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C5 Approval Process. C5 Activity Approval Form What activities need to have a C5 submitted?. All Scouting activities for all sections: Not on your regular meeting night or not at your regular meeting place or den. Any Specialist Outdoor activity. Eg abseiling, bushwalking.
C5 Activity Approval FormWhat activities need to have a C5 submitted? All Scouting activities for all sections: • Not on your regular meeting night or not at your regular meeting place or den. • Any Specialist Outdoor activity. Eg abseiling, bushwalking. • Overnight sleepovers, camps. • Pack council, Troop council, Unit council not held on your regular meeting night or place. • Travel to and from region or branch organised activities such as region camps, Cuboree, TripleS, Qld Venture, Qld Moot.
C5 Activity Approval FormWhat information do I put on the form? Number attending. Include all youth and adult helpers Activity Site details Activity duration. Allow for travel time. Person in charge of activity. Can be a Venturer but must be countersigned by the Section Leader. Person approving the activity. Usually the GL or Leader in Charge Person to send Copy to. Usually the ARC or RC
C5 Activity Approval FormWhat other information goes with the form? • Menu. • Program of events for the activity. • Activity has a Scoutsafe plan for Risk Management. • Overnight stop locations for long distance travel. • Transport:Method of travel.Ensure that all transport is currently registered and suitable for the purpose.Driver’s blue card is current when sighted.Driver’s state licence is current for the appropriate vehicle when sighted.
C5 Activity Approval FormWho are the people involved in the approval process? Who Responsibility Person in Charge of Activity This is the person who fills out the C5. This person is usually the qualified section leader, a youth member. When Youth members are in charge of an activity and submit the C5, the qualified section leader will check the menu, program, risk management and details are adequate for the activity and then countersign in section 6 of the C5. The qualified leader will have completed Skills1 level of training. This person will be the Region Leader for region organised events like Region Cub camp etc. Person Approving Activity This is the person who approves the C5. This person is usually the Group Leader or Leader in Charge for section activities or possibly the section Region Leader. The person will check the menu, program, risk management and details are adequate for the activity and then sign in the “Approval part of section 6 of the C5. This person will be the ARC if the activity is a Region organised event. Person Advised of Activity This is the person who is advised of the activity. This person is usually one of the Assistant Region Commissioners or the Region Commissioner. This person appoints a Safety officer as required. This person will be the RC if the activity is a Region organised event. Appointed Safety Officer This person is appointed as the safety contact point of the activity by one the Assistant Region Commissioners or the Region Commissioner. This person has the responsibility of contacting Emergency Services in the event of accidents.
C5 Activity Approval FormWho gets a copy of the form? Who What copy is kept Person in Charge of Activity Original Copy 2 Approved form back to Person in charge 1 Person Approving Activity Copy of Approved Form Copy of Approved form to Person to be Advised of Activity (ARC) 3 Person Advised of Activity Copy of Approved Form from Person Approving Activity 4 Copy of Approved form to Safety Officer Appointed Safety Officer Copy of Approved Form From Person Approving Activity
C5 Activity Approval FormWhat happens on start of the activity? Who Person in Charge of Activity At the start of activity, usually when everyone gathers to depart, the person in charge advises the appointed safety officer with the actual number of people departing and attending the activity. This can be by SMS or a phone call to the appointed safety officer Person Approving Activity SMS to Appointed Safety Officer Person Advised of Activity Eg14Y 2A Helensvale Venturersdeparting Hike in Lamington NP. VSL Brian See Appointed Safety Officer
C5 Activity Approval FormWhat happens at the end of the activity? Who Person in Charge of Activity At the end of activity, usually when everyone arrives back at the determined location, the person in charge advises the appointed safety officer with the actual number of people who have arrived back safely. This can be by SMS or a phone call to the appointed safety officer Person Approving Activity SMS to Appointed Safety Officer Person Advised of Activity Eg14Y 2A Helensvale Venturersarrived back safely from Lamington NP. VSL Brian See Appointed Safety Officer
C5 Activity Approval FormWhy do I fill one in? • Ensure Safety guidelines are met. • Leader obligation to the youth members on the activity. • Communication upline to the Group Leader. The GL likes to know what each section is doing outside of regular meeting nights and away from den activities. • Communication upline to the Region Leaders. The RC and his team likes to know what the sections are doing. • This part of the process is used to track down people in extreme circumstances especially when visiting other regions.
C5 Activity Approval FormWhen do I fill one in? As early as possible to meet the following: • For activities within our region, to reach the approving person at least 2 weeks before the activity. • For activities outside of our region, to reach the approving person at least 6 weeks before the activity. This will allow time to reach the host region. • For activities outside of the state, to reach the approving person at least 2 months before the activity. This will allow time to reach the host region in that state. The C2 form is required.
C5 Activity Approval FormWho can approve what activities? • Activities and camps within the group.Group Leader. If the Group Leader is in Training, then Leader in Charge or Assistant Region Commissioner or Region Commissioner. • Group Family Camps, Mindaris and Region Events.Region Commissioner or delegated Assistant Region Commissioner. • Branch Activities.Chief Commissioner
C5 Activity Approval FormWhat else do I need to know? • The approving person will assess whether the planning requirements have been met and then will give approval for the activity. • For legal reasons, copies need to kept until the youth members turn 21 years old. • No excuse for not submitting a C5.