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Personal Graduation Plans (PGP)

Personal Graduation Plans (PGP). Implementing the Requirements of SB 1108, Section 7. RETN Etiquette. Please turn OFF or mute cell phones If you must take a call, please take it outside. Remember… You may be seen by other sites at any time, even if you are not speaking. . Candid

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Personal Graduation Plans (PGP)

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  1. Personal Graduation Plans (PGP) Implementing the Requirements of SB 1108, Section 7

  2. RETN Etiquette Please turn OFF or mute cell phones If you must take a call, please take it outside Remember… You may be seen by other sites at any time, even if you are not speaking. Candid Camera Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  3. Attendance and Handouts Credit for Attendance Access to Handouts Today’s handouts are available online at http://www.esc11.net/ is/srutherford • Your district site manager should provide you with a sign-in sheet • All participants who want credit for attendance must sign-in • Coordinate with the site manager to return the sign-in sheet to ESC Region XI Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  4. After today, this session will be available for viewing via the VBrick system at http://vbrick.esc11.net Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  5. Questions???Opportunities to ask questions will be provided throughout the training. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  6. Learning Objectives • Review national and state high school completion and dropout statistics • Review legal requirements, purposes and components of PGPs • Discuss options for implementation • Instructional Issues • Technical Issues • Questions and considerations for local decision makers • Review related laws, programs, and support systems • Preview the PGP Planner Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  7. National and State DataHigh School Completion and Dropout www.dontforgeted.org Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  8. Diplomas Count 2012; Education Week Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  9. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  10. Secondary School Completion and Dropouts in Texas Public Schools 2010-11 http://www.tea.state.tx.us/acctres/dropcomp_index.html Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  11. Fewer students are dropping out of school in Texas and more are graduating • The grade 9 longitudinal dropout rate decreased from 9.4% for the class of 2009 to 7.3% for the class of 2010, and the actual number of dropouts declined by more than 5,800. • Out of 314,079 students in the class of 2010, 84.3% graduated, 7.2% continued in high school the year following their anticipated graduation, and 1.3% received General Educational Development (GED) certificates. • In less than two years, almost 1,300 previous dropouts have completed the requirements for graduation through innovative recovery strategies. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  12. Texas implements proven research-based strategies • Learning environments are challenging and personalized for each student. • Mentors are used as role models and advocates for students. • Students who are behind in school receive academic support. • Data systems identify struggling students who need early intervention. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  13. Texas is a recognized national leader in tackling the dropout problem • Texas ranks 7th nationally in four-year graduation rates among 26 states that were reported to use the National Governors Association four-year, on-time graduation rate formula, which emphasizes using actual student data over estimates. • The state’s accountability system evaluates districts and schools based on their dropout and graduation rates. • Texas employs cutting-edge strategies to recover students who have previously dropped out. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  14. Texas targets millions of state and federal dollars to reduce the number of dropouts and promote high school completion. • In the 2010 - 2011 biennium, Texas allocated approximately $500 million in state and federal funding for dropout prevention and recovery initiatives. • In 2006, the Texas Legislature created the High School Allotment, approximately $335 million every year for dropout prevention and college readiness. • State investment has attracted millions of dollars in matching funds from private foundations. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  15. Impact of Dropouts Texas Perspective • Texas added more prisoners to its prison system this past decade than New York’s entire prison population. Earl Carl Institute for Legal Policy and Social Policy Proposal to Reduce Recidivism Rates in Texas Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  16. ESC Region XI Graduation Rates Uses Percentages Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  17. Graduation – Class of 2011 Secondary School Completion and Dropouts in Texas Public Schools 2010-11 Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  18. Every 26 seconds a student drops out of high school. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  19. Students tend to leave school if they: • Change schools often • Work more than 15 hours per week • Are behind in academics and get no support • Are retained in grade • Are bored with classes • Are encouraged by school personnel to leave Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  20. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  21. Components of Successful Dropout Prevention Programs • All students must be valued. • There must be at least one educator in a student’s life who is totally committed to the success of that student. • Students, parents and teacher must be provided extensive, consistent support in ways that allow students to learn, teachers to teach and parents to be involved. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  22. Components of Successful Dropout Prevention Programs • Equity and excellence in schools contribute to individual and collective economic growth, stability and advancement. • The solutions sought must be institution-based with family and community participation and must embrace the strengths and contributions that students and their families bring. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  23. Legal Requirements, Purposes and Components of PGPs Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  24. Personal Graduation Plan (PGP)TEC §28.0212 • A principal shall designate a guidance counselor, teacher, or other appropriate individual to develop and administer a personal graduation plan for each student enrolled in a junior high, middle, or high school who: • does not perform satisfactorily on an assessment instrument administered under Subchapter B, Chapter 39; or • is not likely to receive a high school diploma before the fifth school year following the student's enrollment in grade level nine, as determined by the district. (Senate Bill 1108, 78th Texas Legislature, 2003) Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  25. TEC §28.0212 (cont.) • A personal graduation plan must: • identify educational goals for the student; • include diagnostic information, appropriate monitoring and intervention, and other evaluation strategies; • include an intensive instruction program described by Section 28.0213; • address participation of the student's parent or guardian, including consideration of the parent's or guardian's educational expectations for the student; and • provide innovative methods to promote the student's advancement, including flexible scheduling, alternative learning environments, on-line instruction, and other interventions that are proven to accelerate the learning process and have been scientifically validated to improve learning and cognitive ability. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  26. TEC §28.0212 (cont.) • Notwithstanding Subsection (b), a student's individualized education program developed under Section 29.005 may be used as the student's personal graduation plan under this section. TAC §89.1050. The Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee. • Each school district shall establish an admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee for each eligible student with a disability … The school district shall be responsible for all of the functions for which the IEP team is responsible under federal law and regulations and for which the ARD committee is responsible under state law, including, specifically, the following: • TEC 28.0212 (Personal Graduation Plan) • TEC 28.0212 (Intensive Program of Instruction) Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  27. Purpose of the PGP • Increase student achievement • Build relationships • Hold students accountable for their progress • Decrease drop out rate Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  28. Components of the PGP • Educational Goals • Credit accrual • Curriculum mastery • Graduation • State assessment success • Post-secondary goals • Other… Parent goals Student goals Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  29. Components of the PGP • Diagnostic Information • State assessments • Online diagnostic tools • Grades • Formative assessments • Informal data • Attendance, discipline, ancillary data • Other… Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  30. Components of the PGP Intensive Program of Instruction (TEC 28.0213) • A school district shall design the intensive program of instruction described by Subsection (a) to: • enable the student to: • to the extent practicable, perform at the student's grade level at the conclusion of the next regular school term; or • attain a standard of annual growth specified by the school district and reported by the district to the agency; and • if applicable, carry out the purposes of Section 28.0211. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  31. Components of the PGP • Evaluation of the Academic Progress • Timeframe for monitoring and providing intervention activities and other evaluation strategies • Determined by the school principal’s designee. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  32. Components of the PGP • Participation of parent or guardian • Consideration of the parent's or guardian's educational expectations for the student • Forms of participation • parent conference • telephone conference • planning input through personal correspondence (in the parent or guardian’s primary language when possible) • other means of ensuring participation Documented Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  33. Components of the PGP • Innovative methods to promote the student's advancement • flexible scheduling • alternative learning environments • on-line instruction • other interventions that are proven to accelerate the learning process and have been scientifically validated to improve learning and cognitive ability Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  34. PGP Template • Must include state components • Local district determines format • Sample format with required elements • AEIS-IT Example Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  35. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  36. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  37. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  38. Database management systems supported by ESC Region XI ESC Region XI Administrator Development http://www.esc11.net/Page/766 • Allow for import from student management programs • Data is regularly updated • Previews and training available DMAC Data Management for Assessment and Curriculum Solutions Eduphoria: SchoolObjects.Aware Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  39. District/Campus Considerations • Who is required to have a PGP? • Middle school, junior high, and high school students who did not meet the standard on any state assessment in the previous school year ( • Grade 6 only if located on a middle school/junior high campus • Students who are not accruing credits on the anticipated schedule and are not likely to receive a high school diploma within four years Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  40. District/Campus Considerations • Personal Graduation Plan Resource Guide and Model (ESC Region XIII, TASSP, TEA; October 2003) http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/taa/stanprog102303.html Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  41. District/Campus Considerations • Who is responsible for • Implementation • Monitoring Teacher? Team? Counselor? Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  42. District/Campus Considerations • How much time should be allocated to the development of the plan? • How will the campus address each element required by the PGP? • How will parents be involved? • When should the plan be completed? Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  43. District/Campus Considerations • Goals: • School • Parent or Guardian • Student • Intensive Instruction • Current effective practices • Acceleration of more than one year’s learning – gap analysis between chronological grade level and performance level • Direct and systematic • Goal Oriented Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  44. District/Campus Considerations • Monitoring • Regular and Ongoing • Formal and Informal • Communicated • Diagnostic Information • Focus of data • Collection and Interpretation • Completed PGPs • Confidentiality Issues • Distribution of copies • Storage (original, short term, long term) Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  45. District/Campus Considerations Innovative Instruction • Review suggestions noted in the code • Current effective practices • Role of significant adults and mentors • Identification of personnel and targeted approaches • Coordinated approaches for highest risk • Coordination of drop-out recovery methodologies • Placement in current classes/flexible groupings • Tutorial models and timing • Tiered interventions • Successful resources Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  46. Other Laws and Programs Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  47. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  48. Compensatory, Intensive, and Accelerated Instruction (TEC §29.081) • Design and implement appropriate compensatory, intensive, accelerated instruction to enable the students to perform at grade level at the end of the next regular school term • Provide accelerated instruction to students who did not pass the exit-level assessment instrument or who is at risk of dropping out of school (consider AYP) • Evaluate and document the effectiveness of the accelerated instruction, including the disparity between high school completion rates as compared to other district students. • provide alternative education programs for students at risk of dropping out of school (SEE SCE CRITERIA) Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  49. Drop-out Prevention/Recovery (TEC §29.081) A school district may use a private or public community-based drop-out recovery education program to provide alternative education programs for students at-risk of dropping out of school. The programs must: • Provide not less than four hours of instructional time per day • Employ staff with baccalaureate or advanced degrees • Provide at least one instructor for each 28 students, • Perform satisfactorily according to performance indicators and accountability standards adopted for alternative education programs by the commissioner, and • Comply with this title and rules. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

  50. High School Completion and Success Grant Program • Schools receiving funding under this grant must ensure that ALL students have an Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP). • This IGP may serve as an extension of the PGP. • Students must: • receive services from highly qualified staff (as defined by NCLB) • have access to online diagnostic and assessment instruments, and • be provided accelerated instruction in areas of academic weakness. Provided by ESC Region XI Fort Worth, Texas

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