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Sports massage Burr Ridge

Regular massage usually means those treatments offered at beauty spas or relaxation clinics. Both environments offer valid treatment for overworked, stressed muscles. However, sports massage and remedial massage differ in both its purpose and the techniques used. <br>http://hiddenspa.com/massage/

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Sports massage Burr Ridge

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  1. Hidden Spa Skin Care Lorraine Downie’s Bespoke Facial Treatment Lorraine Downie’s Bespoke facial offers you custom designed treatment around you and the needs of your skin. Helping to tackle a myriad of issues from premature ageing, keeping wrinkles at bay, adult acne to pigmentation to name a few. All bespoke facials will incorporate some of the following aspects – ozone steaming, extractions, microdermabrasion, galvanic therapy, acupressure, lymphatic drainage, face lifting techniques and more. You will love the results and your skin will be left brighter, refreshingly tingly, toned and nourished. To rejuvenate, invigorate, oxygenate and revitalise the skin. Lorraine incorporates throughout the treatment the facial lymphatic drainage, pressure point Deep tissue massages Burr Ridge and natural lifting facial movements.

  2. 4 step facial that leaves your skin looking brighter tighter and feeling lighter. Containing glycolic acid to cause deep exfoliation to the epidermis removing all those free radicals leaving the skin ultra smooth. Kojic acid that concentrates on pigmentation and sun damaged skin leaving the skin looking brighter and rejuvenated. Lactic acid causing a deep cleansing affect on the skin leaving the skin feeling fresh. Then finishing off with an application of Vitamin E and C leaving the skin silky smooth causing an increase in cellular production enabling the skin to work more effectively. Leaves the skin flawless and silky smooth Mesotherapy (Derma Stamp/Derma Roller) is a special form of injectable mesotherapy that is capable of treating acne, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, skin laxity and wrinkles. Bio rejuvenation involves the precise administration of tiny micro-injections over several areas of the face, providing dehydrated and

  3. ageing complexions with a rejuvenated, youthful and dewy appearance. Facial mesotherapy treatments are surprisingly painless and are often well tolerated, incurring a short amount of social downtime. The potent injectable medications used in mesotherapy treatments will be be fully customized to suit your individual needs. LED, LIGHT THERAPY UNIT Red with Infra-Red LED Light Therapy: Minimises erythema conditions of the skin and enhances skin rejuvenation through protein stimulation. Stimulates collagen production. Collagen is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of your skin, resulting in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen is also the protein used to heal damaged skin cells. The red light spectrum is used to treat aging skin (wrinkles), reduce sagging, and burn fat. Yellow LED Light Therapy: Soothes, stimulates lymphatic circulation, and minimises inflammation. Stimulates the production of red blood cells in the skin and is effective in treating abnormal pigmentation (hypo and hyper), improving lymphatic function, and stimulating circulation. Green LED Light Therapy: Improves epidermal pigmented lesions. Stimulates injured cells to product ATP and increase DNA and RNA activity. Green LED Therapy is used to treat dilated capillaries, sagging skin around the eyes, under eye circles, hyper-pigmentation (sun spots), and even sagging breasts.

  4. Micro Sculpturing stimulation delivers tiny electrical impulses that mirror the body’s own natural bio electrical field. In most cases, treatment is virtually sub- sensory, with just a slight electrical tingling sensation. Originally developed for treating facial palsy. Cosmetic benefits: • re-educates muscles, • increases blood and lymph circulation, • enhances the penetration of the active ingredients of skin care formulations • increases the production of collagen and elastin • increases protein synthesis, gluconeogenesis and cell membrane transport • increases mitochondria activity, adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

  5. Micro-current in aesthetics is commonly described as “facial toning Or non surgical face lifting” due to the dramatic lifting effect that micro-current has on facial muscles and facial contours. With visible effects after just one treatment, the Oxygen facial is the celebrities favourite, including Madonna, Kelly Brooke, Patsy Kensit, Tina Hobley and Patsy Palmer. The Oxygen facial treatment has been taken one step further to create the ultimate oxygenating treatment to revive face, décolleté and hands. Help combat the negative effects of every day life and pollution and inject a new lease of life into a dry or dehydrated complexion with this rejuvenating skin treatment. How does it work? The treatment uses a combination of oxygen and enzymes to resurface hydrate and regenerate the skin whilst improving oxygenation without the need of increasing blood supply and redness. What are the results?

  6. For best results and for a lasting improvement to the regeneration of skin cells, a course of 6 weekly treatments is recommended, although a one off treatment will show benefits too. Results can last for two-three months. Perfect for treating fine lines, wrinkles and dehydrated skin. Hot Stone European massage Burr Ridger apidly stimulates the nervous system to increase blood and lymph circulation, which helps to restore damaged cells and improve the client’s facial appearance. Placing hot stones on your face will only melt away tension and fatigue on your skin. Warm, smooth stones are used to Swedish massage Burr Ridge the face and neck, as circulation is stimulated and toxins are eliminated, but other benefits include firming, toning and excess fluid removal. Hot stone facial therapy helps diminish puffiness of the eyes and tension lines. Wonderful anti-ageing. Wonderfully Relaxing massage.

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