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《 科学方法论 》 课程报告 201100230031 2011 级齐鲁医学班 李鸣浩

《 科学方法论 》 课程报告 201100230031 2011 级齐鲁医学班 李鸣浩. 蜘蛛的活动与织工的活动相似, 蜜蜂 建筑蜂房的本领使人间的许多建筑师惭愧,但是,最蹩脚的建筑师从一开始就比最灵巧的 蜜蜂 高明的地方,是他在用蜂蜡建筑蜂房以前,已经在自己的头脑中把它建成了。 —— 马克思 《 资本论 》. By: Randolf Menzel From: Nature Review 2012 Nov. Vol.13. Honeybee ?. 截至目前,世界上现生存的蜜蜂种类有 9 种。

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《 科学方法论 》 课程报告 201100230031 2011 级齐鲁医学班 李鸣浩

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  1. 《科学方法论》课程报告201100230031 2011级齐鲁医学班 李鸣浩 蜘蛛的活动与织工的活动相似,蜜蜂建筑蜂房的本领使人间的许多建筑师惭愧,但是,最蹩脚的建筑师从一开始就比最灵巧的蜜蜂高明的地方,是他在用蜂蜡建筑蜂房以前,已经在自己的头脑中把它建成了。 ——马克思《资本论》

  2. By: Randolf Menzel From:Nature Review 2012 Nov. Vol.13

  3. Honeybee? • 截至目前,世界上现生存的蜜蜂种类有9 种。 • (1)黑小蜜蜂Apis andreniformis Smith • (2)小蜜蜂Apis florea Fabricius • (3)黑大蜜蜂Apis laboriosa Smith • (4)大蜜蜂Apis dorsata Fabricius • (5)沙巴蜂Apis koschevnikovi Buttel-Reepen • (6)绿努蜂Apis nulunsis Tingek. Koeniger and Koeniger • (7)苏拉威西蜂Apis nigrocincta Smith • (8)东方蜜蜂Apis cerana Fabricius • (9)西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera L.

  4. Main points • Honeybee’s brain • Model for neuroethological research • Learning and memory • In search of the engram • Collective cognition in the social context • Conclusins

  5. The digital three-dimensional standard atlas of the bee brain provides a useful reference for identifying and classifying neurons, as well as for determining their contribution to neural networks. 黄色:visual ganglia视觉神经节 绿色: antennal lobes触角叶 红色:mushroom bodies蕈体

  6. Neuroanatomy: This refers to the complexity and accessibility of the nervous system of each animal species. If a connectome of the network as documented in virtual three-dimensional brain atlases is available, this will be reflected in a higher (that is, stronger) rating. • Biochemistry:This refers to the availability of data on intracellular signalling cascades underlying synaptic plasticity. • Molecular biology:The criteria used here are based on methods that allow manipulation of the signalling pathways that are involved in neural substrates of learning memory. • Electrophysiology:The accessibility of neurons to enable intracellular recordings and individual identification involved in processes of neural plasticity underlying learning and memory is taken as a criterion here. • Optophysiology: This refers to the possibility of tracing behavioural components underlying temporal and spatial patterns of neural activity by functional imaging of identified neural circuits under experimental conditions in which such behavioural components are performed. • Modelling of cellular pathways:This refers to the potential of modeling cellular pathways for quantifying and predicting the working of functional neural circuits. • Non-associative learning:The criterion here is the availability of laboratory tests of non-associative plasticity (such as habituation,sensitization and their neural correlates of synaptic depression and facilitation) that provide tools of relating cellular and neuralnetwork properties to elemental components of behavioural plasticity. • Associative learning:This refers to the availability of laboratory tests of classical conditioning that offer the potential to trace essential components of associative learning to neural processes. The repertoire and the robustness of these behavioural paradigms under laboratory conditions are used as an important component in selecting the respective species for model studies. • Operant learning: The availability of operant forms of learning (another form of associative learning) under laboratory conditions is used as a criterion here. • Natural learning:This refers to the richness of learning under natural conditions (for example, latent learning, observational learning, learning in the social context, learning during exploration and play) of the respective animal species. The availability of such studies and the potential to transfer essential components into the laboratory has been taken as an additional criterion for estimating the usefulness of the respective species as a model system. • Modelling at the systems level:This refers to the analysis of neural processes across levels of integration, which requires both bottom-up and top-down approaches. The coordination of these approaches is used as an additional argument that provides the potential of modelling lower level processes in such a way that higher level functions may be predicted.

