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SALGA HR Conference Resolutions National Municipal Managers Meeting 28 February 2011. PROFESSIONALISATION . Acknowledging: Profesionalisation impacts on behaviour on three levels Organisational behaviour Customer behaviour Personal behaviour (the employee)
SALGA HR Conference Resolutions National Municipal Managers Meeting 28 February 2011
PROFESSIONALISATION Acknowledging: • Profesionalisation impacts on behaviour on three levels • Organisational behaviour • Customer behaviour • Personal behaviour (the employee) • Professionalisation must be focused at the whole organisation not only on the managers and/ or officials
PROFESSIONALISATION CONT… • Factors that are inhibiting professionalisation include but not limited to: • Ineffective communication • Inconsistent and selective application of policy and legislation • Indecisive leadership • Inappropriate recruitment processes • Ineffective performance management systems
PROFESSIONALISATION CONT…. Resolutions: • SALGA to establish effective relations with professional bodies and evaluate their admission criteria towards strengthening value to municipalities, • LGSETA in collaboration with SALGA to develop continuous capacity building programmes for councillors synchronised with their term of office and focused on their specific portfolio areas. • SALGA to develop and enforce norms, standards and systems for uniformity across the whole local government sector
PROFESSIONALISATION CONT… • SALGA to conduct empirical research on professionalisation and its impact on Local Government , • Municipalities to develop and execute effective communication systems to ensure that all employees, councillors and communities embrace the organisational values and goals , • Municipalities to effectively apply Batho Pele principles as a means to professionalise service delivery • SALGA to develop a standardised policy framework for performance management to be cascaded down to all employees
PROFESSIONALISATION CONT…. • SALGA to ensure effective communication of PMS to all stakeholders viz. Councillors, employees, unions and community to facilitate buy in. • SALGA to evaluate and customize PMS for individual and organisational performance • Assess the state of readiness for municipalities prior to implementation of PMS • SALGA to define customer service standards for all municipalities
PROFESSIONALISATION CONT… • Recruitment must consider both qualifications as well as competencies such as values, ethics, customer orientation etc. • SALGA to standardise conditions of service for section 57 managers including norms and standards in order to regulate their employment • Job advertisement must clearly set out competencies and qualifications required for the position • Emphasis must be placed on recruitment of competent and qualified employees rather than “de-politicisation”
SYSTEMS, ENVIRONMENT AND CAPACITY INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY Acknowledging: • The necessity to recruit suitable personnel to execute the core functions of the municipality, the amendment to the Local Government Municipal Systems Act is hereby supported. • The need for Municipalities to have a service delivery oriented organizational structure, the proposals in respect of critical positions by COGTA are hereby supported, with the addition of HR Practitioner. Further, the Commission resolved that these positions should not be regulated as Section 57 appointment, but rather be left to individual Municipalities to decide on the levels within the norms and standards as set by SALGA .
SYSTEMS, ENVIRONMENT AND CAPACITY CONT… • The need for a Local Government Institution to drive ongoing management improvements in local government, the Commission was mindful of the costs associated with such structures and in further acknowledgement of the existence of similar structures in Public Service e.g. PSC
SYSTEMS, ENVIRONMENT AND CAPACITY CONT… RESOLUTIONS • SALGA to create a national data base of all competent personnel available to the sector from which municipalities can draw prospective candidates(recruitment and support mechanism). • SALGA to establish Assessment Centre(s) within the sector (to support municipalities in maintaining uniform standards on recruitment). • That SALGA explore the possibility of a Local Government Commission (Equivalent to the PSC) or extend the scope of the Public Service Commission to cover the local government sector. • That SALGA must play an oversight and facilitating role in this process.
