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AGROFORESTRY ESTABLISHMENT WITHIN RIPARIAN FORESTS BY RE-EDUCATING INMATES OF THE AGRICULTURAL PENITENTIARY INSTITUTE (IPA) “JAVERT DE ANDRADE" – SÃO JOSÉ DO RIO PRETO, SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL. Area two. Date: 04/12/08 Area one. Date: 05/01/09 Lines of native plants with the first crowning. Second area was a former pasture. This picture shows the area before restoring forest with agroforestry techniques. Soil tillage harrow, arad and plicata for planting native seedlings, corn and green manure. Former area of manioc. Area two. Data: 31/03/09 Area one after the first agroforestry management. Date: 13/04/09 Line of native plants (2x3m) with Canavalia ensiformis and Cajanus cajan (Guandu) between seedlings and three maize seeds were planted around each native seedling (at 20cm radius). Line of native plants (2x3m) with Canavalia ensiformis and Cajanus cajan (Guandu) between seedlings and three maize seeds were planted around each native seedling (at 20cm radius). Pumpkin interspersed among lines of the native plants withvarieties: Cucurbita moschata (in red) and Cucurbita sp - pumpkin's hokaido (in yellow). Lines of Canavalia ensiformis. Lines of Canavalia ensiformis Area one. Date: 17/02/09 Area one. Date: 18/03/09 Example of Consortium planted near the "birthplace" of native seedlings. The planting in multi-diversity biological, in the stratum and in the time of life has as function ecological: control of grass, cooperation for the restructuring of soil, favors return of soil fauna, of pollinator and of disperser, decreases insolation and reduces the temperature gradient in the soil, reduces the impact the rain and provides organic matter to the soil nutrition over time creating microclimates. Corn Guandu Spontaneos grass Spontaneos grass Canavalia ensiformis Seedling of Ipê Amarelo1 Corn Seedling of Sangra d’água3 Area one. Date: 18/03/09 Guandu Pumpkin Canavalia ensifomis Date: 11/02/09 Native seedlings came from the nursery CESP (Energy Company of São Paulo State) in small tubettes. Fertilization in the cradle with super phosphate (200g) and urea (3x50g). Basic course on Forest Restoration compulsory to the interested in joining the working group. Even level of knowledge in the working group is fundamental. Guandu Seedling of Açoita Cavalo² Canavalia ensiformis Spontaneos herbaceous Area two. Date: 18/03/09 Date 24/04/09 World Agroforestry Centre TRANSFORMING LIVES AND LANDSCAPES Secretariat of Environment - Brazil Coordination of Biodiversity and Natural Resources – CBRN – UCP Riparian Forests Restoration Secretariat of Agriculture and Food Supplying - Brazil Secretariat of Penitentiary Administration - Brazil Coordination Unit of Prisons Western Region - Agricultural Penal Institute "Dr. Javert de Andrade " Group showing all painted T-shirts. Form of human valuation! Benedetti, João Fernando de Almeida - Biologist - Consultant (1) - bioplanetario@yahoo.com.br; Abdo, Maria Teresa Vilela Nogueira - Scientific Researcher (SR) (2) - mtvilela@apta.sp.gov.br; Resende, Roberto Ulisses (4) - robertoresende@sp.gov.br; Meneghini, Dagoberto (1) - sma.dagoberto@cetesbnet.sp.gov.br; Monteiro, João Bosco SR (3) - monteirobosco17@yahoo.com.br; Lopes, José Orlando Mastrocola (5) - joseml@cetesbnet.sp.gov.br; Mendes, Edmar Eduardo Bassan SR (2) - ebassanmendes@apta.sp.gov.br; Justo, Célio Luis SR (2) - celiojusto@apta.sp.gov.br; Peres, Roberto Molinari - SR (2) - molinari@apta.sp.gov.br; Martins, Antonio Lúcio Mello - SR (2) - lmartins@apta.sp.gov.br; Lopes, Maria Coceição SR (2) - conceição@apta.sp.gov.br; Nogueira, Solange SR (6) - solangenogueira@pesca.sp.gov.br; Fonseca, Fernando Stopato SR (6) - fstopato@pesca.sp.gov.br; Gracia, Maria Eugênia de Pizzol Silva (1) - eugeniag@ambiente.sp.gov.br; Chabaribery, Denyse SR (7) - denyse@iea.sp.gov.br; Ogawa, Hélio SR (3) - heliogawa@if.sp.gov.br • Riparian Forest Program SMA*-SP; (2) PRDTA/APTA - Technological Agribusiness Development Center of SAA**-SP; (3) Forest Institute/SMA*-SP; (4) Coordinator of Biodiversity and Natural Resources Center CBRN/SMA*-SP; (5) Director of Regional Center 4/CBRN-São José do Rio Preto-SMA*-SP; (6) Fish Institute/APTA - SAA-SP**; (7) Agriculture Economy Institute/APTA - SAA-SP**. (*SMA - São Paulo State’s Environment Secretariat - Brazil; **SAA - São Paulo State’s Agriculture and Supplying Secretariat – Brazil; APTA - São Paulo State Technological Agribusiness Agency.) Abstract: The Thematic Group of “Agroforestry Systems Units Tests and Demonstrations for Sustainable Development in Native Forests and Legal Reserves (RL) ’” is composed by researchers of São Paulo State’s Environment Secretariat (SMA)and Secretariat of Agriculture and Food Supply (SAA) and also by members of the São Paulo State Secretariat of Penitentiary Administration (SAP) . Its aim is to establish Agro forestry Secretariat Systems in the buffer zone (10km radius) of São Paulo’s Northwest Ecological Station. The area belongs to the São Paulo State University (UNESP) in São José do Rio Preto municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil. The Ecological Station is in a transition process once it still belongs to the Criminal Agricultural Institute (IPA) “Javert de Andrade”, which will be disabled in 2010. After total deactivation the custody of the area will be transferred from SAP to the SMA. Nowadays some restrictions are imposed by the State of São Paulo legislation to the agriculturists and proprietors that have production areas inserted into a zone of damping by rivers and lakes’ edges, the so called, Permanent Preservation Areas (APP). Some systems of production based on agroforestry principles are compatible with these requirements. The Thematic Group research works will offer important information that can guide not only farmers who are within this area of damping, as well as other producers in the region that would like to take use of a production system which promotes soil and water conservation and the presence of trees increase in the landscape instead of a production system that degrades the environment. The social component of this innovative project is the training of a group of re-educating inmates of the IPA that work under semi-open prison scheme. The re-educating were selected from criminological and psychological tests in