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WORD. LEADERSHIP SKILLS HOTALING. #1 September 3 rd. Warm Up Interpret and answer the questions written on the white board. Objectives Prepare for the school year. Review What did you learn over the summer? Daily Agenda Paper Crumple: Success Expectations What you need to succeed!

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  2. #1 September 3rd • Warm Up • Interpret and answer the questions written on the white board. • Objectives • Prepare for the school year. • Review • What did you learn over the summer? • Daily Agenda • Paper Crumple: Success • Expectations • What you need to succeed! • REDE Notebook • DIG Journal • Color, Car, Character!

  3. #2 September 5th • Warm Up • If leadership were an actual ship, what would it look like? • Objectives • Examine the concept of leadership, skills, and development. • Review • What do you need to bring to class every day? • Daily Agenda • Color, Car, Character Introductions • Crawl Before You Walk • 21st Century Skills • Enduring Understandings • Classroom Committees

  4. #3 September 9th • Warm Up – Which one do you think is at the heart of leadership? • "It is a fine thing to have ability, but the ability to discover ability in others is the true test."-Lou Holtz • “People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” – John Maxwell • Objective • Discuss ways to assist in producing a school newspaper. • Review • List 3 21st Century Skills • Daily Agenda • Assign books (7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens) • Newspaper Deadlines • Introductory Activities Cont’d

  5. #4 September 11th • Warm Up • Come up with 3 types of leaders. • Objectives • Introduce Unit 1 Leadership Styles. • Review • List 4 Components of Leadership. • Daily Agenda • Unit 1 TOPIC Page and Essential Questions • Hand out Unit 1 REDE (Task #1) • Introduce Newspaper Team (Task #2) • Introduce Leadership Biography (Task #3)

  6. #5 September 13th • Warm Up • Who is a person you respect that doesn’t hold a position of authority? • Who is a person you don’t respect that does hold a position of authority. • Objectives • Explain the difference between authority and influence. • Review • How are relationships at the heart of leadership? • Daily Agenda • Authority and Influence Discussion • Task #2 • Explore the Unit 1 Notes • Towne Crier Committees • Social Media Campaign • Advertisements • Deadlines…

  7. #6 September 17th • Warm Up • How will you “Sharpen the Saw” throughout the year? • Objectives • Identify different leadership styles. • Decide which style of leadership best fits a situation. • Review • What is the difference between authority and influence? • Daily Agenda • Unit 1 Notes • Reading Quiz • Task #2 • Towne Crier

  8. #7 September 19th • Warm Up • What is your “default” leadership style? • Objectives • Synthesize information on Leadership Styles. • Review • What is the relationship between 2 leadership roles? • HINT: High, Low, Low = ?...Low, High, High = ?...etc. • Daily Agenda • Task #2 • Towne Crier

  9. #8 September 23rd • Warm Up • Work with a partner to create an example for each quadrant of the Situational Leadership model (Coaching, Supporting, Directing, Delegating) • Objectives • Synthesize information on Leadership Styles. • Review • What is a paradigm? • Daily Agenda • Task #2Due • Peer Review • Discussion: What is the value of “The Law of Influence?”

  10. #9 September 25th • Warm Up • How far can a fox run into the woods? • Objectives • Synthesize information on Leadership Styles. • Review • What is the best style of leadership? • Daily Agenda • Re-present Task #2 • Content Quiz • Task #3

  11. #10 September 27th • Warm Up • Riddle: Three large people try to crowd under one small umbrella, but nobody gets wet. How is this possible? • Objectives • Synthesize information on Leadership Styles. • Review • What are 5 styles of leadership? HINT: Dissecting Leadership styles! • Daily Agenda • Task #3 • Look up and complete the Leadership Philosophy Assignment in Unit 1 Assignments

  12. #11 October 1st • Warm Up • Riddle: • Newspaper editors decided to go on strike. Answer = red • The cab lacked proper brakes to stop at the intersection. Answer = black • A big, old, hungry dog appeared at our door every morning. Answer = gold • He let out a big yell, owing to the injuries he received when he fell. Answer = yellow • Objectives • Synthesize information on Leadership Styles. • Review • What is your leadership philosophy? • Daily Agenda • Task #3 • Peer Review • Read over and edit a classmates draft • Write the name of who edited the draft • Turn in the draft with the edits on it next class

  13. #12 October 3rd • Warm Up • What do you want to take from class this year? • Objectives • Leadership Philosophy and Discuss Leadership Styles • Review • What will you take from this unit on Leadership Styles? • Daily Agenda • Task #1: Unit 1 REDE Due • Leadership Philosophy Due • Task #3: Leadership Biography Peer Draft Due

