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5 . Fossils Day 2

5 . Fossils Day 2. EQ: How do fossils provide a record of Earth’s geologic history? Learning Target: I can identify the various processes by which a fossil can form.

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5 . Fossils Day 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 5.Fossils Day 2 • EQ: How do fossils provide a record of Earth’s geologic history? • Learning Target: I can identify the various processes by which a fossil can form. • Learning Task: I will review key vocab related to fossil and their formation by completing a word sort. I will define key vocab related to fossils. I will create a Popplet showing the six main types of fossils

  2. Welcome! Warm Up Friday 4/4/14 • Why aren’t there more fossils for scientists to discover? • Record your response at www.goo.gl/vta7d1

  3. 3rd Quarter Table of Contents 1 Title Assignment # Ice Cores 2 Ice Core Webquest 3 Fossil Notes 4 Getting into Fossil Record Webquest5 Fossil Vocab 6

  4. Fossils Vocab Word Sort • Get a set of cards from your teacher • Match the word to the correct definition • Check to see if you are correct • Record words and definitions on page 6

  5. Fossils Vocab 6 Fossil - evidence of past life preserved in rock. Fossil record - the complete body of fossils that shows how species and ecosystems change over time. Fossilized – the process of becoming a fossil Trilobite: a marine organism that is an example of an index fossil Index fossil – a fossil found in a narrow time range but distributed around the earth; used to date rock layers Trace fossil – a fossilized mark that is formed in soft sediment by movement or actions an animal Ice Core – a cylinder of ice removed from a glacier; contains trapped atmospheric gases to tell us about the climate in the past

  6. Popplet Title: Fossils • Create a Popplet showing all SIX Different types of fossils • Each type of fossil should have a picture & a description of how that type of fossil forms • Use the textbook Chapter 8 Section 1 p318-321 to help you (this is shared with you in your google drive in the “Stoffregen Science Assignments” folder). • Submit via Goggle Drive when you are done

  7. Exit Ticket • What are the six types of fossils? http://goo.gl/iirWOr

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