SYSTEMS, ENVIRONMENT AND CAPACITY CONT… INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY Acknowledging: • The need for Municipalities to have mechanisms to review and realign arrangements for effective service delivery. • The next term of local government commencing in 2011, the Commission recognizes the need for effective and efficient Local Government capacity building programmes. • The need for cutting edge capacity building and training for critical positions, the Commission supports the establishment of a Local Government Training Institute
SYSTEMS, ENVIRONMENT AND CAPACITY CONT… • The general challenges regarding the period of appointment of managers reporting to the Municipal Manager and further, thus resulting in the following realities: • Loss of knowledge • Lack of continuity • Creation of an unstable administration • High Turnover of senior managers • Budget allocated for Capacity Building not used for its intended purpose – mandatory Grants • Government’s policy initiative towards the establishment of a Single (Integrated) Public Service
SYSTEMS, ENVIRONMENT AND CAPACITY CONT… RESOLUTIONS • A review of Section 78 provisions of the Local Government Systems Act 32 of 2000, to remove red tape and expedite decision making by Councils. • SALGA to develop standardised training in terms of the minimum competency level requirements and uniform training for generic needs within the sector; • SALGA to ensure that mandatory and discretionary grants are used solely for their intended purpose; • SALGA to establish a Sector Mentorship and Coaching Programme for the sector;
SYSTEMS, ENVIRONMENT AND CAPACITY CONT… • SALGA to develop a generic Succession Planning Policy and develop staff attraction and retention strategies for Municipalities; • SALGA to upscale and continue to leverage LGSETA resources to fund general training programmes; • SALGA to assist Rural Municipalities to develop incentives to attract and retain scarce skills, through, among others, lobbying for a review of local government fiscal framework and remuneration policies to accommodate scarce skills and rural allowances.
SYSTEMS, ENVIRONMENT AND CAPACITY CONT… • That the focus should first be on creating an Integrated Local Government Public Service. • That all relevant systems be standardized, e.g PMS, • That the interaction with the other two spheres of government be through a spirit of cooperative governance informed by the IGR framework. • That the SALGA Technical Task Team on Single (Integrated) Public Service enhance the consultation with local government practitioners.
SYSTEMS, ENVIRONMENT AND CAPACITY CONT… ENVIRONMENTAL CAPACITY Acknowledging: • The overwhelming need for the standardization of HR and other systems within the local government sphere albeit within the context of a differentiated approach • Dichotomy between interference and interventions • Inter and intra political party challenges • Inadequate progress towards gender and disability requirements • Inadequate compliance to the Occupational Health and Safety Legislation • Inadequate tools of trade Resolutions: • That COGTA procures the necessary and appropriate HR, and other systems, fully funded and, together with SALGA, roll it out to all Municipalities; • Develop a user friendly guide that clarifies roles and responsibilities; • Development and train users on the guide; • Conduct thorough research towards a conducive environment
CULTURE AND ETHOS Acknowledging: • A system of governance with no soul is inadequate and incompatible with a developmental system of local government • Soul in this ethos implies’ • Care for the individual employee and the service recipient • Seeking to understand before being understood • A system of governance that does not listen to its citizens is ineffective. • As Government we are not responsive enough to the needs of our people
CULTURE AND ETHOS CONT... • Lack of IGR implementation in all spheres of government; • Departments in local government working in silos; • Respect and accountability between cllrs and officials- lack of continuity on implementing programmes, lack of commitment and common understanding that delays implementation of various programmes; • Lack of sense of urgency; • Lack of correct attitude; • Absence of self discipline which leads to violation of policies; and • Dereliction of duties.
CULTURE AND ETHOS CONT... • Prevailing Conditions: • inadequate/non- implementation of policies/municipal bylaws and legislations; • malicious compliance; • lack of sense of urgency; • poor planning; • lack of communication;
CULTURE AND ETHOS CONT... • lack of cascading performance management system to all employees; • unethical conduct: corruption fraud, nepotism, • lack of shared vision, mission and values; • lack of acknowledging good performance; • failure to recognize and learn from best practice; • non performing municipalities (municipalities under administration); • lack of management of in house monitoring systems;
CULTURE AND ETHOS CONT... Recommendations: • Enforcement of the implementation of IGR Act by all spheres; • Proper oversight of signing of code of conduct by all employees and cllrs; • Conduct regular (at least two) community and institutional surveys per year and implementing recommendations thereof; • Induction and continuous development of employees and councillors; • Development of the vision, mission and values to be bottom up and consultative (broadening the process of developing the vision, mission to all)
CULTURE AND ETHOS CONT... • Empower employees and councillors; • Use disciplinary processes as a last resort; • Developing culture of communication; • Expose, prioritise, and monitor issues of ethos and cultures; • Rules to be un-biased; • Developing a culture of respect between cllrs and municipal officials and vise versa; • Share and learn best practice from all • Encourage partnerships amongst all public sector stakeholders to avoid silos;
CULTURE AND ETHOS CONT... • Proper implementation of performance management systems; • Declarations of interest by all (cllrs and municipal officials) • Reporting back on measures taken regarding corrupt activities; • Establishment of ethics committees in council; • Development of retention strategy; • Evaluate gaps on the current policies dealing with unethical behaviors; • Actual protection of whistle blowers; and • Develop and implement Change Management Strategy;
CULTURE AND ETHOS CONT... • Address behavioral attitude; • Mobilisation of funding for implementation of recommendations that have cost implications, i.e. surveys; and • Ensure the presentation and adoption of all resolutions by councils.
