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Cryptography. Can you crack the code?. Caesar Cipher. The rule: Shift the Alphabet 3 places --> H becomes K , S becomes V. lv dqbd zhdulqj pdnhxs. Is Anya wearing makeup. Space Cipher. The rule: Move the space to another place in the message --> I am your friend = Ia myou rfrie nd.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cryptography • Can you crack the code?

  2. Caesar Cipher The rule: Shift the Alphabet 3 places --> H becomes K, S becomes V lv dqbd zhdulqj pdnhxs Is Anya wearing makeup

  3. Space Cipher The rule: Move the space to another place in the message --> I am your friend = Ia myou rfrie nd wh erear eisa acss ho es where are isaacs shoes

  4. Transposition Ciphers The rule: The words in this cipher are written backwards lla eht retteb ot ees uoy htiw all the better to see you with

  5. Monoalphabetic Substitution The rule: Each shape corresponds to a letter we all live in a yellow submarine

  6. Atbash Cipher The rule: The letters of the alphabet are reversed. --> As are replaced by Zs, Bs are replaced by Ys and so on gsrh rh z hvxlvg nvhhztv this is a secret message

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