  14. #13 October 7th • Warm Up • How do these cartoons relate to self-awareness? • Objectives • Pre-Assess knowledge of Self-Esteem and Awareness • Review • List 3 hazards of leadership. • Daily Agenda • Pre-Assess Unit 2 Objectives • Think-Pair-Share each objective • Use whiteboard • Explore Unit 2 Notes • Take notes in your notebook from my webpage (PDF and PPT) • Unit 2 REDE (Reading Quiz Tuesday, 10/15) • Towne Crier Tasks • See Hotaling if you want to help

  15. #14 October 9th • Warm Up • Objectives • Review • Daily Agenda • Review Notes • Resilience Video • Towne Crier Tasks • Video Announcement • Social Media Campaign (Twitter, Instagram, etc.) • Advertisement List • Fundraising Opportunities from Newspaper

  16. #15 October 11th • Warm Up • Objective • Sharpen the Saw and finish TC tasks. • Review • What is the relationship of self esteem to success? (EXACT wording from the notes please ) • Daily Agenda • Sharpen the Saw on Fridays • Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul • Video, recipe, story, song, joke, poem, idea… • Towne Crier Tasks • Video Announcement – dry run, film • Social Media Campaign (Twitter, Instagram, etc.) – print QR codes for classrooms • Ads and Fundraising – plan to sell papers, plan to raise money for • REDE Reading Quiz on Tuesday! “7 Habits” pgs31-72

  17. #16 October 15th • Warm Up • What song lifts your self-esteem? • Objective • Discover individual strengths and values. • Review • When should you sharpen the saw? When will we sharpen the saw in class? • Daily Agenda • Reading Quiz • Task #1 Individual Assignment • Towne Crier Tasks • Video Announcement – dry run, film • Social Media Campaign (Twitter, Instagram, etc.) – print QR codes for classrooms • Ads and Fundraising – plan to sell papers, plan to raise money for

  18. #17 October 17th • Warm Up • Who is your role model? • Objectives • Discover individual strengths and values. • Review • What is proactive language vs reactive language? • Daily Agenda • Task #2Individual Assignment • Towne Crier Tasks • Video Announcement – edit, choose Consultant • Social Media Campaign – post about TC, print QR codes • Ads and Fundraising – list of businesses on Dropbox, set monthly goal • Other – distribute TC around school

  19. #18 October 21st • Warm Up • I'm where yesterday follows today, and tomorrow's in the middle. What am I? • Objectives • Obj. 1-5 • Review • What is “being gentle” with yourself? • Daily Agenda • Discussion 1: “Faith” and “Mentors Make a Difference” • What is the value of these articles? • Discussion 2: Maslow’s Hierarchy and the Johari Window • What is the value of these questionnaires? • Task #2: Individual Assignment • Towne Crier Tasks • Re-film Announcement and assign editing • Share ad goals with the class

  20. #19 October 23rd • Warm Up • What is necessary for life to exitst? • Objectives • Obj. 1-5 • Review • What is one interesting point someone made during yesterdays discussion? • Daily Agenda • Towne Crier Tasks • Re-film Announcement and assign editing • Task #2: Individual Assignment • Discussion 2: Maslow’s Hierarchy and the Johari Window • What is the value of these questionnaires? • Task #3: Group Assignment

  21. #20 October 25th • Warm Up • Is a leader liked or feared? • Objectives • Obj. #7 • Review • How do you earn respect from a group? • Daily Agenda • Towne Crier Tasks • Video Announcement – edit/watch • Social Media Campaign (Twitter, Instagram, etc.) – ? • Ads and Fundraising – ? • Sharpen the Saw Fridays • Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul • Video, recipe, story, song, joke, poem, idea…

  22. #21 October 29th • Warm Up • Three large people try to crowd under one small umbrella, but nobody gets wet. How is this possible? • Objectives • Obj. 1-7 • Review • What are 3 ingredients to a positive self-image? • What are 3 tips to building self-esteem? • What are 3 steps to handle feelings? • What are 3 ways to gain respect? • Daily Agenda • Task #3: Group Assignment • Present Skits Next Class • Tasks 1,2,3 Due Next Class • DIG Journals Due Next Class

  23. #22 October 31st • Warm Up • Objectives • Review • Daily Agenda • Finish Task 1 and 2 • Practice Skit for Task 3 • Task 3 Presentations Monday • DIG Journals Due

  24. #23 November 4th • Warm Up • What is the point of this cartoon? • Objectives • Explain how to earn respect • Identify steps for building self-esteem. • Review • What are 5 styles of leadership? HINT: Dissecting Leadership styles! • Daily Agenda • Rehearse • Present Task #3 Skits • Peer Evaluate • Turn in Tasks 1 and 2

  25. #24 November 7th • Warm Up • Objectives • Review • Daily Agenda • Changes to class structure (important dates) • Unit 3: REDE Due 11/18 • Unit 4 REDE Due 11/27 • Unit 5: Working in Groups 3 Day Seminar 12/2-12/6 • Project Planning 12/9 through 3/27 • Community Service (Public) • Towne Crier (Business) • Leadership Workshop (Student) • Unit 3 REDE

  26. #25 November 12th • Warm Up • How is goal setting like a tree? • Objectives • Demonstrate how to create SMART goals. • Recognize, reaffirm, and set priorities for short and long term goals. • Review • What does it mean to “begin with the end in mind”? • Daily Agenda • First 30 min today: Towne Crier Tasks by Friday 11/22 • Ads: $200 of Ads/donations (with artwork) • Video: New announcement featuring new actors, new content, and script • Media: 100 followers on Twitter/Instagram (@townecrier) • Research: 2 meetings with Journalism, 2 surveys with FC • Goal Setting Discussion • Goal Setting Collage

  27. #26 November 14th • Warm Up • What was the last goal you set and reached not related to academics or sports? • Objectives • Demonstrate how to create SMART goals. • Recognize, reaffirm, and set priorities for short and long term goals. • Review • What is the benefit of goal setting? • Daily Agenda • 9 Areas for Goal Setting • Goal Setting Collage • Unit 3 REDE • UNIT 3 REDE DUE NEXT CLASS • UNIT 3 QUIZ NEXT CLASS

  28. #27 November 18th • Warm Up • Objectives • Review • Daily Agenda • Towne Crier Tasks (30 min) or finish up collage… • Ads: $200 of Ads/donations (with artwork)…current amount? • Video: New announcement featuring new actors, new content, and script… • Media: 100 followers on Twitter/Instagram (@townecrier)…current amount? • Research: meetings with Journalism…select liaison • Small Group: SMART Goal Presentations (20 min) • 4-5 per group; record best (SMARTest of each of the 9 categories) for each group; all members must be represented in “best of” list • Unit 3: Goal Setting Quiz (15 min) • Turn in Unit 3 REDE, pick up Unit 4 REDE (Due 11/27)

  29. #28 November 20th • Warm Up • What is the relationship between self esteem and time management? • Objectives • Unit 4 – How do leaders sustain themselves? • Review • What is the difference between a goal and a vision? • Daily Agenda • Introduce and discuss Personal Organization • Work Time • Towne Crier • Unit 4 Assignments

  30. #29 November 22nd • Warm Up • Objectives • Review • Notes: Name 5 things you can do to improve your time management. • Reading: What are “Time Quadrants”? • Daily Agenda • Work Time • Towne Crier: Due Date Today! • Unit 4 Assignments • Sharpen the Saw

  31. #30 December 2nd • Warm Up • Answer the “Heaven and Hell” Riddle. • Objectives • Group Dynamics • Review • Reflect on Practicing Personal Organization (WPS) • Daily Agenda • Traffic Jam • Explore Group Dynamics (notes…) • Unit 5 REDE (Quiz and Due Tuesday, December 10th)

  32. #31 December 4th • Warm Up • What does this quote mean to you? • “Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.” • Objectives • Communication • Review • What are the 5 Stages of Group Development? • Daily Agenda • Icebreakers and Peer Introductions • Explore Communication (notes…) • Unit 5 REDE (Quiz and Due Tuesday, December 10th) • …no sharpening the saw next class…sorry! • Count off 1-5 • 1’s will facilitate an icebreaker • 2’s will introduce the facilitator to the group • 3-5 will participate in the icebreaker and offer constructive criticism

  33. Icebreakers Introductions • Openers and Warm Ups • Getting Acquainted • Energizers and Tension Reducers • Brainteasers and Games • Feedback and Disclosure • Topic • Importance • Speaker OR • Opening • Primary Content • Secondary Content

  34. Constructive Criticism • “I” vs. “You” Statements: • Problem vs. Person: • Specific vs. Vague: • Timely vs. Untimely: • Brief vs. Lengthy: • Sometimes/Often vs. Always Never: • Effect vs. Cause: • Changeable vs. Non-changeable: • The Final Statement

  35. #32 December 6th • Warm Up • How is listening different than hearing? • Objectives • DMP • Review • 4 Quadrants of Group Dynamics • Communication Model • Tips for Better Speaking and Listening • Daily Agenda • Explore Decision Making (notes…) • Leadership Hall of Fame (DMP Practice) • Unit 5 REDE (Quiz and REDE Due Tuesday, December 10th) • Selecting groups for Project next class! “It is never my custom to use words lightly. If twenty-seven years in prison have done anything to us, it was to use the silence of solitude to make us understand how precious words are and how real speech is in its impact on the way people live and die.”  (South Africa, July 14, 2000)

  36. "I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended." (From Long Walk to Freedom, 1995) "For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." (From Long Walk to Freedom, 1995)

  37. “Leadership Hall of Fame” • In groups of different sizes use DMP to address the following problem: • The “Leadership Hall of Fame” wants its next inductee. • Make a 1-2 minute case for Nelson Mandela by selecting a quote or image that represents his influence. • The best selection gets featured at the awards ceremony in front of millions of viewers from around the world. • You must explain why your choice of quote or image. Assume that not all viewers know all about Mandela’s history. • You may only use remarks about Mandela, not negative remarks about other leaders to make your case. • You have 20 minutes to prepare.

  38. #33 December 10th"Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another." — Desmond Tutu • Warm Up • How are awareness and education related? • Objectives • Review Group Dynamics, Communication, and DMP • Review • When should you use voting in a group decision? • Daily Agenda • Unit 5 REDE Discussion • Win-Win, Genuine Listening, Diversity (quote above) • Review and Unit 5 Quiz • Project Specifications and Sign Up

  39. #34 December 12th • Daily Agenda • Intro Project Specifications • Connecting 7 Habits to Film Assignment • DMP Practice…choose film… • Next week… • Hopefully have apps ready by Monday • Interviews and app submission Wednesday • Guitar Show on Friday

  40. #35 December 16th • Daily Agenda • Introduce Applications, Questions, and Survey • Due next class (Wed. 12/18) • Reflect on DMP from last class • Focus…goal or preference? • Group or self? • Problem or self-interest? • How to focus on “Good of the group”? • When is competition healthy/unhealthy? • When is cooperation desirable/undesireable? • Start “The Goonies”

  41. #36 December 18th • Daily Agenda • Submit Surveys and Applications, conduct Interviews • Finish “The Goonies” Connections to Leadership?

  42. January 3rd • Daily Agenda • Housekeeping • LWS – Apps • TC – Feb issue • CS – Research • The Goonies • Discussion

  43. January 7th • Warm Up • Describe a bad meeting you’ve been in. • Describe a good meeting you’ve been in. • Objectives • GOAPE • Meeting Rules • Review • Plus/Delta: Evaluate the proposals from previous projects. • Daily Agenda • Set up meeting space (circle, table, etc.) • Assign group roles (chairman/woman, scribe, PR, etc.) • Create a notebook/shared drive for docs and info • Discuss group norms, use DMP to select if time allows • Set first agenda for next class (group norms due)

  44. January 9th • Daily Agenda • Set up meeting space (circle, table, etc.) • Assign group roles (chairman/woman, scribe, PR, etc.) • Create a notebook/shared drive for docs and info • Discuss group norms, use DMP to select if time allows • Set first agenda for next class (group norms due)

  45. March 6th • Agenda – Returning to habits… • Review: What were the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens? • Have you adopted any of these habits this year? Which one(s)? • Why? Why not? • Video: 4 Ways to Successfully Adopt New Habits • What does each “type” think when they wake up? • What are the pros to working with each “type”? • What are the cons to working with each “type”? • What type are you and what suggestions does the video offer to help adopt new habits? • Collage: 9 Things you Simply Must Do • Read the article first and highlight key phrases • Begin the attached assignment • Due Friday, March 14th

  46. March 10th • Agenda • Video:Influencer • Collage: 9 Things you Simply Must Do • Read the article first and highlight key phrases • Begin the attached assignment • Due Friday, March 14th

  47. March 18th • Agenda • Activity: It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It! • Reflection: Communication • What did you focus on during the story? Why? • What first hand experience do you have with poor communication? Great communication? • Have you ever watched your body language on film? What did you notice? • Group Work • CS – Publicity • TC – Housekeeping and Evaluation

  48. It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It! • In groups of 3 write a story based on the prompt you received. • The story should be no less than half of a page, but no more than a page • “Hum” the story to the class and use nonverbal communication, while the class tries to write down their version of your story.

  49. March 24th • Update and plan • TC: Project Evaluation DUE Friday, March 28th • CS: Project Evaluation DUE Wednesday, April 2nd • Hotaling: Out of town Friday, April 4th, I need you to look at the calendar and figure out when both groups have time to go through DMP to choose a movie for that Friday. I need to know by Monday, March 31st so I can create a WS to go with the movie. • Due April 10th: Defining Leadership Revisited • After SB: Legacy Project • Entire class choose a theme • Committees make lessons on what you learned • Skits, songs, presentations, activities, etc.

  50. April 4th • DUE TODAY • CS: Project Evaluations • ALL: Movie Worksheet • DUE NEXT CLASS • ALL: Bring theme ideas for Legacy Project • DUE NEXT THURSDAY • ALL: Leadership Philosophy Revisited

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