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Overview. Introduction Motivation Fitness- Distance Ratio FDR-PSO Algorithm Particle Dynamics Experimental Settings Results and Analysis Related Work Summary . Introduction : Particle Swarm Optimization . Inspired from social impact theory Each particle influenced by its own previous ex
1. Optimization Using Particle Swarm with Near Neighbor Interactions
Kalyan Veeramachaneni
Thanmaya Peram
Chilukuri K Mohan
Lisa Ann Osadciw
2. Overview Introduction
Fitness- Distance Ratio
FDR-PSO Algorithm
Particle Dynamics
Experimental Settings
Results and Analysis
Related Work
3. Introduction : Particle Swarm Optimization Inspired from social impact theory
Each particle influenced by its own previous experience, pbest
Also influenced by local best in neighborhood, lbest
Simulation results show that complete graph topology yields better results than other topologies
4. Motivation Problems with PSO execution
Premature convergence
Clustering of particles
Goal : To overcome these problems, exploiting social impact theory
5. Fitness-Distance Ratio Evaluating influence of jth particle on the ith particle (along the dth dimension)
where Pj is the previous best position visited by the jth particle
Xi is the position of the particle under consideration
6. FDR-PSO Algorithm Each particle influenced by
Its own previous best (pbest)
Global best particle (gbest)
Particle that maximizes FDR (nbest)
Velocity Update Equation
Position Update Equation
7. FDR-PSO Algorithm Algorithm FDR-PSO:
For t= 1 to the max. bound on the number of generations,
For i=1 to the population size,
Find gbest;
For d=1 to the problem dimensionality,
Find nbest which maximizes the FDR;
Apply the velocity update equation;
Update Position;
End- for-d;
Compute fitness of the particle;
If needed, update historical information regarding Pi and Pg;
Terminate if Pg meets problem requirements;
End algorithm.
8. Particle Dynamics I Different nearest best neighbors for a particle along different dimensions
Nearest best neighbor often poorer than global best
Possible overlap between gbest or pbest and nbest for small populations
Overlap of 40% found in a population size of 10
9. Particle Dynamics -II
Greater exploration avoiding premature convergence
Increased Population Diversity
10. Particle Dynamics -II
11. Particle Dynamics II
12. Experimental Settings - I Experimental Settings
13. Experimental Settings - II FDR-PSO parameters
?1, ?2, ?3 represent the weights given to pbest, gbest and nbest terms respectively
Variations of FDR-PSO are obtained by varying the three weights
PSO parameter selection
Equal social and Cognitive learning rates
14. Results and Analysis -I
15. Results and Analysis -II
16. Summary of Results
17. Results and Analysis III FDR-PSO variations consistently outperformed PSO
FDR-PSO(112) was the best performer
nbest term is more important for multimodal functions
18. Performance of FDR-PSO Variations FDR-PSO(112) and FDR-PSO(012) outperform PSO on 5 out of 6 benchmark problems
FDR-PSO(102) outperform FDR-PSO(111) in 4 out of 6 benchmark problems
FDR-PSO(002) outperforms FDR-PSO(111) and PSO in 3 out of 6 benchmark problems
19. Related Work ARPSO: Diversity measurement makes the algorithm alternate between attraction and repulsion phases
PSO with mass extinction (HPSO) : Velocities are reinitialized after each extinction interval
Hybrid PSO : Population is split into subpopulations and PSO algorithm is hybridized with features from genetic algorithms
20. FDR-PSO Vs Other Variations -I
21. FDR-PSO Vs Other Variations -II Many PSO variations introduce additional control parameters which are not easy to determine
FDR-PSO achieves better minima without any additional parameters
Other variations are extrinsic to particle dynamics, and hence can be applied to FDR-PSO as well
22. Summary Designed a new algorithm which partly follows social impact theory
Modeled the Fitness-Distance Ratio metric
Improved performance compared to PSO and its previous variations
Significantly less affected than PSO by problems such as premature convergence, loss of diversity in population
23. Development and Research in Evolutionary Algorithms for Multisensor Smart Networks
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