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Modern British Literature

Modern British Literature. Syllabus Review. Please return your signed syllabus by 1/17/14 - Friday. Check Your Grammar!. 3. Why Was it Wrong?.

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Modern British Literature

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Modern British Literature

  2. Syllabus Review • Please return your signed syllabus by 1/17/14 - Friday

  3. Check Your Grammar! 3

  4. Why Was it Wrong? • Even if this was just a computer glyph error and the commas were actually apostrophes, it’s STILL wrong. “Type’s” and “tool’s” are not possessing anything--especially a “sharp end”!

  5. Vocabulary Lesson 1 • 1. Vigilance (n) – alertness, unbreaking attention to duty • 2. Aberration (n) – a variation or change from what is normal or right. • 3. Tincture (n) – a typically alcoholic mixture containing a medicine or remedy

  6. Research Paper • OMG!

  7. Research Paper Pick a topic … Write a thesis…. Syllogism: A form of deductive reasoning consisting of a major premise (MP), a minor premise (mp), and a conclusion (C). Enthymeme: An informally stated syllogism with an implied premise.

  8. Check Your Grammar! 8

  9. What’s Wrong? So if no vehicle is“trespassing,” why do we need the sign? But I thought this was the Guide Dog’s toilet.

  10. Vocabulary Quiz is Next

  11. Provide an antonym for the word vigilance. 2. Provide a synonym for the word aberration. 3. Complete the analogy: saline : salt :: _________ : medicine

  12. Lesson 1 Vocabulary 4. Aghast (adj) – shocked; terrified or amazed 5. Spurious (adj) – not authentic; not bona fide 6. Appellation (n) a name or title; a word used to identify a person or thing

  13. Turnitin.com Class ID: 7471998 Password: MBL14

  14. Note Cards • Used to find information • One side cites your source – other side is the paraphrased information, direct quote, or data • You need a evaluation note card for each source = 8 • You need at least 15 note cards (NOT 15 SOURCES)

  15. Check your grammar! 15

  16. What’s Wrong? • Yes, we all want you to carefully slip and fall down, rather than clumsily slip and fall down.

  17. Vocabulary Quiz is next

  18. 4. Complete this analogy: degree : BA :: __________ : Mr. 5. Use the word aghast in a sentence. 6. Use the word spurious in a sentence.

  19. Lesson 1 Vocabulary 7. Salient (adj) noticeable or important; standing out 8. Bewilder (v) to perplex or confuse; to disorder a person’s thinking 9. Rectitude (n) correctness or uprightness; unerring in following principles

  20. Note Cards • Used to find information • One side cites your source – other side is the paraphrased information, direct quote, or data • You need a evaluation note card for each source = 8 • You need at least 15 note cards (NOT 15 SOURCES) • Due Monday – 75 points

  21. Note Cards = Works Cited • Note cards are due Monday • Works cited page is due Tuesday (Wednesday 6th period) • Microsoft word is your friend = formatting a works cited page

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