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This presentation discusses the industrial context and validation examples of Europlexus fast dynamics code, exploring models available for FSI analysis. The software features 1D, 2D, and 3D elements with various formulations and domain applications in nuclear reactors, chemical plants, and more. It covers fluid materials, coupling conditions, and experiments like the HeissDampfReaktor simulation. The non-matching interface algorithm enhances performance and accuracy in predicting LOCA scenarios with optimized physical modeling and reduced CPU time.
Fluid-Structure Interaction Modelling with Europlexus Fast Dynamics Software S. Potapov EDF R&D – Analyses in Mechanics and Acoustics Colloque GDR Interaction Fluide-Structure Sophia Antipolis, 26-27 September 2005 Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis
Outline • Industrial context • Numerical tool • Incompatible FS interface • Validation example • Conclusion Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis
Main Primary Circuit of PWR Pipeline model Reactor vessel Mixed pipeline / 3D model GV PP anti-whipping devices break 1D/3D Fluid-Structure link Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis
EUROPLEXUS fast dynamics code (initiated by CEA in 1978, and developed jointly by CEA, JRC, EDF, SAMTECH since 2000) Principal models available for the FSI analysis: Main characteristics: • 1D elements : • transient phenomena (wave propagation) • fluids, structures and their interaction (FSI) • Lagrangian, Eulerian and ALE formulations • geometric and material non-linearities • 1D, 2D, and 3D modelling (1D/3D connexions) • finite element formulation + transport terms • explicit time integration rigid and flexible walls • pipes: • multi-pipe links: • pump, break, local pressure losses • 3D fluid and structure elements • tetrahedron, cube • beam, plate, shell • 1D-3D F and S connexions Domains of analysis: Applications: - nuclear reactors - chemical plants - off-shore structures - submerged pipelines - safety valves 1) pipe circuits 2) hydrodynamics 3) explosions 4) impacts 5) robotics • Compressible fluid materials: • gas (perfect) • two-phase water • - homogeneous equilibrated • - steam tables • pressure losses (distributed) Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis
vF Dynamic equilibrium over the whole domain: n Fluid n F F M ü = Fext - Fint -r r vS S S Structure Kinematic links: C v = b equality of reactions compatible meshes compatibility condition Equilibrium for the FS interface d.o.f.: mn ün = fext- fint +rn n n vF.n = vS .n For inviscid fluid: Reactions at the FS interface: rn = CTl Incompatible FS interfaces: Hierarchical type interface Fluid Structure 3D Fluid-Structure coupling in EUROPLEXUS Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis
node Non-matching coupling conditions Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis
Experiment V32 Initial conditions: HeissDampfReaktor (KFA/ISR, Germany, 1980) (Superheated Steam Reactor) break Core barrel Blowdown nozzle Membrane water Blowdown nozzle: L = 1.37 m A = 0.0314 m2 Core barrel: H = 7.57 m R = 1.32 m t = 0.023 m Mass ring: M = 13500 kg Downcomer P = 11 MPa T = 300 °C Pressure vessel Mass ring Lower plenum FSI simulation of LOCA accident in HDR Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis
Coarse mesh Refinment procedure Fine mesh Fluid mesh Structure mesh Nb. of elements : Incompatible interface Fluid : 35854 Fluid : 34204 Structure: 2080 Structure: 1148 HDR model with EUROPLEXUS Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis
Evolution of pressure P x 0.1 (MPa) P x 0.1 (MPa) compatible mesh incompatible mesh Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis
Time histories of pressure and displacements Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis
Calculations with and without FSI Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis
Matching mesh: Non-matching mesh: Fluid: 35854 FE Fluid: 34204 FE Structure: 2080 FEStructure: 1148 FE on Compaq a 25 4 Time performance Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis
Conclusion • The use of the new non-matching FS interface algorithm allows realistic prediction of different physical phenomena characterising the LOCA situation • This algorithm allows optimising physical modelling and mesh generation for the fluid and structure domains • The CPU time is drastically reduced Colloque GDR Intéraction Fluide-Structure, Sophia Antipolis