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Freelance Event Manager offering expertise in organizing workshops, conferences, and marketing plans. Learn successful approaches for reaching potential customers abroad. Contact via email or LinkedIn for more information.
Stefania Padoa Event and Marketing Manager Freelance Modelsof Marketing – Prof. Massimo di Menna Bologna University, 4th March 2014
My background • Degree in Italian Literature (March 2007) and in Ancient History (July 2008) • First Job: Organization of small exhibitions at Reggio Emilia Civic Museums • First approach to big events: in March 2009 I was involved in the organization of “Fotografia Europea 2009”
My background • In 2009-2010 I attended a course whose title was “Event and Public Relations Manager” • I began to study Communication and Marketing to acquire more skills • In the meanwhile, I found a new job: organization of training courses at Lapam – Confartigianato (Modena)
first assessment • At the end of 2010 I realized that I wanted to have new experiences… • After a very hard search I started working at Modena and Reggio Emilia University
Mycurrent job • From Septemper 2012 I am a freelance (VAT)
Mycurrent job Main activities: • Organization of workshop at meetings at Modena University • Organization of meetings and conferences for companies • Educational planning • Marketing plan
Mycurrent target • Of course if you are a freelancer you MUST get in touch with several companies and people to get a job…
How do i get work? • Send CV • LinkedIn • Network with other Freelancers • Get in touch with interesting people • Search opportunities every day • Very hard study and updating • Every month I organize with other Freelancers and start up social dinners to get in touch with potential customers
Ifyou are a freelancer… YOU MUST BE YOU MUST NOT BE • Hard worker • Quick and smart • Diplomatic • Enduring • Self-confident • Social • Honest and fair • Humble • Anxious • Dishonest: don’t steal ideas! • Shy (just a bit) • Gossipy • Haughty • Liar
Nowtwotasksforyou Task 1: You are an Event Planner and you get in touch with a small musical association. This association organizes jazz concerts with a Brass quintet in Emilia Romagna. The Brass quintet would like to get in touch with foreign countries to organize concerts abroad. They have already played their Music abroad (Germany and France) and they earned more there than in Italy. What can you do to get in touch with potential customers abroad?
Second task • Your customer is a Cooking school in Emilia Romagna. • The school organizes Cooking classes and Food and Wine Tours for Italian and foreign tourists in Emilia Romagna • The Cooking school wants to get in touch with foreign tourists to implement Food and Wine Tours and Cooking classes. • Any ideas? What can you do to get in touch with potential customers abroad?
Thanksforyourattentionifyouwant more detailsabout the tasksyou can write or call and askfor information stefaniapadoa@libero.it stefania padoa it.linkedin.com/pub/stefania-padoa/30/aa/b4b THANKS TO PROF. MASSIMO DI MENNA FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY