functions: • strcmp(), strcmpi(), strncmp(), strncmpi()
Logical Objects • >> B = [0.53 0.67 0.01 0.38 0.07 0.42 0.69] >> all(B) • >> x = rand(1,7) * 5; >> any(x > 3)
Logical Indexing • Use a logical vector as an index into an array of elements • x = rand(1, 20); • x(x > 0.5); % returns only those elements in x which satisfy test • find() function • y = find( x > 0. 5 ); • x( y ) % returns elements in x which satisfy test
IF StatementSingle conditional path • Syntax: • For <test>, use logical expressions that evaluate to a single true/false value. if <test> commands; % 1 or more end
Example:display random number only if it is less than .5 randomValue = rand; if (randomValue < .5) % Display result disp( randomValue); end
IFstatementTwo alternatives, if <true> else <false> end • Syntax: if <test> commands1; % True else commands2; % False end
Exercise:Display absolute value % Implement our own absolute value % inVal= |inVal| % inVal should already be assigned % Is input value negative ? if (inVal < 0) % Parenthesis optional outVal = -inVal; % Invert negative else outVal = inVal; % Keep positive end disp(outVal);
Conditional ExecutionMultiple chained tests if <Test1> commands1; % T1 true elseif <Test2> commands2; % T2 true elseif <Test3> commands3; % T3 true else commands4; % all false end
Example: grade assignment % score should be preassigned if (score >= 91) grade = 'A'; elseif (score >= 81) grade = 'B'; elseif (score >= 71) grade = 'C'; elseif (score >= 61) grade = 'D'; else grade = 'F'; end disp([‘grade is’ grade]);
Conditional ExecutionNested conditions if <Test1> if <Test2> commands1; % T1,T2 both true else commands2; % T1=1, T2=0 end else if <Test3> commands3; % T1=0, T3=1 else commands4; % T1,T3 both false end end
A note on formatting Bad Good
Exercise: Test 2D Point in 2D Box % Tests 2D point is contained in a 2D box box_bottom_left_corner=[10 20]; box_top_right_corner=[15 30] Point_x=input(‘X-coordinate: ‘); Point_y=input(‘Y-coordinate: ‘); % display “in the box” or “not in the box” % Use if/else xMin=box_bottom_left_corner(1); yMin=box_bottom_left_corner(2); xMax=box_top_right_corner(1); yMax=box_top_right_corner(2); if (Point_x < xMin) || (Point_x > xMax) res = false; % Outside box else if (Point_y < yMin) || (Point_y > yMax) res = false; % Outside box else res = true; % Inside Box end end
switch statement switch <switch_expr> case <case_expr> commands1; % case 1 case {expr2, expr3, … } commands2; % case 2 otherwise commands3; % all other cases end • Executes one set of commands from a set of command choices • Each alternate set of commands is called a case.
Example: Polygon Shapes shape = input(‘Enter a shape: ‘); switch shape case 'triangle' disp('3-sided polygon'); case {'square', 'rectangle'} disp('4-sided polygon'); case 'circle' disp('infinite sides'); otherwise disp('unknown shape'); end
Common Pitfalls • Using = instead of == and vice versa. • if x = 5 … % Error, use if x == 5 • x == [2 3] % Error, use x = [2 3] • Confusing && and || • Confusing || and XOR • Inserting an extra space in a 2 character relational operator • if x <= y % Error, note extra space • if x <= y % Correct
Common Pitfalls, contd. • Using multiple comparisons properly • 10 <= x <= 100 % Error • (10 <= x) && (x <= 100) % Correct • Forgetting the quotes when working with characters or strings • if letter == y % Error • if letter == 'y' % Correct • Comparing characters / strings • 'c' < 'Z' % OK, compatible sizes • 'cat' < 'catch' % Error, size problem • strcmp('cat', 'catch') % Use strcmp
Reminder • Practice using conditional logic • Logical expressions • If statement • Switch statement • Review slides on conditional logic