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A Missing Component of Higher Education Programs: Everyone Needs Creativity

Explore the definition, importance, and teachability of creativity in education programs, along with various training types and their effects on students. Discover how college-level creativity courses are designed to nurture innovative thinking.

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A Missing Component of Higher Education Programs: Everyone Needs Creativity

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  1. A Missing Component of Higher Education Programs: Everyone Needs Creativity Ugur Sak, Ph.D. Anadolu University, Turkey

  2. OVERVIEW • Definition of Creativity • Importance of Creativity • Teachability of Creativity • Training types • Effects of Training • Design of College Level creativity Courses

  3. Definition ofCreativity Creativity involves the production oforiginal, potentially workable, andvaluableideasorsolutions that are relevant to context (Besemer& O’Quin, 1999; Lubart, 2001; Sak, 2010).

  4. Importance ofCreativity Few attributes of human performance have as muchimpact on our lives as creativity.

  5. Importance ofCreativity FOR EXAMPLE • Outstandingachievement in the arts and sciences is held todepend on creativity.

  6. Importance ofCreativity FOR EXAMPLE • Creativity is linked to the leadership of institutions.

  7. Importance ofCreativity FOR EXAMPLE • Creativityplaysa role in entrepreneurial activities andlong-term economic growth.

  8. Importance ofCreativity FOR EXAMPLE • Goodjobs available in modern economies requirecreative thought.

  9. Teachability ofCreativity Creativity training has been developedfor occupations ranging from marketing, business managementand educationaladministrationtomedicineandengineering.

  10. Teachability ofCreativity A number of approacheshave been used to teach creativity: • effective incentives • acquisitionof requisiteexpertise(emphasis on domain-specificknowledgeand problem solving) • group interactions • improvement in workclimate and culture • requisite careerdevelopment experiences • cognitivetraining to enhance components of creativity

  11. Teachability ofCreativity • Training has been themostcommonapproach for enhancing creativity. • For example, Solomon (1990), drawingfrom survey data, found that 25% of the organizationsemploying more than 100 people offer some form of creativitytraining.

  12. Teachability ofCreativityTraining Types Creativity training comes in many forms. • Smith (1998), in a review of training program content,identified 172 techniques, or instructional methods,that have, at one time or another, been used to developdivergent thinking skills. • Bull, Montgomery, andBaloche (1995), in a review of collegelevel creativity courses, identified 70 techniquesthat were viewed as important components of instruction.

  13. Teachability ofCreativityTraining Types Bull, Montgomery, andBaloche (1995), identified a numberof general approaches applied in the development ofcreativitytrainingincluding • cognitive approaches • personality approaches • motivational approaches • social interactional approaches

  14. Teachability ofCreativityEffects of Training A review of 70 prior studiesshowedthatwell-designed creativity training programsimprovecreativeperformance (Scott, Leritz & Mumford, 2004).

  15. CreativityFramework of Design forCollege Level CreativityCourses

  16. Thankyouforyourparticipation Contact Ugur Sak usak@anadolu.edu.tr

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