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OCCAM. occam ®2009. TO PROVIDE ICT SERVICES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Mission of OCCAM. Platform of e-services for development.
OCCAM occam®2009
Platform of e-services for development • OCCAM, as per the mandate given by the UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development, will lead the Community of Expertise “e-services for development” for the creation and delivery of ad hoc e-services for the communities involved in collaboration with the local Government.
The matrix of communities’ good governance school hospital community A.Lorenzetti, Allegory of the Effects of Good Governance, Siena, 1338-40
ICT Village: General picture Internet User Nomadic User SATELLITE CONNECTION CENTRE Knowledge & Services Repository Broad Band Backbone 3G User Wireless infrastructure for “Telematic Meeting Place” & Internet Cafe Health Centre Education Centre occam®2009
Activities within UNPPA Old town Education Center Health Center Access Center
ICT Village Sambaina - Madagascar HP - Health Presidium ES - Elementary School CC - Communitarian Centre
Sambaina : goals achieved 200 adults trained 850 students trained 1 doctor + 1 midwife + training of other 85 for national needs
Expected outcomes • Bridging the digital divide; • Decreasing rate of neonatal mortality; • Improvement of educational levels; • Increasing rate of wages ; • Creation of certificated networks for E-services involved in educational and health purposes; • New markets opportunities; Local level
The history so far • Infopoverty Seminar @ PrepCom1 in Hammamet – establishment of the Advisory Board • Infopoverty Seminar @ WSIS 2005 – Certification • Fact finding missions in Madagascar in 2005 • Infopoverty World Conference 2006 – the Conference approved the decision to realize the project • In June 2006 Sambaina nominated first Millennium Village in Africa • September 2006 end refurbishing • February 2007 participation of a delegation of Madagascar to the Infopoverty Exhibition and signing of MoU between Skylogic and OCCAM for the free provision of broadband connectivity • September 2007 Mission to implement the telemedicine aspect of the project • January 2008 Mission for the implementation of the connectivity step and scale up • July 2008 provision of broadband connectivity
Working methodology • Inclusion in the UN Public Private Alliance for Rural Development • Cooperation among stakeholders rather than competition • Involvement of international organizations of the UN System and others, regarded both as partners and end-users of the services • Creation of new products and services fit to the needs of disadvantaged communities. • The above items will lead to the desired critical mass and to the creation of a broadband platform that will also serve as basic infrastructure for emerging countries
What we provide: • A new generation of e-services: • Satellite Platform (broadband connectivity) • E-health (primary ultrasound) • E-learning • E-governance • E-phytopathology & parasitology • E-veterinary • Other services provided: • Water resources • Renewable energy
Connectivity • The first step for the realisation of the project is connectivity, trough: • Teleport completely equipped with bi-directional broadband connectivity • Hub DVB-RCS for the internet • Hub management • Data Centre for housing in order to guarantee business continuity and disaster recovery • Ubiquitous web (GSM, GPRS, UMTS, Wlan-BAM/Pan) • Operational centre with network management • Platform for the WIFI distribution • Platform for mobile telephones
WIMAX distribution • During 2007 the iXem Labs of Politecnico di Torino, developed an extremely low cost method for the realization of long distance (MultiKiloMetric) point to point telecommunication infrastructures by use of wireless technology. The method was based on the use of commercial IEEE 802.11a/h radios controlled by means of an open source firmware. To demonstrate the reliability of the solution, a network consisting of several links with relative distance ranging from 10 to 300 kilometres, was released, optimized and tested. • Experimental results show excellent performance and stability showing that this solution can be extensively, reliably and efficiently applied, to provide internet connectivity, telemedicine, health assistance and distant learning in poor regions, remote villages. • For the purpose of the research the transmitters were designed using commercial low cost or recycled components and assembled using medium-performance PCs or micro-PC motherboards. • Motherboards and power supplies were inserted in cases appropriately designed to favour energy dissipation and circuit protection. As a matter of fact these components can be found at very low costs, compared to the investment needed for a standard backhaul radio (down to 1/1000).
