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Background:-. A meeting with Ir. M Hauser led to contacts with BOKU
1. Biological Nitrogen Fixation of Different Legume Species Under Water Stress(BIOfix Project) Experiments in Sri Lanka
2. Background:- A meeting with Ir. M Hauser led to contacts with BOKU…
Participation at an International Conference on the use of Radioisotopes in Vienna led to a meeting with (then Ir!! – Now Dr) Gabi Pietsch and a visit to BOKU
IFOAM 2002 in Canada – meeting with Prof Dr Ir Freyer
led to the development of the project!!!
3. Introduction: Legumes a vital component in tropical smallholder farming systems….
They are grown in a diverse range of environments and are often subjected to water stress!!
4. In tropical soils – N is considered the most limiting nutrient!!
Organic matter is often very low….
Hence legumes have a vital role in smallholder cropping systems due to the provision of organic matter with a low C:N ratio!!!
5. This feature of legumes Vital for tropical organic systems!
Do legumes fix atmospheric N in organic systems?
Does water stress affect this process in organic systems?
6. The project (Sri Lankan component) had the following objectives:- Do different organic materials affect growth, yields and N fixation of a popular food legume in a minor season?
Does the method of incorporation affect soil properties, yield and N fixation in the selected legume?
Would there be a carry over effect of the organic matter to a cereal crop in the major season?
7. The Developments……..- December 2003
Visit by Austrian counterparts –Prof. Dr. Freyer, Dr Gollner and Dr Pietsch
Discussions to initiate research in the minor season in 2004.