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Improving the far-side seismic holography signal Irene González Hernández and the GONG and MDI far-side teams. Contents. Calibrating the seismic signal Extending the maps to the front side Combining MDI and GONG Improving the far-side monitor. Users able to subscribe

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Improving the far-side seismic holography signalIrene González Hernández and the GONG and MDI far-side teams

  2. Contents • Calibrating the seismic signal • Extending the maps to the front side • Combining MDI and GONG • Improving the far-side monitor

  3. Users able to subscribe to alerts > % FS00543 Time Distance ( HMI + GONG) Improving the far-side monitor HMI MDI GONG |B| 85 %

  4. AR10808 Active Region NOAA-10923 Oct 31 -> Nov 10 2006 AR10923 sin(latitude) Calibrating the far-side signal Active Region NOAA-10808 Aug 29 -> Sep 9 2005 sin(latitude) Carrington Longitude

  5. Calibrating the far-side signal

  6. Calibrating the far-side signal

  7. Calibrating the far-side signal Juan Calibrated Farside Maps

  8. can fill in some of this area with 1 x 4 skip method (in progress…) “far-side” imaging of the near side 1 x 3 skip method actually extends well onto the near side!

  9. Calibration of the near-side signal Braun & Lindsey, 2000

  10. Calibration of the far-side signal 2x2 Skips 1x3 Skips

  11. Calibration of the far-side signal Can we improve the Green’s Functions? More realistic model --> Collaboration with Fernando Perez at the IAC Empirical calibration of the dispersion Dispersion for several bounces

  12. Statistical Analysis MDI GONG MDI + GONG

  13. Statistical Analysis

  14. Why the improvement? • Different length of time series • Duty Cycle • Phase correction

  15. Why the improvement? • Length of series

  16. Why the improvement? • Duty Cycle

  17. Why the improvement? • Phase Correction

  18. Why the improvement? GONG MDI 050902 050902 050903 050903

  19. Study of Emerging Active Regions with Ring-diagram analysis Rudi Komm & Frank Hill

  20. Emerging Active Region Analysis with Rings Komm et al. 2008, Apj, 672, 1254

  21. Emerging Active Region Analysis with Rings Komm et al. 2008, Apj, 672, 1254

  22. Emerging Active Region Analysis with Rings Komm et al. 2008, Apj, 672, 1254

  23. Subsurface Vorticity measurements for Flare Forecasting Komm & Hill 2008, Apj, submitted

  24. Subsurface Vorticity measurements for Flare Forecasting Komm & Hill 2008, Apj, submitted

  25. Ring Pipeline improvements • Custom patches (pipeline) • Active region tracker prepare_set.sh AR_number Date Time Longitude Latitude

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