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What is the purpose of myth?

Discover the multifaceted purposes of myths: explaining origins, teaching morality, shaping culture, and entertaining through exciting adventures. Dive into the world of myths and their significance in our society.

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What is the purpose of myth?

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  1. What is the purpose of myth? • To explain the origins of our world and society • How were we created? • What are we here for? • How did our society come to be?

  2. What is the purpose of myth? • To teach lessons and introduce a society’s morality. • What is socially acceptable? • What is not socially acceptable? • What is taboo in a society?

  3. What is the purpose of myth? • To create a sense of culture and shared identity. • Myths unite a people, giving them a shared set of cultural references. • They can define our identity by creating a unified set of beliefs.

  4. What is the purpose of myth? • To codify or set down social and religious rules. • How should one show faith and loyalty to higher powers? • Why are we here and what are we expected to do?

  5. What is the purpose of myth? • To entertain. • Myths are exciting adventures with action, romance, and comedy. • They are tales to be told and retold to each generation.

  6. Example: Superman • The American Hercules • The immigrant story • Superman comes from another culture and becomes an American to the core in our melting pot. • The American hero • Truth, justice, and the American way • Comes from the Midwest, the American Heartland.

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