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Where are we going… where have we been?. Eph e sus. 90-200 A.D.
Ephesus 90-200 A.D.
“Growing Outand Growing Up”- “Bearingand Baring”-“Right Raveand Left Love” - “Hype and Hypocrisy”-“Historyand His Story” -“Acts and Actions”- “Revealedand Revealing” -“Fully Purposed andFully Positioned”- “Exposed and Exposure” 90-200 A.D. • Ephesus Where are we going … where have we been?
Smyrna 200-325 A.D.
- “Blessingsand Cursings”- “Blindand Seeing”-“Nothing and Everything”- “Seedand Situation” -“Cost and Cause”- “Informationand Informed” 200-325 A.D. • Smyrna Where are we going … where have we been?
Pergamos 325-500 A.D.
Application: • Historical • Devotional (Inspirational) • Doctrinal (Prophetical)
Pergamos • Commission • Character • Commendation • Condemnation • Correction • Call • Challenge
Where are we going…where have we been? • Pergamos “Eclipsed andEntangled”
Mark 16:15 – “And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Where are we going…where have we been? “Seed andSituation”
Church history is nothing more than the movement of Godthrough the course of time, nations, and people to accomplish His three-fold plan for the universe, the earth, and your life…ANDit is the movement of the devil through the course oftime, nations, and our lives to counter, counterfeit, and/or confound God’s three-fold plan.
Job 41:12-14 – “I will not conceal his parts, nor his power, nor his comely proportion. Who can discover the face of his garment? or who can come to him with his double bridle? Who can open the doors of his face? his teeth are terrible round about.”
Job 8:8-10 – “For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers: (For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow:) Shall not they teach thee, and tell thee, and utter words out of their heart?”
Where are we going…where have we been? • Pergamos “Christianized andPaganized”
Ephesus 90-200 A.D. • Smyrna 200-325 A.D.
Job 41:12-14 – “ I will not conceal his parts, nor his power, nor his comely proportion. Who can discover the face of his garment? or who can come to him with his double bridle? Who can open the doors of his face? his teeth are terrible round about.”
Fox’s Book of Martyrs: “By the beginning of the 4th century, in 303 A.D. INVENTION WAS EXHAUSTED to devise tortures against such as had no crime.”
1st Peter 5:8 – “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”
2nd Corinthians 11:14 “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
Christianity, A New State Religion In A.D. 312 an important Roman general by the name of Constantine was converted to Christianity through a spiritual experience he had on the battlefield. That same year, Constantine was made emperor of Rome.
Under his leadership, Constantine offered protection to Christians, allowing Christian churches to be built throughout the empire, and allowing Christianity to spread more quickly. By A.D. 392 Christianity had become a powerful force in Rome. It was practiced from border to border. In this same year, the emperor Theodosius declared Christianity the state religion, and outlawed all other religious practices. Christians began to organize their church into parishes, which were overseen by priests. Several parishes formed what was called a diocese. Each diocese was led by a bishop. Eventually the bishop in Rome began to claim authority over all other bishops, and gave himself the title of ‘papa’, or Pope. The Western parishes readily accepted the authority of the Pope, however, the Eastern churches did not. The churches in the West eventually became known as the Roman Catholic Church, while the churches in the East joined together to form the Eastern Orthodox Church
Where are we going…where have we been? • Pergamos “Christianized andPaganized”
A Holy Mother • “Supernaturally conceived son” • He is the incarnation of his father. • His father was manifested as “Blazing Light”
The “son’s” birthday was December 25th. • The “birthday”is celebrated with: feasting,parades, holly, mistletoe, yule logs, and evergreen trees!
This “evergreen tree” is to be brought into the house and “decked” or “decorated”. • The “holy mother” is CENTRAL to the religion.
This “holy mother” is prayed to as the “queen of heaven”, the “Mediatrix”, the “mother of God”, the “Madonna”. • The mother and child together represent “fertility”
The “son” dies and is buried. • After 40 days of weeping by his mother, he is miraculously resurrected from the dead.
They celebrated this “raising from the dead” in the SPRING of every year. • The event is called “Ishtar”, pronounced “Easter”
“Ishtar” celebration included bunny rabbits, colored eggs, bonnets and an “Ishtar” sunrise service.
“This “worship” also included ritualistic, repetitive prayers…using ROSARY BEADS!
The worship of statues was included, using the symbol called the “TAU”, in the shape of the letter “T”.
Pergamos-“Marriage”(Polygamy/Bigomy) • Commission • The name “Pergamos”
Where are we going…where have we been? • Pergamos “Christianized andPaganized”
The mother and child… become Mary and Jesus. • Pergamos “Christianized andPaganized”
The winter festival… becomes Christ- mass. • Pergamos “Christianized andPaganized”