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The Child Samuel

The Child Samuel. Introduction. Samuel’s Mother (I Samuel 1:1-2). Hannah's prayer (I Samuel 1:9-18). A Child is born - named Samuel “heard by God” (I Samuel 1:20-24). The Child Samuel. I. “Samuel Grew Before the Lord” (I Samuel 2:18-21).

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The Child Samuel

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Child Samuel Introduction. • Samuel’s Mother (I Samuel 1:1-2). • Hannah's prayer (I Samuel 1:9-18). • A Child is born - named Samuel “heard by God” (I Samuel 1:20-24).

  2. The Child Samuel I. “Samuel Grew Before the Lord” (I Samuel 2:18-21). A. God’s children must grow or die (II Peter 3:17,18). B. God wants maturity (Heb. 5:12-14). C. It is not for us to judge someone else’s rate of growth (Romans 14:4).

  3. The Child Samuel II. Samuel’s First Prophecy (I Samuel 3:1-10). A prophesy against Eli and his wicked sons (I Samuel 3:15-19). A. “The Lord was with him.” 1. God is with Christians. Matt 28:18-20 2. He will never leave us. Hebrews 13:5 3. This should give us great assurance and confidence. Hebrews 13:6

  4. The Child Samuel II. Samuel’s First Prophecy (I Samuel 3:1-10). A prophesy against Eli and his wicked sons (I Samuel 3:15-19). B. “Let none of his words fall to the ground.” 1. Christians speak as the oracles of God (I Peter 4:10,11). 2. God’s word will be true (Isaiah 55:11).

  5. The Child Samuel III. Established as a Prophet of the Lord (I Samuel 3:20,21). A. We must let our light shine before men (Matthew 5:14-16). B. When we do what we should people will see that God is with us (I Corinthians 14:23-25). C. When we love as we should people will know we are disciples of Jesus ( John 13:34,35).

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