E-health: • Medical Consultation 24h/24h; • Telepathology; • Cardio-surgery; • Ophthalmology • Echography in emergency context and primary healthcare (specially for neo-nathology and puerperal treatments); • Medical analysis support • Local staff updating • Support for HIV/AIDS • Information campaigns • Primary ultrasound
Primary ultrasound • WINFOCUS, in partnership with OCCAM is designing and implementing pilot projects to incorporate Primary Ultrasound into Primary Health Care remote access-points, with integration with other technologies, to secure minimal appropriate, sustainable and effective technology packages for striking poverty, disease and isolation. Such pilot projects could become virtuous paradigms to be replied worldwide, with the involvement and the investment of International institutions and agencies, in order to secure health for all. • The first initiative is ongoing in Sambaina, Madagascar, where OCCAM is leading the ICT Village initiative, where the community has been provided with satellite connectivity, used to promote distance learning of ultrasound techniques, as well as other telemedicine applications, following the training of more than 80 medical doctors, midwives and nurses carried out in 2008. • Among the several arising applications of point-of-care ultrasound in critical scenarios, “Primary ultrasound” promises to be an extraordinary tool in order to impact the huge death toll of mothers and children affecting largest communities, throughout the poorly developed rural and suburban areas.
E-Learning • Interactive Teaching in primary, middle and high schools • Interactive teaching for professional starting workers in activities related to agriculture, farming and crafts • Computer courses for adults • Updating courses for the teaching staff • Trainers’ training
E-Governance • Digitalization of the register office • Real estate and land tenure land register with satellite support • Basic services for the delivery of online documents • Microcredit • Incubator for new enterprises
E-governance • Agreement with local government for the satellite mapping of selected areas. • Agreement with satellite providers for the mapping of the areas, with a clear indication on the quality and size of maps and security measures. • Training of local staff from the Ministry of Interiors, Register Office and Cadastre to use innovative tools and digitalization. • Individuation of a pilot area where to start the mapping and then the land detection also using Galileo applications for a specific indication of the borders of the plot of land. • Distribution in the pilot area of the land certificate and ID certificates. • Feed-back from all stakeholders and scale up, with the possibility to include other services such as land fertility and hydro-geological conditions sat detection.
E-phytopathology Satellite connection through OCCAM and Eutelsat Centre of action: SAMBAINA, Madagascar, “the millennium village” Centre of decision: the e-phytopatology and parasitology Centre at DiPSA – Milan, Italy
E-phytopathology • To reduce poverty and isolation of rural community through ICT • To provide qualified answers to problems related to crop and food protection against pests and diseases • To constitute the embrio of a local extension service for agriculture • To contribute to secure sustainable food and prosperity for all
E-veterinary • Similar to human telemedicine: it send medical data, images, pictures and video • Sistem created by the Veterinary Faculty of Milan University • Medical standard support
The Infopoverty Programme for the MDGs • We have to bear in mind that only sustainable development can grant real eradication of poverty, thus it is crucial to move from humanitarian aids to investments for development, creating new markets and job opportunities in developing countries. • In order to do so, 4 main areas of action: • Clear individuation of the needs of population in developing countries • Broadband platform, to support ongoing initiatives in disadvantaged communities, delivering adequate services • Services have to be reliable, fit to the needs of the communities and need the continuous feedback from all stakeholders • Research and Development has to focus on new products, bearing in mind the “Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid” approach.
The Infopoverty Programme for the MDGs Bearing in mind that Goal N.1 of the Millennium Declaration is to eradicate extreme poverty, the Infopoverty Programme has put at the core of its activity this objective, in an approach that also tries to achieve the self-sustainability of the projects. ICT can also grant adequate services for education and health, and in our multi-faceted approach, the Infopoverty Programme has also led to the creation of 2 more institutions, the Safe Water Institute and the Fish Farming Institute that will further contribute to the achievement of the MDGs.
The Infopoverty Programme for the MDGs • Benefits: • Populations will directly benefit from the current digital revolution, reaping this great opportunity of development as it happened in Europe with the Industrial Revolution: job creation, start-ups of SME, etc will generate a virtuous circle leading to economic growth. • International organizations will have more adequate tools to support development in emerging countries. • Donors will be able to control the way money is spent and projects are carried out • The ICT sector will open new markets and diversify its products
Center of excellence Parco tech. Lodi Unimpresa Clean Energy Pianeta Satellite platform ESA Eutelsat Skylogic Safe Water WaterB2B MM EcoMec OCCAM Civil Society CICT-UNESCO COPEAM AVSI ASVI Monserrate Ville village Lodi Novara Telemedicine Winfocus ITALTBS TELBIOS E-learning HoloEurope Infopoverty inst. Politecnico Mi. E-governance E-content Award Formit Community of Expertise
Thank you For further information: www.occam.org www.infopoverty.net occam@occam.org