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Brunei, December 2002. 2. Agenda. Public Enterprises ? Intention vs. OutcomesThe Nigerian Case for Privatization, Efficiency and ProductivityPrivatization Strategies and MethodsInstitutional Framework and StructureProgramme Implementation StatusKey Issues and Challenges. Brunei, December 2002.
1. Restructuring State Owned Enterprises through PrivatizationExpert Group meeting on NAM Reform: Privatization and Public-Private PartnershipBrunei Darussalam Nasir Ahmad el-Rufai
Bureau of Public Enterprises
Abuja - Nigeria
December 16 - 18, 2002
2. Brunei, December 2002 2 Agenda Public Enterprises Intention vs. Outcomes
The Nigerian Case for Privatization, Efficiency and Productivity
Privatization Strategies and Methods
Institutional Framework and Structure
Programme Implementation Status
Key Issues and Challenges
3. Brunei, December 2002 3 QUOTABLE QUOTES Nothing is easier than spending public money. It does not appear to belong to anybody. The temptation is overwhelming to bestow it on somebody Calvin Coolidge
when everyone is to blame, no one bears responsibility Anonymous
4. Brunei, December 2002 4 Public Enterprises in Nigeria 590 public enterprises at end 2000 (160 in economic activities)
Over 5,000 board appointments enormous patronage power
Control funds of over N1 trillion more than Federal Budget
Transfers of US $3bn (1998), $0.8bn (1999), and about $1.4bn (2000) about $4bn in 2001.
Accounted for budget deficit of 5% of GDP (1998) and growing
Over 55% of non-performing debts (London and Paris Clubs) are PE debts (Hilton $300m, Sheraton $250m, Paper $1bn, etc.)
Most government owned industries and businesses operate at sub-optimal levels of capacity and are among the most inefficient in the world. (NEPA, NPA, NITEL, Paper Mills, Steel, Sugar)
No government business in Nigeria makes true profit today and none has ever ever made real profit unless managed by Technical Partners (the NITEL, Nigerdock and NAFCON stories)
5. Brunei, December 2002 5 Alternative to Privatization $100 billion spent by FGN to establish Public Enterprises (PE) between 1975 and 1995 to:
Balance or replace weak private sector
Control commanding heights or strategic sectors of the economy
Produce higher investment ratios
Transfer technology, management and know-how
Generate employment
Develop otherwise uneconomic areas or sectors
Provide goods and services at lower costs
These returned 0.5% profit and employed about 420,000 people without NICON and CBN, returns are negative.
6. Brunei, December 2002 6 The Evidence of Government Control There is clear evidence that PE have not served:
Customers (NEPA, NITEL, NNPC, Steel, NAL)
Employees ($100bn for 420K jobs, poor pay, near zero pensions NRC, NITEL, NEPA, Steel, NAFCON, NAL)
Shareholders (zero dividends, unremitted revenues and levies NAL, NITEL, NPA, NNPC, LITFC)
Nigerian Tax-Payers e.g. NITEL, NPA, LITFC, OSCs
PE have instead become reverse Robin Hood:
Served as platforms for political patronage and promotion of short-term political objectives to nations long-term detriment
Infrastructure of corruption, parasitism and rent-seeking for elites
Consumed average of $3bn annually in subsidies from 1992-99
Major stumbling blocks to obtaining debt relief for Nigeria.
7. Brunei, December 2002 7 Privatization and Development The case for privatization is the clear evidence that PE have contributed to our economic stagnation and poor image. PE have:
Created economic inefficiency
Consistently incurred financial losses
Absorbed disproportionate share of credit
Contributed to fiscal deficits and imbalances
Facilitated and entrenched parasitism and corruption
Attracted rapacious military-civilian elites to politics
8. Brunei, December 2002 8 Privatization and Efficiency Accordingly, we need to privatize all our PE to:
Reduce corruption and parasite mentality
Modernize technology in our industries
Strengthen capital markets
Dismantle monopolies and remove service arrogance
Promote efficiency and better management
Reduce debt burden and fiscal deficits
Resolve massive and perennial pension funding gaps
Broaden ownership base and create popular capitalism
Generate funds for investment in social sectors
Promote transparency in corporate governance
Attract foreign investment and positive re-imaging
Attract back flight capital in to Nigeria
9. Brunei, December 2002 9 Privatization: Definition Privatization is the transfer of ownership and management control of a PE to private shareholders. This means transfer of:
Capital investment responsibility
Going-concern/bankruptcy risks
Incentives and profit benefits
At one extreme, privatization can consist of just transfer of management responsibility (without transfer of capital and profit risks) or outright sale of assets or shares at the other extreme.
10. Brunei, December 2002 10 Privatization: Policy Guide
11. Brunei, December 2002 11 Privatization: Strategies - 1
12. Brunei, December 2002 12 Privatization: Strategies - 2
13. Brunei, December 2002 13 UK Experience - Lessons Learnt Apart from Chile, no nation has the UKs privatization experience in privatization. The NCP has studied the British privatization programme and present the following lessons learnt:
A central agency with autonomy, unfettered authority and resources is essential to success. Experiences and mistakes are learned and the agency gets better with time.
Stay Focused as opponents are a minority, but are vocal and articulate. Maggie Thatcher had the will to proceed with what she believed no matter what.
Get regulatory system right and ensure competitive framework errors in electric power and telecoms privatization are important lessons.
Avoid restructuring/rehabilitation and injection of new money before privatization experience showed that it was throwing good money after bad
Favour core investor sales where there is need for new investment, technology or management skills.
14. Brunei, December 2002 14 Implementation Framework
15. Brunei, December 2002 15 Privatization Process - 1 Appointment of professional advisers Financial, Legal, Technical, Valuation, PR, Accounting, etc.
Technical, Financial and Legal Due Diligence
Advertising of Company for partial sale of bloc of shares to qualified strategic/core investors
Pre-qualification and preliminary due diligence of prospective core investors
Issue of Information Memorandum and Bidding Documents to prospective, pre-qualified core investors
Public opening of bids submitted by prospective core investors
Negotiations with short-listed bidders (within 20% of highest) or open auction.
16. Brunei, December 2002 16 Privatization Process - 2 Evaluation of Technical and Financial Proposals by BPE and Technical Committee of NCP
Presentation of recommendations of TC-NCP to NCP or the VP in event of perceived delays
Approval or otherwise of TC recommendations by NCP, and announcement by BPE
Filing of application to offer balance of shares to the general public with SEC and the Stock Exchange
Opening of public offer for 4-6 weeks, with no further extension
1,000,000 forms printed and distributed throughout Nigeria SGs, LGs, Post Office, SIAs, Traditional Rulers, Newspaper inserts, etc.
Share allotment on basis of equality of Federal Constituencies
Shares not taken up offered to SIAs/SGs for uptake within 30 days
Subsequently, un-subscribed shares offered to Institutional Investors
17. Brunei, December 2002 17 Implementation Status(Phases I and II)
Phase I: Dec 99 Dec 00
Banks, Oil Marketing, Cement - Target $200m
All advisers local, core investors mostly foreign
Virtually completed, $250m to be raised, $190 million already transferred to Treasury by Dec 00
18. Brunei, December 2002 18 Phase I Enterprises Enterprises involved in the cement production, petroleum marketing and banking sectors with already active participation from the private sector
FGN pre-sale equity holding typically under 45% (with the exception of NOLCHEM: 80%)
Shares of Phase I Enterprises already listed and actively traded on the floor of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) prior to sale
Phase I Enterprises: NAL Merchant bank, IMB, Unipetrol, FSB, AshakaCem, AP, CCNN, NOLCHEM, WAPCO, BCC, NigerCem
Most enterprises sold typically through a combination of core investor and public offer sale; banks sold only by public offer
Typically between 30-60% of equity in enterprise offered to core investors; rest offered to the general public and staff of the enterprises
19. Brunei, December 2002 19 Phase I Performance (Core Investors) Transparent and internationally recognized selection process to ensure that only qualified core investor groups emerge successful
3 enterprises sold to world-class foreign core investor groups: WAPCO and AshakaCem (Blue Circle Industries of the UK); CCNN (Scancem of Norway)
4 enterprises sold to indigenous firms: Unipetrol (Ocean & Oil), Nolchem (Conpetro), AP (Sadiq Petroleum) and BCC (Dangote Industries Ltd.)
Indigenous advisors used by both BPE and successful core investor groups in the execution of all transactions
N16.2 billion gross proceeds raised from core investor sales
Higher share prices across the board indicate confidence investors and the markets have placed in the abilities of the successful core investor groups
20. Brunei, December 2002 20 Phase I Performance (Public Offers) 217,000 applications received for all offers
All offers concluded and SEC approval of allotments received in April 2001
160,000 new shareholders created
Many offers were heavily over-subscribed e.g. IMB (432%), Unipetrol (133%) and CCNN (122%)
Fair and equitable basis of allotment: allotment done on the basis of equality of federal constituencies with smaller individual applicants taking preference over larger applicants and companies.
Allotments evenly distributed amongst the six geo-political zones
Approximately N6.8 billion gross proceeds raised to date (N4.9 billion during offer period, N1.9 billion from post-offer sales to state governments and institutional investors). An additional N1 billion in proceeds is expected from sales of the remaining shares
21. Brunei, December 2002 21 Phase I- Share of Total Allotment
22. Brunei, December 2002 22 Post-Privatization Stock Market Performance Phase I Enterprises
23. Brunei, December 2002 23 Gross Proceeds Realized Phase I
24. Brunei, December 2002 24 Implementation Status(Phase IIa) Phase IIa: July 00 June 02
Selected Banks, Insurance, Hotels, Media Companies, Transport and Aviation, NITEL
Diagnostic reviews of Steel, Oil Palm, Fertilizer, Sugar, Paper Companies, Airports and Seaports
Core Investors sales only, (about 51%) to be followed by IPO at a later date.
Phase IIb: Jan 02 - June 03
NIPOST, selected Banks, Mining and Solid Minerals, Tourism Sites, Stadia
Remaining diagnostic review enterprises
Core Investors sales only, (about 51%) to be followed by IPO at a later date
25. Brunei, December 2002 25 Implementation Status(Phase III) Phase III: Jan 02 Dec 03
Power, Petrochemical Refineries and monopoly sector enterprises
Core Investors sales only, (about 51%) to be followed by IPO at a later date.
Billions of US Dollars expected to be raised. Advisers yet to be appointed to estimate proceeds after due diligence.
IPO for other Hotels, Vehicle Assembly, Sugar, Paper, Steel, Media, Insurance companies for which strategic sales were made in Phase II.
First tranche of cross-border IPOs will cover some of the suitable Phase II and Phase III enterprises.
26. Brunei, December 2002 26 Implementation Status (Commercialization) Commercialization is:
Limited to a handful of companies currently engaged in ecology and social-related activities:
National Parks: tourism and ecology
National Hospital Abuja and Federal Medical Centre, Gombe
River Basins: irrigation schemes and rural development
NTA, FRCN, Voice of Nigeria and the News Agency of Nigeria
Housing sector whose growth is constrained by absence of a virile mortgage money market FHA
NSITF: pension fund manager for private sector
NNPC: shell company with NAPIMS only after the privatization of its several subsidiaries.
Ultimately, commercialization is simply the first step in preparing an enterprise for privatization, and not a permanent solution.
27. Brunei, December 2002 27 Privatization Proceeds (PP) The utilization of proceeds is a major public policy challenge:
Currently, the proceeds are part of the common pool of Federal revenue sources, and appropriated as such by the National Assembly.
Some Governors are arguing that some of the proceeds ought to shared with them (e.g. NEPA, Refineries, etc.)
The disappearance of proceeds into the common pool is potentially a problem for government now and in the near future.
It is strongly recommended that PP be used for targeted, clearly-identifiable projects, as recommended in 1991 by TCPC:
Proceeds should not to be used to finance budget deficits
To finance social safety nets like social insurance, pensions and micro-credit schemes.
To finance the expansion of NTA, FRCN, RBDAs and Railways
To create special loan scheme for educational loans and scholarships
28. Brunei, December 2002 28 Share Purchase Loan Scheme Countries that privatized PE devised schemes to increase public participation (Germany Inter-company credits, Poland, Russia and Czech Republic issued Vouchers to citizens).
NCP has approved a N10 billion Share Loan Scheme to be implemented through 24 Selected banks. N4 billion will be set aside from Privatization Proceeds. Banks will provide N6 billion.
Every Adult Nigerian can borrow up to N10,000 per annum at no more than 10% interest. Loan will be repayable from dividends over 5 years. Share Certificate will be the only collateral;
CBN has agreed to provide incentives to participating banks;
Loans will be disbursed on the basis of equality of Federal Constituencies reverse poverty indices and other nationally accepted criteria.
Modalities will be finalized in September, and Scheme will be launched in October 2001.
Scheme will create 1 million new shareholders every year and will be a veritable weapon of poverty alleviation.
29. Brunei, December 2002 29 Competition and Anti-Trust Reforms Nigeria has no clear competition and anti-trust policy since PE were the monopolies.
Private monopoly and collusive practices by profiteers are greater evils than public monopolies, so there is need for legislative intervention.
There is need for a clearly-thought out policy on competition and anti-trust to form the basis for subsequent legislation.
The development of competition and anti-trust policy is being midwifed by NCP in close collaboration with House of Representatives, USAID and DFID.
30. Brunei, December 2002 30 Un-funded Pensions Problem Privatization brings to the surface otherwise postponed problems like unfunded pension liabilities:
The transfer of ownership from government to private sector requires the funding of existing pay-as-you-go system of the Pensions Act.
The magnitude of the public sector pensions problem in Nigeria is estimated at between N450-N900 billion. The magnitude of crisis is most evident in the Military and Railways.
Even the best PE schemes like in NITEL have unfunded liabilities of N43 billion. NEPA alone has about N50 billion.
NCP is midwifing pension reforms in public enterprises which if successful can serve as a model for the Nigerian public sector. This will result in solutions with minimal recourse to the annual budget.
31. Brunei, December 2002 31 Cross-Debts Crisis Public Enterprises owe:
Other PE an estimated N300 billion.
The FGN (DMO/FMF) over US $15 billion (foreign loans), and
The FGN (MOFI) about N300 billion (local loans).
This system-wide problem has crippled many PE, and has led to excusable defaults by all no responsibility, no blame. (NEPA-NGC)
NCP is midwifing the reconciliation of all PE debts for final resolution before transfer to private sector with minimal recourse to the annual budget.
By the time true tax liabilities, interest and levies due to FGN are established, the reconciliation may be a major source of FGN revenue in 2002.
32. Brunei, December 2002 32 Corporate Governance NCP initiated Governance audit after sale of African Petroleum, NOLCHEM and UNIPETROL in December 2000;
Auditors Reports exposed bank and non-bank liabilities in AP (N26.0 Billion) hidden from auditors and investors since 1996;
Findings suggest collusion between banks, the Companies and the NNPC in the case of AP and other Oil Marketing Companies;
Corporate Governance Audit will be conducted for all PE before privatization;
PE Managers responsible should be tried under the Companies and Allied Matters Act, Investment and Securities Act and the the Anti-Corruption Law.
33. Brunei, December 2002 33 Social Safety Net Many countries have used the opportunity of privatization to undertake major reforms of labour markets and social insurance.
The World Bank, USAID and DFID are assisting BPE to design a social safety net scheme which includes:
Early retirement incentive programmes
Training and re-training for re-employment
Self Employment programmes and micro-credit, and
Micro, small and medium enterprises as downstream consequences of outsourcing and privatization
The NCP will be presented a Social Safety Net proposal in its meeting of October, with a pilot scheme for about 500 NITEL workers
Foreign donors like USAID and DFID, along with the World Bank have indicated interest to support and fund the pilot scheme. Proceeds can be used for a national scheme.
34. Brunei, December 2002 34 World Bank Credit The FGN signed an IDA Credit of USD114 million at 0.75% interest repayable over 35years with a 10-year moratorium;
The credit will be used principally to pay for the following activities: -
Privatization Support, Institutional Building and consensus building
Telecoms Reforms ( Policy, Telecoms Bill, Strengthening of NCC, Radio Spectrum Development) and Power Sector Reform (Corporate Restructuring, Unbundling and Privatization of NEPA)
Lagos State Water Corporation Project
Credit cannot be drawn in Cash but for payment of advisers (Foreign and Nigerian) Up to USD200,000 per assignment can be used under the credit to engage only Nigerian consultants. Foreign consultants are required to use Nigerian counterpart in all cases
Use of the IDA Credit to engage consultants boosts the credibility and transparency of the program in the eyes of international investors;
It is a sign of confidence in Nigeria and endorsement of the Privatization Program.
It is also a cheaper form of funding than CBN Treasury Bills.
35. Brunei, December 2002 35 Bilateral Grants The Program has attracted Bilateral Donors Support from:
United States - USAID ($8.0m),
United Kingdom - DFID ($10 m )
Spanish Government ($3.0 m)
German Government
Grants are not given to BPE in cash, but applied by Donors for further:
Institutional Support - to engage Nigerian professionals to work in BPE; training of BPE staff, Public Awareness and Education and International Marketing;
Consensus Building Workshops, Seminars and Study Tours for PE Managers, National Assembly, Labor Unions and other stakeholders;
Support for Reforms in Key Priority Sectors Power, Telecoms and Transport and
Special Studies - Labor Issues, Pension Reforms, Competition Policy, Cross Debt Resolution, and Environmental issues;
36. Brunei, December 2002 36 Summary and Action Points There is clear evidence and broad consensus that public enterprises in Nigeria have failed woefully to live up to our expectations.
Most rational Nigerians have recognized that privatization is inevitable state capitalism has failed, is outdated and unsustainable
The opponents of privatization are merely putting their short term, personal interest (award contracts, dispense patronage, etc.) at the expense of long term national interest.
All other supporting policies to make economic reforms successful are being pursued, so Nigeria is sure to succeed
BPE is committed to living up to the expectations of our nation and our friends abroad, in the honest, timely and transparent implementation of the public enterprise reform programme