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Week of June 1, 2011 Vocabulary Lyneesha & Ronnie

Week of June 1, 2011 Vocabulary Lyneesha & Ronnie. LAMBASTE- v- attack, usually with words, criticize (someone or something) harshly. Her mother had to lambaste her for not following her directions.

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Week of June 1, 2011 Vocabulary Lyneesha & Ronnie

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  1. Week of June 1, 2011VocabularyLyneesha & Ronnie

  2. LAMBASTE- v- attack, usually with words, criticize (someone or something) harshly. • Her mother had to lambaste her for not following her directions.

  3. IMPASSE-n – A situation in which no progress is possible, esp. because of disagreement; a deadlock. • Negotiators reached an impasse while trying to solve the Middle East crisis.

  4. JARGON-n- Slang The Harvard man couldn’t understand their jargon when the hoodlums said “Whachu got on my 40 homie?”

  5. DETER-v- prevent, block • The defender deterred the running back from scoring on 4th down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=pE5PZmi-aPQ

  6. TENUOUS- adj- weak, thin • After not eating for about three months the poor little African boy became very tenuous.

  7. VIGOROUS-adj.- energetic, powerful • You know you have had a vigorous work-out when you break a sweat and your pulse increases.

  8. AMITY-n-friendship • Some countries have amity between other nations around the world.

  9. GRAVITAS-high seriousness • One of many teachers in Lindenwold High which is Mr. Abrams Shows gravitas.

  10. EMPHATIC-adj- assertive, confident • Beyonce is a very emphatic person. She never has low self esteem.

  11. VEHEMENT-adj-showing strong feelings • When you are in a relationship, two people tend to be vehement towards each other.

  12. PREEMINENT-adj- superior, outstanding Barack Obama is a very preeminent person because he is the higher authority of the world.

  13. RESURGENCE-n-rebirth There has been a resurgence in the popularity of Lil Wayne after he was released from prison.

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