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Current Status and Future Directions of Fusion in Japan. 15 M arch 2007 Shinzaburo MATSUDA Executive Officer Japan Atomic Energy Agency.
Current Status and Future Directions of Fusion in Japan 15 March 2007 Shinzaburo MATSUDA Executive Officer Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Government Policy Report on FusionAEC, 1992: “The 3rd Phase Basic Program on Fusion Research and Development” * Experimental Reactor to achieve self-ignition and long pulse burn * Advanced core plasma research, and basic reactor technologies for DEMO. * Other activities (Safety, Helical, Laser, Mirror, )AEC, May 2001,“On the Promotion of the ITER Program”MEXT,Jan. 2003,“Future Directions of Japanese Fusion Research”* Integrate efforts into four identified major programs, while accepting challenging innovative ideas. * JT-60 SU, IFMIF, Laser, LHD
7 10 1 7 10 1 4 4 ITER-SS(I) ITER-hybrid w FSTs (45436@18s) w/o FSTs (44092@15s) N HH98(y,2) 2.56 1.3 fBS 0.5 ne/nGW 3 0.83 ITER Hybrid after 20th IAEA w FSTs 2.5 fCD 1 Prad/Pheat 2 N HH98(y,2) ITER Baseline . 0.56 1.5 0.77 before 20th IAEA, w/o FSTs Fuel purity 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Sustained duration (s) JT-60 Installation of ferritic steel improved confinement to sustain high NHH98(y,2) =2.2 plasmas for 23.1 s (~12R) with fBS=36-45% • Increase in net heating powerdue to the FSTs installationallows flexible combination of NB units. peaked heating profile and co-injection. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (s) R=0<>a2/12 : D.R. Mikkelsen, Phys. Fluids B 1 (1989) 333. FY2007 FY2006 Maintenance period Commissioning Experiment FY2007-08 experimental campaign will address sustainment of N=2.5-3 for >25s
Stabilization of RWM at small critical rotation velocity of VC/VA~0.3%- A big impact on ITER experiments and DEMO design - RWM can be stabilized when V> VC : critical velocity VC was measured using Co/Counter NBI Both DIII-D and JT-60U found VC was fairly small VC~15 km/s. Good collaboration between JAEA and GA under Doublet III Agreement
NIFS carries out collaborations with 160 universities and institutions NIFS : Inter-University Research Institute Cooperation LHD : Facility for Inter-University Cooperation NIFS and universities share the important tasks Bilateral collaboration with four major research centers; Kyushu Univ., Osaka Univ., Kyoto Univ. and Tsukuba Univ.
Ion temperature has exceeded 5 keVin moderate density regime Ti profile measurement by CXRS High ion-temperature regime has been extended towards higher density regime Ti(0)=5.2±0.6keV (H-main plasma) ne=1.2×1019m-3 Toroidal rotation profile Large toroidal rotation and its shear observed in association with high Ti
Advanced Fusion Research Center, RIAM, Kyushu University Project in Kyushu University ◆ New Project ”QUEST”: Construct. 2005 – 07 FY --- Study on steady state operation of a spherical tokamak --- (1) Long duration and steady state operation of a low aspect-ratio tokamak EBW, NBI, LHCD (low density), etc. (2) PWI (Plasma-Wall Interaction) in steady state spherical tokamak plasmas “Steady state” = L/R-time << t. (3) Systematic understanding of the toroidal plasmas
AEC, Oct.2005, “General Policy Report on Atomic Energy”: * Fusion requires R&D efforts from a long range perspective and is regarded to be in a stage of exploring its feasibility/validity as engineering system. AEC, Oct. 2005 , “On the Promotion of Future Fusion R&D” Tokamak as project based R&D (ITER and DEMO related activities including IFMIF) Helical, Laser Systems as science based researches Cabinet Decision, March 2006, “The 3rd Phase (2006~2010) Basic Programs on Science and Technology” “Fusion Energy Technology” as “Important R&D Item”, and “ITER Project” as “Strategic Important Technology” MEXT, April 2007“Promotion of the Japanese Fusion Research led by ITER and Broader Approach” * Review of the Big Projects * Strong need for next generation researchers * Reform of “Fusion Forum” to provide opportunities for xx
ITER Road Map to Tokamak DEMO Reactors (Oct.2005, AEC) Structural Material Dev. Blanket Technology Heavy Irradiation IFMIF Structure Development Fusion Engineering Research Test Blanket Module Component Technology Tokamak DEMO Reactor Fusion Plasma Research ITER&DEMO Physics Support Activities JT-60 JT-60 Superconducting Coils
BA Activities toward DEMO International Fusion Energy Research Center BA total ~770M$ for 10 ys 30.7% DEMO Design and R&D Co-ordination Center ITERCadarache ITER ITER Remote Experimentation Center Check of experimental conditions, Machine Control, etc Setting Experimental Parameters Data Acquisition and Analysis 47.3% 22% Satellite Tokamak IFMIF-EVEDA Fusion Computer Simulation Center IFMIF
NA Target for JT-60SA N Exp. in JT-60U Time (s) JT-60SA (JT-60 Super Advanced) Program A combined program of BA Program (JA-EU), and Japanese National Program New advanced SC tokamaks
Summary • The Japanese Fusion Program is directed by the AEC and MEXT in line with their policy reports. Currently, • Tokamak Program as R&D Project is carried out mostly in the framework of ITER and BA Activities, and partly in the National Program. • Ratification process of the ITER and BA Agreements have been completed on 9th May by the Diets. • The JAEA will be nominated as Domestic Agency for ITER and Implementing Agency for BA. • Helical and Laser Approaches as science program are generating world pioneering data.
Toward Future,Domestically, closer collaboration between Institutes and Universities to increase and continuously generate human resources is Japan’s major issue from long range perspective. Also in world-wide, there is strong need for next generation researchers for fusion programs. To this end, frontier facilities (such as Doublet ⅲand JT-60SA) may provide good opportunities if one uses the framework of international agreement such as experienced in the JAERI-DOE fusion collaboration. The BA Activities are open to other ITER Parties and US participation will be quite welcome.
Large Helical Device (LHD) External diameter 13.5 m Plasma major radius 3.9 m Plasma minor radius 0.6 m Plasma volume 30 m3 Magnetic field 3 T Total weight 1,500 t Pellet Injector Plasma vacuum vessel ECR 84 – 168 GHz World largest superconducting coil system Magnetic energy 1 GJ Cryogenic mass (-269 degree C) 850 t Tolerance < 2mm Local Island Divertor (LID) ICRF 25-100 MHz NBI NBI 8/41
Management Structure for Broader Approach BA Agreement (Agreement between Japanese Government and EURATOM) Implementing Agency Implementing Agency Steering Committee Appointment of a Project Leader Approval of Project Plans, Work Programmes and Annual Reports Approval of the Structure of the Project Teams Other Functions to Direct and Supervise EU Domestic Agency JAEA Audit Project Committee Project Committee Project Committee Project Leader Project Leader Project Leader Satellite Tokamak(JT-60SA) Project Team International Fusion Energy Research Center(IFERC) Project Team IFMIF Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activity (IFMIF-EVEDA) Project Team BA Project
Relative Allocation of Contributions from the Parties (in percentages) The overall EU contribution is 339 MiEuro value May 2005, and The overall JA contribution is 46 Byen value May 2005. Mostly in kind.
Major Facilities and Activities in IFMIF / EVEDA Project Accelerator Facility Target Facility Test Facilities CONCEPTUAL VIEW Li Flow D+ Beams Irradiation Specimens of Fusion Materials Heat Exchanger Li Purification Electro- Magnetic Pump Design Integration • Prototype Accelerator- Full power Beam Test (low energy part from ion source up to the first section of drift tube linac) • Accelerator Test Building • Li Loop Fabrication/Test • Diagnostics, Erosion/corrosion, Purification • Remote Handling Technique • System Engineering Design ACTIVITIES • High Flux Test Module • Fission Neutron Irradiation Test • Small Specimen Test Technique • System Engineering Design Project Team • Design of Buildings and Utilities • Safety and Integration Issues
Modification of JT-60U (JT-60SA) for BAand National Programs • Enhanced flexibility in aspect ratio (A=2.6-3.1) and plasma shape. • High power heating/current-drive system, 41MW for 100 s, will be prepared. • High beta steady-state operation (N~4, fBS~70%) for DEMO and high density ELMy H-mode operation (ne~9x1019m-3) for ITER are planned.
For making experiment conditions and viewing data For video conference Kyoto University JT60 control room JT-60 remote experiment was demonstrated from Kyoto university • High sequrity remote experimental system of JT-60 has been developed using ITBL technology. • A step toward remote experimental center at Rokkasho. • Remote experiments from abroad is under consideration.