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“ How Far” Questions. These questions are worth 10 marks and should include no more than 4 points from the source and 7 from your own recalled knowledge. How to answer a “ How Far ” question. Firstly , write down all the information you are aware of, this should be 10 or 11 points.
“How Far” Questions These questions are worth 10 marks and should include no more than 4 points from the source and 7 from your own recalled knowledge.
How to answer a “How Far” question • Firstly, write down all the information you are aware of, this should be 10 or 11 points. • Then read the source, whilst reading the source mark off the points you have jotted down which are mentioned in the source. • The points you have left which are not in the source are now your recalled points. Remember there should be at least 6 or 7 points from recall.
Setting out your answer- here is the process which should be followed. • Firstly, read the question. What is it about? In other words, what is the subject or topic being discussed, this will allow you to write about the context in which it is set. • Next, set the context by explaining briefly the background to the events mentioned in the source. This should only be 2 or 3 sentences. • You should ALWAYS start your answer by stating “This source only partly explains orshows”…. This will allow you to show your knowledge and use your recalled knowledge.
Then move on to deal with the source. You should write. The first point made by the source is…. Then write, this means….and explain what point is being made by the extract you have selected – this is called developing the point • Once you have developed the point move onto the next point and repeat the process. • This should be repeated 3 or 4 times.
You are then required to show the examiner that you are aware of other events which occurred on the chosen topic or source. • This MUST be done at least 6 or 7 times and the points MUST be developed and relevant to the source. • For a 10 mark question you should be writing for 25 minutes and your answer should be 1- 1.5 pages long.
How Fully • The main difference between a “How far” question and a “How fully” question is that the “How far” question will test your knowledge on a sub issue! • A sub issue is a point from a specific issue. For example, How far does Source A describe the reasons why Balliolwas chosen as the King of Scotland? • This would require you to show all your knowledge from both source and recall, about this specific issue! • Whereas, “How fully” will ask, How fully does Source B illustrate the Succession crisis in Scotland in 1286 - 1296? • Both types of questions require you to use points from the source (3) supported by points of recalled knowledge(7) just as in the previous slides!
How Useful Questions • How useful questions are worth 5 marks in the exam. • The question requires you to investigate the usefulness of the source as a piece of evidence • There is a specific way in which to set out your answer to ensure full marks. • Firstly, the 4 points which require to be covered are.. • The Origin of the source – This requires you to state where the source originated from. Is it a primary/secondary piece of evidence? Is it from the time of the actual event? Was the author actually at the event? You should also state why the source is useful, this can be supported by introducing your own background knowledge to the event.
You must also explain fully what the.. • “Purpose” of the source is, remember, EVERY source of information whether a picture, poem, article or poster has a purpose! Again, this should be developed and supported with background knowledge as to why it is relevant in connection to the source. • You then must select a point from the • “Content” of the source which SUPPORTS your understanding of the purpose of the source. Again this MUST be supported by relevant background knowledge to support your issue.
Finally, you must tell the reader what information the source has failed to include, ie Content Omission or Source Limitations • Like before, this information will come from your recalled knowledge about the event in question. You can gain 2 marks for identifying relevant points which the source has omitted.
How to set out a “How Useful” question • When answering a “how useful” question it is always an idea to avoid saying the source is very useful or not useful. Begin by saying……… • Source A is partly useful about the problem which Scotland faced after the death of Alexander III but it is limited. • The source is taken from an extract written by a Scottish Chronicler between the years 1290 and 1292 and is therefore a primary source of evidence from someone who was there at the time and therefore witnessed the succession problems which Scotland faced after the death of Alexander III (origin) • The purpose of this source of information is to ….develop the purpose by using recall.
Source Comparison Questions • Source Comparison questions are also worth 5 marks in Paper II and should take 10 minutes to answer. • Again, these questions can be answered by following a technique which ensures full marks. • The question will ask…… To what extent do Sources A and B agree about the Succession Crisis in Scotland after the death of the Maid of Norway?
Always remember when answering Source Comparison questions there are 3 stages which must be followed to gain full marks….. • 1) Explain why both sources agree about the event in question, ie Both sources agree that Scotland was in danger of a civil war breaking out after the death of the Maid of Norway. They also agree that the best way to solve this problem would be to ask King Edward of England for help. They both agree that whilst the Guardians were in charge for the time being, the next King “could only be decided once the claimants had come forward”. • 2)Then to support your Explanation you should quote from Source A. • 3)Then quote from Source B • Source A states “……………” this means………. This is supported by or Source B disagrees with this as it states”……………..” This was due to the fact that………….
Source A states …………… this means………. This is supported by or Source B disagrees with this as it states…………….. This was due to the fact that…………. • This process needs to be completed again for full marks. • You must also use recalled knowledge in your answer. • REMEMBER…… For a basic comparison such as Source A states….. This is supported by Source B which also states……….You will get the minimal marks. • ALWAYS provide detailed comparisons.