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The Offsite Request Button : How it works and when it appears

The Offsite Request Button : How it works and when it appears. Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator September 16, 2008 rev. April 26, 2011. ReCAP Columbia Univeristy. What is the request button ?. Request buttons can be found in CLIO

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The Offsite Request Button : How it works and when it appears

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  1. The Offsite Request Button: How it works and when it appears Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator September 16, 2008 rev. April 26, 2011 ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  2. What is the request button? • Request buttons can be found in CLIO • It links patrons with valid UNIs to the online “REQUEST IT from Offsite” webform • Webform allows patrons to request physical or electronic delivery of Offsite collections I am the request button ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  3. Where is the Request Button? • In CLIO beta the request button is at the right of the holdings information: • In CLIO classic the request button is immediately below the holdings information: ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  4. Summary • New request buttons appear on Friday • Expect 2-hour time lag between CLIO Location flip and appearance of button on Friday • Buttons are immediately active • The appearance and disappearance of buttons depends on master file updates and database maintenance • This presentation will elaborate on how the process works ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  5. Master Barcode File Master Bib Key File Overall Schematic • This schematic outlines how Columbia systems work to generate the request button • Only items with off-site CLIO Locations get a button • More detail to come… Voyager File ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  6. Workflow • There are three streams of workflow that affect CLIO Location and the request button • Mass retrospective: The largest volume of material for ReCAP is processed by MRP • New acquisitions: About 30,000 volumes per year are processed by cataloging units. See Processing New Acquisitions for Offsite • Database maintenance: Residual maintenance affects the appearance and disappearance of the request button ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  7. OPAC Displays: Batch Process and New Acquisitions • CLIO changes for mass retrospective and new acquisitions follow similar paths • OPAC displays are slightly different • Mass Retrospective: • New Acquisitions: ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  8. Two Databases: Voyager (CUL) and LAS (ReCAP) • Managing collections at ReCAP requires coordination between two databases, one at each institution • In shorthand, they are Voyager (CUL) and LAS (ReCAP) • Voyager and LAS contain different but related data • Voyager is an ILS, designed for library collection management • LAS is a proprietary system designed for high-density library storage facilities Voyager (CUL) LAS (ReCAP) ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  9. File Exchange • Voyager and LAS do not have a dynamic link – they do not “talk” directly to each other • Files are sent or retrieved from one to the other • File exchange takes place daily, weekly or periodically Voyager (CUL) LAS (ReCAP) File ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  10. Charges in Voyager • It is important to note that charges in Voyager are completely separate from the LAS database • Charges to a patron or status patron effect only the Columbia side of the request process • A current charge prohibits patrons and staff from re-requesting the same item Charge to Patron Charge to Status Patron ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  11. Master Barcode File Master BibKey File Overall Schematic • Here is the schematic again with description of what each image represents Voyager File Weekly file of new accessions Added to CUL’s master file of barcodes at ReCAP Result: CUL’s master BibKey file Master barcode file matched to BibKeys in Voyager database Request button appears for every BibKey in the file ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  12. Voyager GFA Weekly Accession File • Every Friday CUL retrieves a file of the week’s accessions • It is a data set of offsite prefixed barcode numbers (see CPM-424 for complete list) = File ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  13. CLIO Location Flip • The file is used to flip CLIO Locations from oncampus to offsite • glx flips to off,glx, bus flips to off,bus, etc • glx4off flips to off,glx, bus4off flips to off,bus, etc • CLIO Location changes; still no request button in OPAC = File ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  14. Master Barcode File Master Barcode File File Weekly Accession File Added to Master Barcode File • The file of weekly accessions is added to CUL’s master barcode file • The master barcode file contains all barcode numbers Columbia has transferred to ReCAP = ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  15. Master Barcode File Master BibKey File Master File Checked Against Voyager • The updated master barcode file is checked against all Voyager records • Any match adds a BibKey to the master BibKey file Voyager ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  16. Master BibKey File Master BibKey File Voyager Master BibKey File • The result is a file of BibKey numbers • A BibKey is a unique number assigned to a bibliographic record in Voyager = ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  17. Master BibKey File Request Button Appears • The Master BibKey file adds request buttons to OPAC = ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  18. Voyager Timeframe • There is an approximate 2-hour time lag between the CLIO Location flip and generation of the request button 2 hours ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  19. Review Summary • Request buttons appear every Friday • There is normally a 2-hour time lag between location change and appearance of request button • Request buttons are immediately active Thank you! ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  20. Related Information • Outline of ReCAP Accession : Simplified model of the process of accession at ReCAP • New Acquisitions for ReCAP : How new acquisitions are routed directly to ReCAP • LAS: IntroductiontoReCAPDatabase (LAS) • Request buttons of the past. CUL has redesigned the request button several times to improve usability: ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

  21. More Information Available • For more information about access to ReCAP collections please see Off-site Library Shelving Facility (ReCAP) site on LWeb. • Training documents and data can be found on both the Staff ReCAP website and the ReCAP Data Center • Tailored data sets and analysis will be provided to staff via the ReCAP Coordinator ReCAP Columbia Univeristy

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