EMPLOYER/ YEE PARTNERSHIPS • Mutual Gains Collective Bargaining Strategy
EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS:SECTION 57 • Acknowledging: • That the Section 57 dispensation is a creature of statute; • That the Section 57 dispensation with regard to MM is on the basis of Fixed Term Performance Contracts • That the remuneration of Section 57 employees is currently not regulated; • That the SALGBC agreements exclude Section 57 employees, but municipalities include provisions of SALGBC agreements in their contracts of employment
EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS:SECTION 57 • That the Local Government sector transformation has been ongoing since the year 2000 and over that period there has been lessons learnt; • That there is uncertainty on whether the Fixed Term Performance Contract facilitate service delivery enhancement and institutional capacity; • That the remuneration of Section 57 employee requires regulated Remuneration Framework; • That there should be a pronouncement on the exclusion/inclusion of Section 57 employees in collective bargaining;
EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS:SECTION 57 • RESOLUTIONS • Research the efficacy of fixed term contracts dispensation and decide its continuity or otherwise therefrom • Positions to be advertised • Regulate, develop and implement remuneration and service conditions for Sec 57 beyond existing frameworks • Exclude Sec 57 from SALGBC agreements
BARGAINING STRUCTURES • Acknowledging: • The need to roll out the transformation project specifically around substantive matters such as conditions of service , policy issues and other related issues; • The intention to deliver in a sustainable and seamless uniformity on all of the above • The centralization of the collective bargaining regime as against the divisions would result in uniformity of approach on transformational issues such as conditions of service, policy issues and other related matters
BARGAINING STRUCTURES • That the primary role of the LLF is an employer and employee partnerships in a democratized workplace • Our commitment to deliver on sound labour peace and economic growth • The need to enable productive and workable interaction between employer and labour to attain maximum service delivery
BARGAINING STRUCTURES • That the LLF is a structure of the SALGBC at workplace level; • That the LLF should confine itself to matters defined in the applicable collective agreements for the workplace level; RESOLUTIONS: • Retain the LLF as structure of the SALGBC
BARGAINING STRUCTURES ROLE OF THE DIVISION • Implementation of national agreements • Monitoring and compliance national agreements • Monitoring the functionality of LLFs and ensuring compliance with • Dispute resolution functions
COLLECTIVE BARGAININIG MUTUAL GAINS COLLECTIVE BARGAINING APPROACH Acknowledging: • The need to improve our LR environment to create a complimentary dispensation • The need to improve current relations that exist in our various public sectors • The need to draw lessons from the international communities
COLLECTIVE BARGAININIG Resolutions • Explore the international experiences approach on mutually beneficiating from the relationship between the parties • Look at the issue of capacitating the parties • Good faith negotiations • Tolerance
STRIKE MANAGEMENT DEFINING THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT • Acknowledging: • There is misconduct and damage to municipal property during industrial action • Lack of commitment by employers to effect necessary corrective and restorative action against employees Resolutions • LRA be amended so that the responsible organization/ be held for damages caused.
MUNICIPAL OWNED ENTITIES BARGAINING ARRANGEMENTS • Acknowledging: • That the current dispensation of MOEs has rendered them becoming free riders in the SALGBC at the expense of the parties • Resolutions • Look into creating a separate bargaining chamber
JOB EVALUATION • Acknowledging: • That the Job Evaluation process has not produced the intended outcome over a period of time; • That the Job Evaluation process is currently based on a co-governance approach between the parties; • Resolutions: • That the process shall be regularized as an employer-driven process • The implementation and maintenance of JE results shall be the function and responsibility of the employer
MEDICAL AID & PENSION FUND • Acknowledging: • That the rationalization of benefits has not produced the intended outcome and some groupings of employees have not accessed medical coverage • That one medical aid may result in monopoly and non competitiveness • That the movement towards one pension fund dispensation has not materialized
MEDICAL AID & PENSION FUND • Resolutions: • SALGA must commission a study to assess access to medical care to all employees, particularly employees at a lower echelons of municipalities • That we move towards stopping the subsidy on post retirement medical benefits • That the legislative route espouse in the Masondo committee towards one pension fund be actioned