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Ontology in 3DEM. Roberto Marabini & JMC. Current situations. Most of 3DEM software has some form of logging of a particular run Some systems record loggings for series of runs of different steps … but , can these different run be easily interrelated ?. Current situations.
Ontology in 3DEM Roberto Marabini & JMC
Currentsituations • Most of 3DEM software has someform of logging of a particular run • Somesystems record loggingsfor series of runs of differentsteps • … but, can thesedifferentrun be easilyinterrelated?
Currentsituations • As anexample, given a 3D map, can weeasilyaccessalltheprocessingstepsleadingtothismap? (theinformation per se mayexist, butisiteasilyaccessible in anorganizedmanner?) • …. And, whataboutifwehavechanged of package in between?. • … Probablynot.
Howfar are wefromanOntologyfor 3DEM ImageProcessing? • AnOntology in imageprocessingisaboutcarefullydescribingtherelationshipbetweenthepossibleprocessingsteps, and how are theyinterrelated, includingtheir input and output data and metadata. • …. ButYesterdaywewerediscussingabouthowto describe VERY FEW steps, with VERY CONCRETE I/O
General position • Weconsiderthatinformationorganizationin Ontologiesisthewaytogo , likemostotherBiomedical disciplines. In thiswaywewill be abletoproperlydescribedanyprocessingstep in anypackage, thewaytoreachit, and howtogoaheadfromit. Scipion Ontology
General comment • However, a generallyaccepted 3DEM ImageProcessingOntologydevelopmentwillneed a verydeepconsensuswithintheCommunity…. • … and muchsimplertasks are still “in themaking”, such as theworkon “InterchangePoints” and “InterchangeInformation” addressedyesterday • At thesametype, and in thearea of “3D data deposition” (broaderthan “ImageProcessing”), workon “ControlledVocabularies” in thearea of imageprocessingstillrequiresomework
Conclussions • Letconsider “Priority 1” fornextmeeting • A) Tofinishthework at “InterchangePoints” • B) Toend up with a new version of EMDB vocabulary • Then, letdiscussifwefeel as a “Priority 2” tasktostarttheworkaround a 3DEM Img.Proc. Ontology. • Do wefeelOntologies as necessaryforthefield? • If yes, letform a smallgroup in charge of proposing concrete waystodevelopsuchanOntology, toreport in thenextDevelopersWorkshop (Perhapseventhe “ConventionsGroup?”)