IPA and evaluated after one week of workshop on forest restoration offered by the SMA. The proposal of this work is that the re-educating, while in prison, will have access to basic information on topics related to Agroforestry Systems and forest restoration and they will be at the same time the main workforce for the implementation of agroforestry experimental modules and actions of forest restoration in riparian forest area, Permanent Preservation Areas (APP). So, the members of the group that were enabled will have a field experience and basic information that allows them to fulfill the new demands of work market environmental. There is also a demand on the adequacy for Brazilian environmental legislation which determines the protection in areas around rivers, ponds and flooded areas, called Permanente preservation Areas (APP) and protection of a percentage of the property, which in the State of Sao Paulo accounts for 20% of the total area, the so called the Legal Reserve (RL), as the issue of soil management techniques for the production of food less degrading to natural resources. These socio-environment actions had started in the Riparian Forest Strategic Program and are a project of the Secretariat of Environment of São Paulo State that manages and supply the actions with some inputs and equipment, such as EPIs (Individual Protection Equipment), tools for field work and finances a minimum wage to the re-educating and an expert consultant. The appeal concerning a wage of re-educating is transferred to FUNAP - Foundation for Aid to Imprisoned Dr. Manoel Pedro Pimentel, institution responsible for administering the payment from the frequency at work. The Riparian Forest Strategic Program also funded the purchase of green manure and seedlings with a diversity of 60 regional native species, through partnership with CESP - Energy Company of São Paulo. The educational guidance for the group of re-educating inmates, the articulation between regional partners and the practice field are being implemented through the consultancy. The technique support also has been given by the group of researchers of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Food Supply (SAA) and Secretariat of Environment. Background: The Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) have a particular legislation in Brazil since the Forest Code of 1989 and represent portions of land around the springs, rivers, impoundments and hydromorphic soils. The APP are areas for conservation of water resources and genetic biodiversity. In addition, these areas facilitates the connection between forest fragments. The Legal Reserve (RL) represents a percentage of the land that must be preserved forest. In the case of Sao Paulo, 20% of the total area of each property, besides the APP, have to be protected. Today, the issue of management of public policies in the environmental area is followed by all Brazilian States and recently it was added to the agendas of the municipalities. In the case of Sao Paulo State, the use of agroforestry in APP is recognized by the government through a restrictive environmental legislation (SMA 44/08), which increases agroecological practice and scientific research in this area. • Objective Specific: • Developing knowledge applied in the conduct of experimental modules with productive agroforestry systems focused on the socioeconomic issues of land use and occupation of the region of São José do Rio Preto in areas of permanent preservation and legal reserve; • Providing training to the re-educating through practice of field and playful activities that verse on basic knowledge and manual skill in: restoration forestry and agroforestry systems; • Conducting the everyday work with trending to the organization collectively; • Facilitating the resocialization for the re-educating through experience developed by daily practice of field important to come in to the marked for environmental work; • Creating mechanism for monitoring social and environmental. • Educational Component: • Orientate the conduct of activities of field and educational interventions based on Principles of Agroecology and on principles of the Collaborative Model, relating them to issues of everyday life with the in human good action for a healthy development of society; • Build basic knowledge on Forest Restoration and agroecological practices in a participatory manner and playful, valuing the group in the rescue of knowledge and personal potential; • Stimulate everyday in a group structured in relationships of trust and respect to the other; • Co-responsibility in the activities of plantation and maintenance for the areas managed. • Results achieved: • Planting 60 native species in approximately 5 ha of APP, distributed with spacing 2x3, is associated corn, green manure, pumpkin and watermelon; • Joint action with the vegetable garden sector of IPA to the pumpkin production, which allowed the donation of food to the program of the Bureau Sesc Brazil; • Supply to the kitchen of re-educating and kitchen of IPA staff with green corn, corn, lemon and pumpkin; • Learning about the conduct of work in a prison unit to improve performance at fieldwork; • Perception that the development of new models of planting shall be based on technical knowledge/science, without restricting to practical experiences and traditional knowledge; • Perception that the involvement and action pro-active agent of the prison is important to good working environment and increase the permanence of persons in the working group; • Formation of a working group united and committed to the work, based on respect for the human being and fulfillment of goals established; • Training of three classes totaling about 100 people, of which 98 have passed the evaluation, 48 have worked in the project. Of these 48, 13 won a freedom. Twenty yet still working. The big sentence in center of the poster was extracted of the T-shirt painted one of re-educating in playful activity, with the theme: What is the importance of their work for future generations. Means: "The hand of destruction also redo." Popular names with their respective scientific name. 1-Ipê Amarelo: Bignoniaceae - Tabebuia chrysotricha(Mart. ex A. DC.) Standl. 2-Açoita Cavalo: Malvaceae - Luehea divaricata Mart. 3-Sangra d’água: Euphorbiaceae -Croton urucurana Baill. Partners and Collaborators: