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Utilitarianism Perspective

Utilitarianism Perspective. Amber Bodoh Chelsea Koenigs Bill Woolery Kakra O beng-Appau. The Principle. The actions or policies have on the well-being (“utility”) All persons directly or indirectly affected by the action Maximize good minimize bad. Two Types. Act Utilitarian.

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Utilitarianism Perspective

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Utilitarianism Perspective Amber Bodoh Chelsea Koenigs Bill Woolery KakraObeng-Appau

  2. The Principle • The actions or policies have on the well-being (“utility”) • All persons directly or indirectly affected by the action • Maximize good minimize bad

  3. Two Types Act Utilitarian Rule Utilitarian Seeks to benefit the most people but fairly and justly Takes into account the law • Performs the acts that benefit the most people • Regardless of personal feelings or societal constraints (laws)

  4. Three steps from hedonism to Utilitarianism • Happiness ultimate aim of human action • Maximize happiness/minimize pain • Happiness doesn’t stop with us (it’s social)

  5. Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)

  6. Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) • Popularized 1st principle: seek the greatest good of the greatest number • Good to him meant pleasure • Thought pleasures could be quantified

  7. Jeremy Bentham (cont.) • Thought that one day we could sit down with a calculator to figure out a moral problem • If pain out weighs it is morally wrong

  8. Utilitarianism Decision Procedure • Determine what actions are available • Determine who will feel the effect of those actions • Calculate consequences of each action for happiness • Total up the effect of happiness being considered • Action with best effect is the right one to perform

  9. Current Ethical Dilemma: Health Care Reform • National or private • Citizens and government • Government would have to pay instead of individual, citizens are afraid of losing their private insurance • All citizens have the option of affordable health care • You choose

  10. John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

  11. John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) • Inherited from Bentham and his own father (James Mill) • He put his spin on things but left the key points • Insists it appeals directly to our social nature

  12. The 2 views Bentham Mill “the greatest happiness for the greatest number” We should protect the common good • “the greatest good (pleasure) for the greatest number” • Focused on the individual alone

  13. In Common • In search of maximization of happiness • Atheistic

  14. Criticisms • No special moral weight (promises and Contracts) • No rule for special moral obligations to family/friends • Regards all happiness as equally good

  15. Review Questions • What is the Utilitarian Perspective? • Who were the founders? • Who is affected by this perspective? • What are the two types?

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