  7. Non-associative learning:such as habituation、sensitization and their neural correlates of synaptic depression and facilitation Classical conditioning:经典条件反射 Operant conditioning: 操作式条件反射 CS 条件刺激 US 非条件刺激

  8. 人类的学习与记忆

  9. 西班牙科学家圣地亚哥· 拉蒙· 卡哈尔(Santiago ramóny cajal)是1906 年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主,早在第一次世界大战的十几年前,他便绘制出了昆虫的神经解剖图,并将昆虫大脑形象地比喻成一只精致的怀表,而将哺乳动物大脑比作一个空心的老式座钟。说起来让我们有点汗颜,很难想象蜜蜂的大脑仅有毫克重,却可与哺乳动物一样执行某些任务,比如为同伴带路、建造家园。蜜蜂的能力可能受到神经元数量的限制,但它们却可将神经系统的功能发挥到极致。

  10. the ventral unpaired neuron 1 of the maxillary neuromere (VUMmx1) octopaminergic neuron:章鱼胺能神经元 Reward:奖励刺激,阳性强化刺激

  11. Learning and memory Observational learning 观察学习is learning that occurs as a function of observing, retaining and replicating behavior observed in others.

  12. Working memory

  13. Neural and cellular correlates of learning and memory • Neurons identified on the basis of structure (morphology or molecular markers) and well-characterized neural circuits should allow localization of these changes and therefore help to uncover their spatial and temporal pattern of learning-related neural changes.

  14. Proboscis extension response:吻延伸反应

  15. In the proboscis extension response paradigm, responses of harnessed bees to olfactory stimuli are measured, and four stages of memory formation following the acquisition process (besides a sensory memory in the seconds range) have been distinguished: short-term memory, middle-term memory and two types of long-term memory.

  16. middle-term memory:PKM • Long-term memory:PKA • early long-term memory :translation-dependent (1–2 days after conditioning) • late long-term memory:translation-dependent and transcription-dependent(>3 days after conditioning)

  17. 锌指核酸技术 ZFN

  18. In search of the engram Contemporary neuroscience considers the engram to be stored in the lasting changes in synaptic strength at specific locations within the neural circuits that are involved in all aspects of perception, integration, mental processing and motor control.

  19. Kenyon cells (凯尼恩细胞):In arthropods‘ nervous system, Kenyon cells are mushroom body neurons derived from globuli cells. Some species possess hundreds of thousands of Kenyon cells. The cells are subdivided into subtypes; for example, those that have their cell bodies outside of the calyx cup are called clawed Kenyon cells.Kenyon cells were first described by F. C. Kenyon in 1896.

  20. Collective cognition in the social context • foraging bees:外勤蜂 queen:蜂后 • nurse bee : 乳母蜂

  21. 1、The individual bee and the community. Allocation of tasks to the individual worker is an emergent property that arises from: • genetic dispositions • highly plastic age-dependent developmental programs, epigenetic regulation • pheromone-dependent processes and learning

  22. 2、The waggle dance and navigation

  23. Taken together, the complexity of dance communication and the richness of information transfer proves that even a tiny brain like that of the bee allows for cognitive processes, including extraction of spatial relations, comparison of the values of represented goals and decision making on representations.

  24. Conclusions Ideally, a model species should possess : • rich sensory, • motor and cognitive faculties, • easily accessible neurons and neural circuits for long-lasting recordings under close-to natural conditions, • a cellular composition that allows for effective molecular and genetic manipulations

  25. Somatic transfection:体细胞基因转染——将目的基因导入靶细胞 multiphoton microscopy:多光子显微术——可以对厚的生物样品实现光学断层成像

  26. THE END

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